Bodyholic Rants: Hilarious Weight Loss & Self Care Myths Women Should Avoid

Bodyholic Rants: The Ultimate Guide to NOT Being a Gym Jerk (with Daniel Herman)

Di Katz Shachar, MPH Season 2 Episode 9

Text Di

This episode is raw, unfiltered, and packed with real talk about gym etiquette (or lack thereof). We're gonna laugh, we're gonna rant, and we're gonna give you the straight-up truth about how to NOT be "that guy" or "that girl" at the gym.

Whether you're a gym rat or just starting your fitness journey, this episode is a MUST-LISTEN. So tune in, turn up the volume, and get ready to level up your gym game!

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Photo by Boris Kuznetz

Speaker 1:

She just she thought she was going for the door handle.

Speaker 2:

Ah, okay, okay, okay, it wasn't deliberate.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, it wasn't deliberate, she just touched and it took me about 10 minutes to calm down.

Speaker 2:

You need to go and see someone about that.

Speaker 1:

You know I was, because her hand was a little, it was a little moist. I almost died. This is the podcast that helps women weed through the social media noise and myths to lose weight and keep it off without all the bullshit. Oh, and this is for your ears, not your doctor's orders Use your head, stay healthy and crush it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I see you went and bought your light and yours is working. It's very annoying.

Speaker 1:

Oh, mine is working and I'm sure that that's very annoying for you. I'm so sorry mine's working. It's very depressing Anyway here's my buddy, daniel Herman, who is has been on the podcast before and basically we're just hopping on a call and having a conversation that we would totally have and we're just sharing it with you guys because we think that we need to shed some light on our pet peeves absolutely go on.

Speaker 2:

You go first what's your uh let's. I wonder how many. We should have actually made a list first and seen how many were the same if we shared the same things oh, that's true.

Speaker 1:

All right, I'm gonna, I'm gonna give you one pet peeve of, and you'll tell me if I'm exaggerating.

Speaker 2:

But maybe the listeners, before they listen to this, should write down their ones and tick it off, and then perhaps drop you a message with ones that we've missed.

Speaker 1:

I'm actually, I'm literally writing this down because we need them to do that. Okay, all right. Yes.

Speaker 2:

Make it happen without the sign.

Speaker 1:

Hashtag. Make it happen without the neon Right, all right.

Speaker 2:

In the making of this production All right.

Speaker 1:

Ok, I'm going to give you my number one, so I'm kind of starting from like my, my big one. Maybe I shouldn't be, but this is what's always on. It's so serious for me Cool when people don't wipe down their equipment.

Speaker 2:

Oh really.

Speaker 1:

I see I knew that this wasn't going to be such a big deal for you. Maybe I'm wrong, but, like for me, it's a.

Speaker 2:

It's horrible.

Speaker 1:

Are you one of those people who's got the gloves and the tissue and the spray and you're like going mad? No, I don't think. I don't think because I just don't have the time for that, like I think. But I think if I did have the time I would be that person yeah, I don't say it is in there.

Speaker 2:

I think it depends, like if they're like a clean workout person so they're not schvitzing all over the place and dripping and they're, then yes, absolutely, I think it'd probably be in my top 10. I think there's a general rule where it's the average bod. He probably isn't like sweating gallons and probably had a shower before that earlier in the week. I'm not such a big problem with it.

Speaker 1:

Wow Okay so yesterday, yesterday, someone who I didn't know who it was. I was in a coffee shop and I opened the door and she touched my hand and I didn't know who she was. She stole anything?

Speaker 2:

What Did she steal anything? Or was it just like a instant?

Speaker 1:

moment. No, she just touched my aunt, I think she just she thought she was going for the door handle and she touched my aunt.

Speaker 2:

Okay, okay, okay, it wasn't deliberate.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, it wasn't deliberate. She just touched and it took me about 10 minutes to calm down. You need to go and see someone about that. You know I was, because her hand was a little um, it was a little moist. I almost died oh dear, okay.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's not as funny, as my wife was in the gym yesterday and there's a guy in there. It's a lovely guy, um, but he's on the spectrum a bit. So whenever we go in, uh, he always says you're on my christmas card list. That doesn't mean I'm giving you a christmas card, it just means you're good people. It's like really cute and we've got like a nickname for him, so he's got like a big hair, so we call him flouncer and we call him flouncer to his face. His hair like flounces around, like that. So, um, she was going, uh, I wasn't there at the time and uh, so this would just drive you off the fucking edge. I think, uh, so she'd just done. I think she'd just done shoulders or legs, I can't remember. She said, oh, my shoulder's killing me. And he came up to her and started massaging her in the gym and I'm pretty sure his hands were pretty sweaty and clappy as well. And she said she didn't know what to do because she didn't want to offend him.

