Be A Better You

Breaking the Cycle of Trauma Bonds

Allison K. Dagney

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In this episode of the "Be A Better You Podcast," we get into the intricate topic of breaking the cycle of trauma bonds. Many survivors of abusive or narcissistic relationships struggle to let go of their abusers, often believing they are tied to them on a soul level. These deeply ingrained beliefs create a false sense of connection, making it incredibly challenging to move forward. We explore how these beliefs manifest in behaviors such as rumination, social media stalking, and seeking validation from mutual acquaintances. Understanding that these behaviors stem from our brain's attempt to keep us feeling safe is crucial in beginning the healing process.

Through a compelling case study, we illustrate the transformative power of challenging and reprogramming these harmful beliefs. One of my clients, who was entangled in a series of abusive relationships, found herself constantly checking her ex's new girlfriend's social media for signs of unhappiness. This behavior was driven by a need to validate her own experience and prove that she was not the problem. By unpacking and reprogramming her limiting beliefs, she was able to break free from this destructive pattern and reclaim her sense of self-worth.

We also discuss practical strategies for discrediting painful beliefs and addressing the resistance that often accompanies change. Many survivors hold onto the notion that they could have done something differently to prevent the abuse, which creates a false sense of control. By shifting perspectives and recognizing that the past cannot be changed, we can begin to focus on learning and growing from these experiences. This episode provides valuable insights and actionable steps for anyone struggling to break free from trauma bonds and move towards a healthier, more empowered future.

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*Formerly (The Emotional Abuse Recovery Podcast)