RJon Robins: From The Vault

Leave A Legacy

Season 1 Episode 98

Welcome inside the vault. This is a collection of previously unreleased lessons from eight-figure entrepreneurial mastermind RJon Robins. And in case you didn’t see the warning label - this content can be explicit and it is for serious entrepreneurs only. 

In this lesson from the January 2022 Live Quarterly Meeting, RJon challenges the notion of how much we can accomplish with the time we have available. He emphasizes the importance of making intentional choices with our time, the most precious asset we have, and how these choices shape our future. Get ready to shift your mindset and start making decisions that will leave a lasting impact. 

Let's go to the vault!

Turn the lessons in this episode into an actionable growth plan for your business with the FREE 5-Week Business Plan Bootcamp. https://htm.live/bootcamp


Welcome inside the vault this is a collection of previously unreleased lessons from 8 figure entrepreneurial mastermind RJon Robins. And in case you didn't see the warning label, this content can be explicit, and it is for serious entrepreneurs only. Are you overestimating how much you can accomplish in a year and underestimating how much you can accomplish within a decade? Listen in as RJon challenges this thinking at the Live Quarterly Meeting with members of How to MANAGE a Small Law Firm. Let's go to the vault!


Working with RJon is like having a shortcut to future you. Every time I can have an opportunity to spend time with RJon, I try to take it and be a sponge. I thought everyone was crazy. You know, they were running to the front of the stage to see this person. RJon's wearing his crazy shirt. He drinks tiger blood in the morning just for fun. And he's like breathing down my throat. Sometimes it's terrifying to work with him. It's like, he's looking into your soul, but it's, it's growth the whole way.

RJon Robins:

Who is participating in the Practical Profitable Mindset Program? So, this month Is all about getting control of the most precious asset you actually have to work with, which is your time. We all have choices that we make with our time. Everyone's got the same 168 hours, the most successful, wealthy, prosperous, productive people in the world have 168 hours a week, (24 x 7). The poorest, most broke, miserable person in the world has 24/7. And the reason why one person is where they are in their life and another person is in a different place in their life really has everything to do with how they choose to use their time. And I know this is very politically incorrect, and I know this sounds really harsh and unfair and even unkind and maybe even unrealistic, but it's actually true. Because there are too many stories of people who have escaped horrible, horrible, horrible situations. Well, how do they do that? They chose to use their time to do different things than the people who chose to remain in those horrible, horrible, horrible situations And I know I'm now an insensitive asshole."You don't understand." I do understand. What I understand is that we all have choices. And you can choose to remove yourself from a horrible, horrible, horrible situation, or you can choose to remain in a horrible, horrible situation. You can choose to tolerate what you're tolerating, or you can choose to not tolerate what you're tolerating. We all have choices for how we are going to use our time. You might not have a choice for where your body is going to be. You might not have a choice for what is going to happen to your body, but you can still make a choice for how you are going to use your mind in any circumstance that you are in. And since none of you are in a situation that even remotely resembles anything that would prevent you from building a multi-million dollar business and living in the house you really want to live in, and driving the car you really want to be driving, and wearing the clothes you really want to be wearing and educating your children the way you really want to be educating your children, and taking the vacations you really want to be taking. Let's stop making up these extravagant situations to try to hide behind to avoid the reality which is, you can all do this for yourselves. And the irony of my career. is that I spent my career arguing with some of the most highly educated human beings that have ever lived on our planet in the history of our species. That's you. You are some of the most highly educated human beings that have ever walked on this planet since the beginning of time on earth. Do you realize that? There has never in the history of this planet been a more highly educated people than you are, a more resourced people than you are, or a freer group of people than you are, and I spend my life arguing for your full potential. Get this. Against you! And I'm the asshole. All right. So the first month of the Practical Profitable Mindset Program is really all about, has been all about how we are going to be intentional about using the one and only asset that we can't buy or really make. Which is time, right? Because how you choose to make use of that time will be a bigger predictor of where your life will be 3, 5, 10 years from now, then which office lease you sign tomorrow. Which SEO vendor you decide to hire. You know, big picture. So. In 1790, Benjamin Franklin gifted $2,000 to the city of Philadelphia and Boston by putting it into a 200 year trust. And by 1990, that $2,000 was worth over $7 million. If you put $2,000 in the stock market for 200 years at the average rate of 8%, it'll be worth over $9 billion. If you could do $100,000, it will be worth $483 billion dollars in 200 years. Who wants to leave a legacy? Who thinks you can't leave a legacy unless you're a multi-millionaire? Who wants to leave a legacy? Who thinks you can't leave a legacy unless you're a multi-millionaire? If you take $2,000, who's got $2,000? Everyone's got to have their hands up. Who wouldn't miss it if $2,000 just left your bank account and you never saw it again for the rest of your life? Who wouldn't miss it? Take $2,000, stick it in a trust. Have that trust put in a stock market, like a mutual fund. Or a, what are those things called? Index fund. Thank you. And say that everything's going to get reinvested, reinvested, reinvested, reinvested, and it breaks in 200 years. Call it the, "I'm Making an Impact in The World Foundation". And in 200 years, your $2,000 is going to be worth $9 billion. Holy shit. Pretty cool. Imagine if you made some investments in your business today. Imagine if you made some investments in yourself today. What kind of rewards that could reap for you in 10 years? What life are you setting yourself up to have 10 years from now? Imagine you're putting something into a box and a 10 year from now version of you is going to open that box. And that 10 year from now version of yourself is going to either be thanking you or not thanking you for what you did. What choices you made, what investments you made, how you chose to use your time. Serve the future. Do small things now with huge benefits for your older self, your descendants, and future generations. Actions amplify through time. To have a massive impact on the future. Let this fact guide your life. Use a time machine in your mind, constantly picturing your future self and your great grandchildren's world. Act now to influence that time. We can help you see what awaits you 10 years from now, while there's still time to do something about it. You just have to be willing. You just have to care enough about the 10 year from now version of yourself to do the work.


