Bodyholic Rants: Hilarious Weight Loss & Self Care Myths Women Should Avoid

Unraveling Di's DNA and the Power of DNA Testing for Health and Fitness

Di Katz Shachar, MPH Season 1 Episode 26

Text Di

Uncover the secrets of your DNA with us! This episode unravels the mysteries of the Biosynergy DNA kit, and me... with our special guest, Daniel Herman, the founder of Biosynergy. We'll be revealing my personal results, live, helping you understand the potential of DNA testing for your health and fitness journey.

We dive into the thick of things, exploring everything from gut health to muscle health using the Biosynergy DNA kit. You'll get firsthand insights as we identify my risks for vitamin D deficiency, folate deficiency, and omega-3 deficiency. We even explore my sensitivity to caffeine, genetic bone mineral density, and potential stress-induced physical outcomes. It's not doom and gloom though, as we also discuss how importantly positive lokking into my DNA profile and how this knowledge can benefit my fitness regimen. 

Lastly, we delve into the benefits of personalized DNA testing and how it can shape your diet and fitness plan. Discover how you can calculate your ideal caloric intake, determine how stress may be affecting your sleep, and much more. You’ll also learn how to navigate the Biosynergy app to understand your results and recommendations. Don't miss out on this enlightening episode as we unbox the potential of DNA testing for a more robust and healthier body.

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Photo by Boris Kuznetz


Hello and welcome to BodyHolic with Di. This is episode number 26. My name Di Katz-Sachar and I am a public health promoter. I've attained my MPH from Tel Aviv University on the research track and I'm a fitness trainer with over 17 years of experience and I hold specializations in corrective exercise, women's fitness and Pilates. I am the founder and trainer of Bodyholic, the global health and fitness platform and community, and I'm the author of the book Rip it Up for Good.


This podcast is a part of my effort and mission as a public health professional, because I believe that real science based information and knowledge is power, and my job in this life is to empower you. I want you to have high and sustained energy throughout the day and I want you to feel better than you have ever felt before, during and after your workouts, in and out of your clothing, and not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. In today's episode, I once again hang out with my friend and colleague, Daniel Herman. He is the founder of Bio-Synergy, which launched in 1997. He's a qualified nutritionist and SAQ coach and, as you will see once again, he's a person who is super passionate about all things health and fitness. This is a very special episode because we decided to basically dive into the biosynergy DNA kit and show you how it works. Here's what happened Daniel and I met up for a conference in Germany just a couple of months ago and he brought over the biosynergy DNA kit for me to try out because I was getting really, really curious about it.


And then I said to him you know what? I'm not going to look at the results at all. I want you to break it all down for me live right here on the podcast, and I'm okay with anything embarrassing that just may come up, mostly because I really do think it's important to show and see how it works. I won't go on and on and I'm not going to give you too much of an intro, because Daniel's going to do that himself, except to say that this is definitely one of the most fun episodes I've had, because, again, it's me just talking to a friend and we are both very, very passionate about the same subjects and I think you might have fun kind of hanging out with us too. So let's dive in and I'll let Daniel take it from here. Enjoy or publish them. And yeah, yeah, I was actually going to share on the internet with your phone number address.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I mean that's that makes sense, you know? Yeah, daniel Herman, I'm so happy to have you back. How are you?


I'm pleased to be back as obviously, since we last spoke, you've gone from being mini pregnant to major pregnant, so baby on the way, and now we can see what, if anything, your soon to be child is going to inherit from you, from a DNA perspective.


Right, so what? Basically, what we're doing today is we're going through my DNA kit that went through your the biosynergy testing you want to just say a few words about that before we reveal my life to everyone.


Yes, so this is the DNA and epigenetics kit available at all good leading stores and basically we have been in this sports nutrition industry for 26 years and what we've always wanted to do is give people the ability to live their best life and to make it happen. So we used to use questionnaires and things like that, and the problem with the questionnaires is not personalized and a massive problem for people who are looking to get fit and healthy is where to start. So often they'll read a blog or newspaper article or magazine article or they'll ask their friends, and all of those things might be accurate, but it'll be accurate for a specific person and it won't necessarily give the tailored advice and therefore work for the individual who's looking to make that change. So, by taking a DNA test, what you're able to do and hopefully we'll see that in a minute is get a real insight into you and what things you should be doing and what you should be eating, what supplements, if any, you might need and what kind of risks you might have coming down the line that you can start preventing now to ensure that you live your optimum life and also to keep you engaged in fitness.