Speaker 1:

He's with me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's with me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh my.

Speaker 2:

God, he's such a sweet guy, but she was just like what's that Did she stand there because he's a nice person. Yeah, pretty much. No, no, he's just leaning over Now on the machine and he was full in. I would have died. I would have died. I would have asked him to do a bit more on my back.

Speaker 1:

well, yeah, see, I don't even understand, like how, how this doesn't bother you, but like it because because it to me, everybody in the gym, if you're lifting heavy, you're a little moist. Yeah, everywhere.

Speaker 2:

Right, I don't want your butt sweat on the bench where I'm about to like do my own bench press. Yeah, but the thing is how many people's? I was just saying on the bridge. The news has got nothing much going on here in the UK so there was a big segment about there's more bacteria on the average remote control than there is on the average toilet seat. How many times have you touched somebody else's remote control when you've gone around to their house?

Speaker 1:

I, I try to do it very little. I I really I try I I you know what I should wear gloves all right.

Speaker 2:

Then mobile phones. Well, there's another story. That's yeah, that's really bad. Should definitely you.

Speaker 2:

You need to carry disinfectant for your phone I do, oh, no, yeah, I do with my hands so I guess my number one, I think, is when there's people filming in the gym and two things, three things. One they probably haven't. It doesn't look like they've actually done any training. They've just gone in and they're doing this and this and they're showing their butts and everything else and I'm just like why do you need to come to the gym to do that?

Speaker 1:

wait, wait wait, I need to understand something. The gym to do that, assuming that wait, wait, wait, I need to understand something. Hold on, they're they're filming this, but they're not actually pushing weights yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

They're just coming in to do, you know, the pose. So that's a bit annoying because they're kind of in my space. The second thing is they are actually working out but because they're not getting the right shot, they're doing multiple takes of that one rep in order to get the lighting and the contouring, whatever it is right. So, rather than like getting off so you can't work in with them, I mean, basically, if they're doing the lat pulldown, you've probably got to give them half an hour to get the perfect shot. And then the third thing and it's less of an issue for me, but I know it is for a lot of people is I don't want to be on your fucking workout video. I don't want to be on your Instagram feed with me doing whatever I'm doing, pulling my Properly.

Speaker 2:

Exactly With the face and the that I've seen a lot of fights kick off in the gym with people who are not respecting other people's privacy and filming, and then the person's gone up and said can you just delete that video because I do not want to be. I'm a private person, respect that. And then they've gone into one like they've got the right to to video what they want and share it. So I think that's probably up there I'm going to 100.

Speaker 1:

Agree with you is that, and I'm just pissed off hearing about it does that elapse your number one, or is it still the sweat?

Speaker 2:

is it's still number one for you, or?

Speaker 1:

you know what? That's a really good question. I think it's um meant to collapse.

Speaker 2:

By the way, what sorry, I used the wrong word. I meant to say eclipse rather than a lap eclipse.

Speaker 1:

I like that. Um, I think, wow, I have to think about that. Can I, can they? Can it be a tie?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I guess. So I mean it depends on the how invasive the video is as well.

Speaker 1:

You might be more put off if they're actually filming you in the gym rather than themselves in the gym I would get very upset if they filmed me in the gym getting extremely grossed out by someone's butt sweat on the bench.

Speaker 2:

So go on. What's your number two then?

Speaker 1:

wow, but like I just want to, I just want to say the whole posing thing yeah it's, it's annoying in general, like it's annoying in general, but like hogging for the right lighting.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, how, like when you get really like I've seen you get a little pissed off before and I'm wondering like, are you like me where, like you're really getting pissed off but you're keeping it together, or are you just getting like like I, I need to understand your weight you know, in the gym I've got to be honest with you, although I go there to exercise, I think the older I've got, the more I'm going there to kind of switch off.

Speaker 2:

So I don't listen to any music. I try not to talk to anybody, not because I particularly am anti-social, although I probably am. I've got a t-shirt saying uh, anti-social social club, which is probably some sums me up quite well, um, but I, it's my kind of uh, I don't, I'm just in my own bubble zone. So I kind of see it and I almost actually laugh in one respect to myself. That this is happening, rather than like turning it into a hulk mode, is more like comedy right, it's your reality show.

Speaker 1:

You're watching a reality show.

Speaker 2:

Kind of it's not quite the Truman show, it's more the Herman show.

Speaker 1:

Right, all right. What's next?