So a lot of the time, people will start a fitness regime and maybe it's a particular diet or exercise plan and it doesn't work, and they think, oh, it's me, it's not working, because of me I'm never going to get fit and healthy.


And actually it's because that particular plan or regime isn't tailored for them. So it might be metabolically and biologically they're different to everybody else it's worked for, so they actually fall out of love with fitness, maybe even have mental health issues as a result of it, and they're not going to be optimising their health and well-being. So what we want to do is get rid of all that kind of confusion and that clutter and give people the opportunity really to bark a lot like my dog or to just live their best life. So I'm really excited. I've never done this before. It's like opening a box on somebody's life and find out how or why they are how they are. So what we would generally like to see is some things that are reinforcing what you probably think you already know, some kind of what I called light bulb moment, so things you would never have thought, and then also within that, something that you can take action of today, which will change your life immediately. So I think, without further ado, no, no wait.


Let's do for a moment. I just want to say like I want to be very clear for everybody on what's about to happen. So I decided that because Daniel and I wanted to do an episode about the DNA kit and then I decided that like the best way to do it is actually just going through the results. And I want to be really clear. I have not seen the results yet. I've done the DNA testing and the. The first time that I'm receiving the results is right now through Daniel, which normally you would get in the app. But I actually sent the result, kind of like somebody doesn't want to look at their grade and and have someone else read it to them. So I sent my results over to Daniel and I'm finding this all out for the first time. So I'm scared Actually, I'm nervous and I'm I'm like in advanced embarrassed.


Okay, let's, let's take this some embarrassing stuff in there. That'd be great, because that's my side. So obviously you sent me your PDF, which anybody can do, that you can download it securely into your inbox and then, if you want, you can forward it on as you've done. So that's weird in my face. Let's just jump to page 11, which is kind of like a summary of your results. I think we should go through them and just see like wow or not.


So the first thing that comes out is you've got an increased risk of vitamin D deficiency. So, even though you live in a nice, hot country, actually your vitamin D deficient. So you could benefit, you know, if you want maybe you've already got it in your cupboard from a vitamin D supplement.


So I do. I have it in my cupboard. I should start using it.


Excellent. So the good news is you don't need it. You don't need vitamin A, you don't need iron or magnesium or potassium or selenium. The next thing that you've got an increased risk of which is interesting particularly, is your, in your current state of pregnancy is folate.


So no kidding.


Obviously or I'm assuming, as you are a conscientious mum to be you're probably supplementing with folic acid, which is not only helping your little baby that's growing inside of you, but actually will be helping you as well. So keep up with good work with the folate Selenium. This is also quite a common deficiency, and one that you've got. Now. The other thing and actually I share this with you is I don't know what the diet's like, but omega three would be beneficial to you.


I take it on and off because I don't like the aftertaste. Like I have the best, I have the best kind and I just yeah.


So that would be something that you could benefit from. Bcaas you'd benefit from.


So I use them.


I use them every day. No lean, no glutamine would be beneficial, which is another amino acid and, interestingly, we had last spoke about creating and that would be some benefit for you. So the likelihood is it actually moved from some benefit to a larger benefit because all of these things are contextual. So, for example, if you lived outside in the sun and all we wore was a bikini and you had a really rich vitamin D diet, you probably wouldn't need a vitamin D supplement. In reality, most people, certainly in the West, we spend a lot of time indoors and we don't tend to walk around in bikinis or have highly a diet that's rich in vitamin D. So therefore, the supplementation is beneficial here.


Where you've got the creating some benefit, that's just for well-being. That's not looking at you as an athlete or as a fitness person oh wow, person. So if your lifestyle is more active or you're looking to put on muscle or improve performance and recovery, and also there's a lot of data around creating a mental health, then that becomes contextually more beneficial. And the same with the beta-aniline. So let's get into caffeine now. So I want to say that so far.


This is really, really interesting. I just learned a whole bunch of stuff that I didn't know about myself. I was sure you were just going to say that I'm good with everything. I'm not surprised about the vitamin D, but I feel very deficient right now and you definitely gave me a motivational boost to do the omega-3, which I totally. I look at the bottle and I'm just like I don't feel like it.