Speaker 2:

So I reckon actually is. And again, I don't know if this happens where you are, but you now get these kind of groups of what I'd call young adult men and they're quite aggressive. They're usually not training particularly well, but what they tend to do is train in this little gang and they're doing like in ridiculous numbers of sets between them and they've got. They're not willing to share at all and more often than not, not only they're not willing to share, they get quite aggressive if you want to share. It's like a pack, you know, like a pack of hyenas turning on a lion and in addition to which they're probably doing bloody supersets as well and something at the other end of the gym. So you see them like in two little groups hovering, let's say, over the bench press and the lat pulldown and they're like guarding it. And if you try and get into their territory, they're like come on, let's go.

Speaker 1:

That was good.

Speaker 2:

I feel like you've had experience, experience doing that I've had experience on the other end and then you then say to them no, come on, and then I've gone, had that situation. Then I've gone up to somebody working in the gym. They go no, just just let them have it. That annoys me more. Actually, the video thing, I think, annoys me more in terms of what it represents, in terms of annoying me, in terms of frustrating my ability to do my workout. I'd say that kind of gym hyenas, as I'm going to now call them Jim Hyenas.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, hogging. I think hogging is definitely on my list as well. Yeah, it's okay to share, it's okay to be like.

Speaker 2:

You know you've got to sit and stop filming in between, obviously.

Speaker 1:

Right, the hogging is a problem and the fact that they get aggressive is really weird yeah, it's like it doesn't even make sense, like if you want your own personal gym.

Speaker 2:

You know, go, go, do that yeah, so I now go to an old person's gym where the average age is about 65. Nobody hogs. The average age is about 65. Nobody hogs. They're too slow in between games, is that it?

Speaker 1:

You finish your set by the time they've reached.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, beautiful.

Speaker 1:

Very smart. Are you one of the grungers? A?

Speaker 2:

whatgers, a what? What's a grunger? I mean, I don't know what grungy is, but Grunters, grunters. Oh, grunters Like hoo no.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm okay with hoo Okay. I'm not okay with Hoo Hoo.

Speaker 2:

Doing a poo in the gym.

Speaker 1:

Doing a poo in the gym, I don't know. But I've had clients where I actually feel uncomfortable and I'm just like you know and I want them to feel comfortable.

Speaker 2:

So I'm just like Well. They're just making like semi-pseudo sex noises whilst they're doing this. Oh my God, I had a client like this and she was about 70 years old.

Speaker 1:

just like well, they're just making like semi pseudo sex noises whilst they're. Oh my god, I had a client like this and she was about 70 years old seven or 70.

Speaker 2:

Please say 70, 70, okay, thank god for that, yeah 70 and um I.

Speaker 1:

I said it in a british accent so you would understand. Yeah, could you tell that I said it in um no, go back to lessons. I, uh, she definitely uh, made noises that everybody in the gym could hear and, uh, and she's a very strong woman, like she's a rock star, but I I literally was um, I don't know how I kept her straight face particularly depending on where you were standing at the time yeah, and, but so there's her.

Speaker 1:

I mean, that's, that's very rare, but there's also. Um, there's also like the dudes who grunt and throw the weights.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Now I think what's worse and I know this really winds a lot of people up is somebody who's going heavy and it's so heavy they can't control the weight, so they're going like that and they go bam, bam, bam or they're doing deadlifts. I hate that. You feel like you're in an earthquake because they've just got clearly no control over what they're doing and they're just doing like fucking ego lifting or they're just moronic and it just goes right through you. That sound like the plates, anything on the cables where you hear that Exactly, and that is just. It goes right through you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, would you say something to that person?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I have done and again, it's usually met with Really. Yeah, it's like they think that's the way to train Wait but do you?

Speaker 1:

do you say it in a way that makes them want to respond that way?

Speaker 2:

I think I've just got one of those faces that just annoys people.

Speaker 1:

So I don't, I don't know if that I you. Well, I'm trying to imagine the situation so can you stop banging your weights, please, yeah yeah, yeah, I mean it's, because I would probably say you know, there's exactly what you said just now, and then I would probably come up and say hi yeah, but I think you know not being sexist, I think as a woman you can probably get away with things, particularly if it's a man making that noise.

Speaker 2:

Um, oh, my god, that I can't. You know, it's like I'm seeing, is it like attacking? Whereas you're like, oh, isn't she cute. She's offended by my noises. I don't want to upset the pretty lady.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I feel so much older than that woman you're describing, but, yeah, so relative, right, right, exactly, I, um, I do have. I, I know that, like our time's pretty much up for chewing people's ear off on on pet peeves, but I do want to mention one more, and maybe you want to mention one more, and we'll totally do this again. Well, okay we'll have to.