Yeah, so try and get a good one of those. So caffeine sensitivity I don't know. Maybe you can talk about this specifically. You've got a slight sensitivity to that. I can tell yeah.


I can't drink caffeine after 3 pm.


So that's slight. Good news is your genetic bone mineral density is normal, which is great. But interestingly, I was having a conversation with somebody from NASA yesterday and she dropped a knowledge bomb on me. What happens when you're having a baby? Your calcium goes down because you're giving that to the baby and your bones get softer and you get some kind of breakdown of your bone and then naturally, as a woman, you're going to get that quicker post-pregnancy. So this was a really I didn't know this. So the good news is you've got normal density, but it might be that because you are currently pregnant, post-pregnancy, because you're normal rather than great, it might be a good idea for you to look at some calcium supplementation just to get you back to your normal level quickly. It's a good thing you exercise, because your genetic obesity risk is actually increased, as is your type 2 diabetes which is exactly the same for me.


Wow. So I have an increased risk for diabetes type 2 and for obesity.


Yes. So that means if you had a twin sister who was low risk of both of those which could happen and you both didn't exercise and both ate a poor diet, you would be more likely to get obese and get diabetes quicker than her. So it doesn't mean. Again, all of these things are predispositions. It's not an outcome. So what it is is hopefully saying well, look, I now know I'm high risk of this. I'm already doing the right things, which you are, you're exercising regularly, you're eating well, so you're actually mitigating that outcome. If, however, you weren't, it might give you that impetus to say you know what? I am high risk, what can I do? And it might be changing your diet, doing some exercise. But equally, if you were low risk, it doesn't mean you can't get these things. It just means that you don't have to work as hard to prevent them.


So you're doing the right things.


So the next thing let's go on to is so interesting here. This is stress. So apparently stress you've got slight risk. If you're under pressure, you're slightly more likely to be stressed out and to make a mistake. The good news is it doesn't seem to affect your memory or your ability to deal with things. The bad thing is, stress may lead to a physical outcome and actually, weirdly, your genes so far are quite similar to mine in some respects which is not that weird, see.


we felt like we were connected, right. Yeah, there you go.


Genetically, but Similar ancestors. Yeah, that's it. So I don't know again if you've experienced this. When you get stressed, you may get back or neck pain. Yeah, so that is that physical manifestation which you're increased risk of. Equally, you've got a slight risk of that affecting your health, of your heart. So you probably want to try and avoid as much as you can letting stress affect you.


Well, I think I'm pretty active with mindfulness and I think exercise is a fantastic release for stress. So, yeah, yeah, very, very. This is fascinating.


Okay, so the good news is that if you do like coffee despite your sensitivity, it's not going to be increasing your stress levels, so it might be having other effects. Maybe you need to invest in more toilet paper, but it's not going to make you more stressed, other than the fact it's getting more toilet paper. But that's a different problem, right?


Which is fantastic because I do love coffee very much. I still, in my pregnancy, have my one cup a day. This is as opposed to when I'm not pregnant, which is about five cups.


So, going on to the capping, the next thing is the likelihood is that you shouldn't drink coffee at night because it will affect your sleep. I don't know if you found that, which is 100% true.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I can't. Like I said before, I can't drink it past 3pm. I literally will stay up for a day and a half.


So as she sips the coffee kind of ironic there this is water. Okay, I don't know. I'm going to ask you this as a leading question Would you say you're more of a morning person or a night person?


I'm a morning person.


Good, Because that's in your DNA Night. Our likelihood not likely.


No, not at all. I'm the person that at 9pm, if I'm supposed to go out, I'm going to complain until I actually get there and then I'm okay. I really want to be in bed.


Yeah, the good thing is, once you are in bed, you only need a normal level of sleep, and the likelihood of you waking up during the night is quite low. I mean, obviously it might be different at the moment.


Yeah, it might be different, Like here's what's interesting, you might be right for me like pre-momhood, but then once you have a kid, it's like your.


Your sensory perception goes off the clock, your brain changes Right, exactly, yeah, if you're stressed out, you might struggle getting to sleep as well, which I know. Again, that's a massive thing for me. If I've got stuff wearing in my head and I haven't, it's unresolved. I just can't sleep.


So what do you do? Do you like roll over and write things down?


I just accept that I'm going to at some point fall asleep, or I get up and write notes down.


You do Okay.