Speaker 1:

Um, I really have trouble when and this is not the highest this is not the highest but, I don't like when people are having a full on conversation, like on the, they're on the elliptical, they're having a phone call, yeah, and I have to listen to it and I also kind of like as a trainer, I kind of want to be like you know, if you're doing the talking test, you're clearly not in your zone Like you should be working on a lot. They're talking, they're having a conversation and it's usually very gossipy and letting them kind of, you know, get through the workout.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I think that's. I mean, I don't really do much cardio, so it's not much of a problem. People don't tend to do that when they're doing weight so much. But there's two quick things. One is and this is actually um where you you're in a gym and you can see people struggling and and there's lots of fitness instructors or PTs on the floor and not one of them is going up and helping that person. So we had that.

Speaker 2:

The other day there was a guy he must have been he's got to have been late 70s and he was doing some crazy stuff like rowing, like this, but he wasn't actually moving his legs and then he was doing a lap fall down in the most peculiar fashion.

Speaker 2:

I was like looking and I was waiting for one of the instructors just to go up to him and say you know, try and do it like that and or whatever, and it never happens. In the end I went up to him, uh, and I'm always a bit reluctant to do that because he sometimes get people can be quite, uh, offended, but luckily he took it in the way it was meant and actually he started doing it as we told him and he was so grateful. But it annoys me that a that there's fitness professionals there who should be doing that just out of being fitness professionals but more importantly, a lot of them are actually trying to generate money by being a pt and they're missing such a great opportunity to go over and engage with somebody who clearly needs their help and probably can afford it if they're in that kind of older age group where you know typically they've got a bit more disposable income than a you know typically they've got a bit more disposable income than a, you know, an 18 year old.

Speaker 1:

This is a. I really think this is super important. That would actually bother me on a like, on a moral ethical level, and I would even suggest that, um, personal trainers should totally listen to this, to this episode, like this is a 101 lesson for younger personal trainers who are trying to get into it and like, yeah, don't ignore the person who's traveling in the gym, that's what you're being paid for.

Speaker 2:

also yeah, yeah. And then I think the other one, and it doesn't happen often, but people who eat in the gym and it just I don't know what it is, the smell is like super intensified. Maybe it's all that sweat you were talking about earlier or whatever, but but that and they always tend to have if they are eating it tends to be something that probably would stink in any environment, but in the gym environment it's just elevated and it just you're like almost retching, doing your your thing.

Speaker 1:

Maybe it doesn't happen. Who ate in your gym and why?

Speaker 2:

Quite a few people have come in, get some kind of really big guys who obviously trying to hit their macros for the day, and then you get people just maybe they've just missed lunch and they they want to get their workout in and full respect to that, but they're eating like tuna sandwiches and no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no no no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no no no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Speaker 1:

The girls in my room, they all ate tuna, but they knew that they have to eat it outside of the room. Yeah, and now lately, my husband has this new thing where he's bringing tuna into the house and he's making a salad every evening. This is a new thing. This is what he wants to eat for dinner. And I was literally walking my daughter to kindergarten today. I was so upset in the morning when, like, I saw the remnants Right, what was left over from the night. And I'm walking with my daughter, who's five, and I'm having a full-on conversation with her, like what?

Speaker 2:

the hell. I don't think I can handle this tuna situation. She has no idea what my deal is. Mommy crazy, she's going to nurse me, my mommy.

Speaker 1:

A bit funny in the head well, on the tuna note, yeah, um that that really, I think I think you just topped it all off. The second you said tuna, that was it.

Speaker 2:

So there you go. That's the worst. I've got a few more, but we can save them for another day, I think.

Speaker 1:

But I really want you to like remember them. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm taking my lion's mane here and I'm taking my ashwagandha, so hopefully you know I'm keeping my cognition up there. So uh, yeah, fingers crossed, I'll try and remember it. Your, what was that called? This one's called, uh, lion's mane that is specifically. For cognition.

Speaker 1:

How cool, and what is it made of?

Speaker 2:

It's made of mushroom, it's a mushroom, it's a type of mushroom.

Speaker 1:

And what do you have in your ingredients there?

Speaker 2:

In this particular one, I will read it out to you Lion's mane, and basically then, this one's a gummy actually. So we've got some stuff in there that makes it a gummy, like flavor, natural flavorings and so on.

Speaker 1:

um but it's mostly.

Speaker 2:

It's mostly exactly that yeah, I mean, it's basically the gummy as a delivery and then the active. The only active ingredient is is the mushroom mushroom itself, the lion's psychos. I'd like to think it's not psychosomatic. There's a lot of good science behind it, um, but I feel that I'm able to extend that focus all right, I'm gonna link the lion's mane.

Speaker 1:

People are gonna want to know okay, boss and um we going to keep talking about pet peeves?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely have a great Flex Friday.

Speaker 1:

You too. Did you see anything when I do that? No, what? Now your mouth moved. Hey, thanks so much for tuning in, and if this hit home, please share it with your crew. Likes, comments, shares. Show your loved ones you care. A Bodyholic Production.