So this is something that's going around in my head. I think if I get it on paper, maybe I can just box it off and go back to sleep, or I'll send myself a message or something. So that's how I deal with it. I don't know if that's the case by the way.


I like what you said about accepting, because I think that people get into a loop, like they get stressed over not sleeping.




Once they're already stressed. Now they're stressed over that, and then it's a loop and just accepting the fact that, like, okay, at one point I'm going to fall asleep, that's like a huge, that's like medication for that.


Yeah. So bad news unless you take care of yourself, your physical decline with age is slightly faster. So if you think you look five years older, the likelihood is it may be the truth, but you're going to keep your marbles and you're going to keep your strength. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Keeping good motion with age, your normal bone strength, normal back pain With ageing, normal stress and ageing. You want to avoid that. Again, there's a slight risk of the more stress you have, the faster you're going to look old. So more chamomile tea, that kind of thing. Really, yeah, really, yeah, chamomile tea is great.


Daniel, I'm going to start loading up on chamomile tea. I mean like because this is a sensitive subject. I think for many women it's like the last thing I want is to look five years older than the last, that's for the stress.


Yeah, definitely for the stress. So I got what you're saying Do you ever suffer from low back pain?


If I'm not moving and if I'm not working out, then yes, but once I'm working out and moving, I'm good.


But you've got slight risk of that and also bone and joint strength slight risk, achilles tendinopathy I don't think you're a runner, so that's kind of okay, but you've got an increased risk of that. So let's say you your to be son, daughter was going to be an athlete and they were going to be a running athlete and they had this predisposition, which is not necessarily guaranteed just because they're from you. You could then make interventions to help reduce that risk of that Achilles injury by prehab, rehab, warming up, etc. Etc. Yeah, very good, so let's keep going. I'm just not going through everything. This is where you're very different to me. You've got normal duration when it comes to attention span, mine is poor, so if anybody sees me falling asleep, it's kind of in my jeans. You've got no excuse.


No, but I think it's odd like I can really. I never had a problem with that.


Good, okay, so that's a great trait. Workaholic, would you say. You are or you're not one.


If I'm passionate about it, I get pretty obsessed.


Yeah, so you've got that as a trait. You're a possible workaholic. Going back to coffee or caffeine specifically, that can actually help you focus. So actually a small amount every day long before your bedtime, and not in copious amounts, is actually quite good for you if you're in the zone and looking to get something done. Memory wise, what would you say if you got good or bad memory?


I'm so worried about this but actually if I'm looking I've got a lot of people in a session of mine and I'm going through all their names. I will sometimes forget and I'll also sometimes forget if that person was in my class. But with incidences and things that people tell me, it's kind of insane how good my memory is.


Okay, well, you've actually got improved ability with dealing with memory tasks.


Good, thank goodness If you were given a puzzle so that means you know people are talking about Alzheimer's and things, obviously. So this would probably suggest that and again, it's not a medical device this is you're probably less likely to get it than somebody who's got in my case, the poor. No, I think, actually I'm okay, but yeah. So the point is, if it was poor, you could say right, I definitely need to be taking my Amiga's, maybe I should be doing like crosswords or jigsaw puzzles or things to help you with that memory task, and then you can actually get those neurons firing and so on. So, interestingly, relating back to your needing to go to bed early, your night for activity is poor. Like most people I've spoken to, other than it seems to be astronauts and athletes, you're a blend of warrior and warrior, which is probably what you want to be.


That's probably what I am, yeah.


Yeah, and that's probably what most I think most people can benefit from. You don't really want to be one extreme or the other. You want to be in the middle, so I think that's good. This is interesting. We're getting onto gut health now, so what would you say? Again, I'm trying to like test you against you. No, I see, I see You're trying.


I love what you're doing because then we get to see, like, the accuracy and yeah.


So gut, wise, what would you know? Any kind of perceptions about your own gut, health or irritability or things like that?


I think thanks to the way I eat, I'm really comfortable 95% of the time, I think. When I stray I get pretty uncomfortable.


Okay, so that kind of is reflected. So gluten intolerance, your mild risk, gut irritability, normal gut health, gum health weirdly, I hope, you brush your teeth every day. You're increased, so you need to floss and mouthwash as well now, and not just for the people around you but for your own well-being. And again, stress affecting gut health. So this is a specific thing. So if you're particularly stressed, you've got a slightly higher risk of that affecting you, and then caffeine affecting your gut is low, so that's good. So the only thing really to look at again is avoid stress and rich food. I guess.


And I have a little bit of a gluten intolerance.


Yeah, potentially, but again, that can be dependent on other environmental factors. So this is really good. I'm looking at your heart health here and I think you said there was some family history of bad heart health, or was I imagining that?


Breast cancer Because of your poor memory.


Okay, so a regular heart rate, low risk Genetic high blood pressure, normal Salt causing high blood pressure. Low Cholesterol imbalance, no risk Cardiovascular health issues normal, so happy days.


This is the kind of thing also when I get a good blood report, I get so happy. I feel like I got a trophy and I kind of want to show off. When that happens, I kind of want to show people my blood, yeah.


Yeah, okay, or your saliva, Right. So health and types. We're looking at immunity now Good immune function. Vitamin D we've already said beneficial. B-vitamin would help with your immune system. Selenium would help your immune system. Vitamin C is very beneficial for you and inflammatory infection response slightly abnormal. So the likelihood is if you did get ill you're going to get some inflammation, obviously, depending on what it is. So nothing to Good news is unlikely to get ill, but if you do, you might. You're more likely to get a physical symptom of that. But overall you're in pretty good shape from the immune point of view. Health so we're looking at eye health first and I think we can both agree slightly faster decline with age.


Is that what it says there?


Yeah, Cataracts, normal Open angle glaucoma increased. So it does Again. This is not going to happen. It just means on Right, right, right. It means given a normal population, you're on the level where you're going to get a higher risk.


Right, and I would want to proactively avoid that.


Yeah. So again, there's probably things that an optometrist could tell you what you could do, but it might be at some point. You just got to say I'm going to have to have some eye surgery. Maybe Right Eye health and B-vitamin deficiency is increased, so maybe that's the intervention to start doing now is start taking those B-vitamins to help your eye health, skin health. A lot of people are interested in this, particularly when it comes to aging, so let's try and think of something that you probably I'm trying to think of one of the things to ask you Do you think some damage? High, low or normal?


It's interesting because also in my first pregnancy and also now I I have major pigmentation, Like my face changes its color and it's happening. Now you probably can't see it through the camera, but it's like I suddenly become like really freckled. So I'm wondering if I have a higher risk.


Okay, so some damage is normal. Rate of skin aging normal Skin beta-carotene conversion slightly lower. Nothing to worry about. Gluten-related skin condition risk slight, which obviously goes back to this potential gluten type Likelihood of freckles. Guess what? More likely, wow. Okay, collagen breakdown normal Skin glycation with age Good, that's good. That means you're not going to look particularly wrinkly particularly quickly. Low shock here skin ancestry lighter. Risk of wrinkles with age normal, but dermal sensitivity high.


Does that mean sensitive, like increased risk?


There could be things like washing powder, creams, detergents, maybe sun as well.


This is true. This is very, very true. I can't wear certain perfumes, or yeah, yeah, and use certain lotions Interesting.


So let's look at your muscle health now. So myostatin-related performance, you've got potential Exercise-induced muscle pain low, so that means you should be going.


Well, was that a bark?


That's misca. It's not me getting excited about your muscle induced exercise level Stress-related muscle pain normal and misca's very happy about that.


That means, I can go hard.


Okay, so let's go through to muscle power. Where would you say you lie Low normal or super-hulk power above normal?


I think I have to work very hard at that. My sense is that when I don't work out really hard, I decline.


You've got above normal muscle power.


Oh my God, I love this so much. Okay, can you keep going for a look?


Have you got when you're working out? Do you need a lot of rest or do you think you can keep on going?


No, I don't. I feel like there are a waste of time.


Okay, so you've got above normal muscle stamina, is that?


what it says there. Yeah, this is like the best day of my life. I love this.


Oxygen VO2, you're normal, so you probably could run, but you're not built for it. Maybe.


I don't feel like I'm built for it. I really, in fact, like with A, I used to run and with age I started hating it.


Okay. So recovery-wise you're normal. Muscle mass normal, injury risk normal, soft tissue inflammation low. That's good Interesting. So you're less likely to get that Lean body mass normal. You know power-to-weight ratio what do you reckon?


Power-to-weight ratio. Yeah, Does that mean? What does that mean?


Let's say, you're doing let's say you're 55 kilos. Oh oh so how much can I and I gave you yeah, so based on your weight, would you say, you can move a lot or a little.


I can move a lot.


So your power-to-weight ratio is in fact good.


This brings me back to when I started dublifting.


Okay. So what do you think? Does weight training have a good effect on your weight? Do you find that? You know, I'm not saying you need to or anybody does, but if you were trying to lose weight, body fat would you say that it's helped, not helped or made something?


Yeah, I was going to say I don't know about the weight, I know about my body composition.




And weight training is very important to me.


Yeah, it's. Exercise effect on weight good response. So weight training is good for you Because it is for all-in fairness, most, as you know, all women should do it, but we won't get onto that, so the conversation for another day. So carbohydrate response is normal. Saturated fat response is poor. So that basically means that you need to-and I'm sure again, you've got a kind of Mediterranean kind of diet and so on, so you're probably okay with that. But basically trying to avoid saturated fat. They're particularly not going to be great for good for you and therefore could lead to other increased risks and so on. Unsaturated fats, which you're probably getting a lot of very beneficial, interesting Protein response. What do you think? To my amazing, why is it that you're protein powders you think you're going to which is good, good or bad, or in between income?


The truth is and I wanted to talk to you about this is that I really I have this feeling like I need to start supplementing.


On protein and the vitamin D and the Bs and the amygas is 100% yes, protein response, great response. So basically it's highly beneficial for you. And again, bear in mind, this is somebody who's not looking at whether or not you're exercising, so the fact that you are exercising, that is going to increase that.


Danielle, I feel like at the end of our conversation today I'm going to have to make such a massive order from biosenergy. Okay, next.


Trigger response highly increased response. So you need to get away from. I mean again, refined straight sugar is not doing you any benefit, it's going to take you are really pointing out something really important to me.


So you're saying that I don't respond well to sugar?


Yeah, I don't A highly increased negative response.


So if that makes sense, no, no, no, You're actually saying something so important to my life right now. The second, because I have more of a sweet tooth now. I crave certain things, so I'll crave something sweet and then, on the other end of the day, I'll crave something really, really sour. And when I crave and I don't really eat sugar in my normal life, non-sweet life and now when I and I totally now I give in to my cravings without even no qualms about it, and when I do that within an hour, so I feel so bad, like shaky sweats, if I don't eat something I'm probably going to pass out. And this is really important because you're saying like, yeah, this is the situation and I really need to be careful.


Yeah, then overeating sweet foods normal, bitter tastes normal. So you're probably leaning towards. You're probably like savoury stuff a bit more.


I do.


Snacking risk is normal, which is good. Metabolism directly got slow average or above.


Well, you did say that I have an increased risk for obesity, so I'm only because of that, I would say maybe it's slow, but normal. Yeah, I was going to say I feel in my life that it's normal. Okay, interesting.


So fat distribution normal as well. Yo-yo diet is going to massively be negative to you. So I know that's not something you would do anyway, but for some people you can go flip-flop around with your diet a lot and it doesn't have a long-term effect. But other people, if you're flipping from low calorie deficit to calorie high back, so basically this Yo-Yo dieting that can have a big negative effect and in your case that would do. So the fact that you're following the generally healthy, balanced diet rather than flipping between high and low, that's really good and that's how you should continue with Lactase doesn't seem to be an issue for you, so you can drink milk even if you don't think you should. Vitamin D deficiency we talked about increased risk already. Vitamin A, average Iron blah, blah, blah, blah, blah blah. I think we've done a lot of this.


I was surprised about the iron.


Yeah, bcaa, as we said, benefit. Oh, both of those again. Now let's go. So that is the main stuff. I mean I could go like once the report. If you, once you look at it yourself, what you'll see is it then goes into telling you which studies we've looked at, which genes we've looked at, which hormones are affected and what the recommendations are. So at the moment I'm looking at stress affecting sleep. We mentioned you a high risk. So what it's saying is we've looked at four particular genes to get this outcome and therefore, what the recommendation is is try having a tech break before going to sleep, try and have food like a long time before you go to sleep and also maybe eat things that are high in protein to help you go to sleep. So that's why I guess you know, is that old mother's tale or wife's tale of having milk before bed helps you.


Oh, interesting. So basically, when I go in to look at the DNA kit, basically I'm going to see the functionality, like what it means now for me to continue to live my life proactively and so that I can benefit from a strong, healthy, sharp body. We are waiting for a moment for the dogs to chill. I'm actually looking at the DNA report for the first time right now.


Okay, I'm sorry. Yes, when you get into the app, you can drill down into what we've looked at and what the recommendation is.


Super, super, super interesting. This is can be really like changing. This is like the future of medicine, like individualized medicine, and it's. I feel like this answers a lot of things for me on a personal level, so that can pertain to anybody.


Yeah, and particularly you know, if you're a client, you know something. Obviously is very easy to take a one size fits all approach to somebody's health and wellbeing because you've got like general things that work, but it's understanding within the general. So, for example, we talk about weight training being very beneficial, but you might have two people in a class and one of them, like you's got good muscle power, good muscle power to weight ratio, good stamina, so they can do more reps, less rest, etc. Whereas if you try and train somebody who's genetically maybe not predisposed to that, they're not going to necessarily have to keep up. What it doesn't mean is that you can't overcome that. So through training, diet etc. Even if there's no reason why you couldn't become an Olympic runner, it's just going to be harder for you.




So it's never. It's not saying you can't do something, it's just realizing that actually you're going to have to work a little bit harder and it might take you a little longer to get going.


Right, it's really a. It's a strategy plan.




And it's very important to understand that it's not the DNA kit isn't coming over to you and saying like you're screwed here, here and here, yeah, and it's not saying you have, you're susceptible to this and here's what you can do A, b and C, yeah, and that's amazing and very, very, very powerful, because I think people have stress and anxiety about specific things, kind of like what I feel after I have sugar.


And then it raises so many questions and I'm like, wow, why am I reacting like this? What's what's going on? And you, you know, you come over and you say well, you actually have a sensitivity.


Yeah, and also again, let's let me talk about metabolism. It might be you know you have got a slow metabolism and then that could explain why you know if you are on a diet or a fitness program and your friend is doing better than you in inverted commas it could be. It's not the reason to get disheartened, just having to put a double down and be a bit more patient how quickly those results are going to happen.


This is fascinating and I and I will be sharing the link to the DNA kit on the YouTube version of this and on the podcast page and I think I think it's highly, highly beneficial and people need to understand that this is available now, wow.


Dogs. I don't know why I bring dogs to the office.


You want to see my dog, who also can be very disturbing. I've got his blankets next to me and there he is.


That's how I need mine to be.


Yeah, but but he just happens to be relaxed right now.


He just happens to be relaxed. I suppose I'm not reacting to us, but there you go.


I feel like they want to. They hear me and they want to play with me because dogs see, what you don't have in the DNA kit is that dogs love me. That's what you don't have there.


Maybe that's the next to stop me from that change. I mean, what might be good as well is once you've had a look at the results in your phone, where obviously you've got the more detailed explanation what the genes are, what we have in the phone. So it'd be good to know if you've learned anything extra and what you're going to be doing as a result of this now, if anything.


Yep, absolutely. This is. This is really cool. I feel like I just started a journey and I'm really excited. I'm going to be flipping through the app which, by the way, I did look in the app when I was downloading, yeah, and it's very, very user friendly. So I'm excited to flip through it and I will definitely report back. Maybe we'll have another conversation about it.


And also the other thing is don't forget I can't remember if you've got like a watch or another kind of wearable, but if you can, if you do, you can connect that to the app as well, so you can get all your lifestyle data in there.


And also you've got your A quality score in there as well. So, again, if you were a runner, even thinking for going for a run, and the air quality score was bad, you can say maybe I'll go for a swim or I'll take my vent on an inhaler or things like that. So it's got lots of practical things. And then also, assuming you've done the questionnaire, you also have recipes aligned to those DNA results that we've just spoken about. So I think there's 600 recipes in there and also an exercise plan. So all of that's in there as well. So again, the idea is that and it's all aligned to your DNA results so if you're seeing the recipe plan, it'll take into account your gender, your age, your height, your weight, your activity level and your DNA to give you how many calories you should be having per day, how you should be breaking those calories down and what kind of meals you might want to eat.


Yeah, wow, I'm really psyched out. I have to get my hands on a really good quality protein and creatine.


Can't imagine where you're going to get any from. Yeah.


All right, thank you so much for this. This was an awesome conversation for me personally.




I think that a lot of people can benefit from this too.


Thank, you Fantastic. Thanks for watching our show.


Wednesday, and what's that? Saying yeah and hashtag make it happen. That's it, bye, bye.