If this episode is resonating with you, click the link in the show notes below to learn more about the upcoming five week business plan bootcamp. Yes, this is a free virtual bootcamp, which means seats are limited in order to provide personal attention and laser coaching. Click the link below and turn this podcast episode into an actionable business plan to grow your law firm. And now, back to the show.

RJon Robins:

The biggest challenge is to think long term when life is pulling you around. You need a constant, vivid reminder. So use an age progression filter, the software that takes a photo of a face and makes it look 30 years older. Run it on some photos of yourself, see your elderly face and take care of that person today. Run it on photos of the people you care for, save the results and put them where you see them every day. These future people are your responsibility now. Imagine your future self judging your current life choices. When making a decision, ask yourself how you will feel about it when you are old and experiencing the effects of the causes you permit or tolerate or put into action today. What would your future self and family thank you for? What will your future self kick your ass for? Simple actions now will compound to give you a better life in the future. Delay gratification. Today's discomforts bring future rewards. When you have a clear view of the future, you won't mind the small sacrifice. You'll never regret not indulging. We overestimate what we can do in one year. We underestimate what we can accomplish in 10. If you take up a new hobby at the age of 40, You'll be an expert by the age of 60. I've always been very musical. I've never known how to play a musical instrument. My parents just never made that a big enough priority. Even though there was always a piano in my house, I was never really encouraged to play it. And I've always regretted that. And when I was 30, I was busy climbing and building and creating and figuring out who I was and what I was going to do and I didn't take up playing a musical instrument. And when I was 40, I was broke and I was desperate and I was struggling and I was growing and I was building and building and trying to rebuild after Ale's illness and I never picked up a musical instrument. I mean how much would it have cost to buy a second-hand guitar? How much would it have cost to buy 'a beat up old six-string in a second-hand store?''That one guitar.' All right, so you get some of my references. There's hope for you. So last week I went out and I bought a guitar and I'm gonna start fucking around with it. I'm not making commitments. I'm not making a commitment. I'm not making a pledge. I'm not making a big thing. I might decide that I fucking hate playing the guitar and I might sell it or give it away. I might, but I'm trying, I'm giving it a try. This will not be one of these bullshit, "rah, rah, rah.""I'm going to make a commitment and I'll show up a year from now playing the guitar." I might not. See, I'm very honest with myself. That might not be a big enough priority for me. And that'll be okay. Thinking of the future does not come naturally. Our hunter-gatherer ancestors had to live moment to moment. So our tendency to focus on today is built into our biology. But times have changed. Now the surviving fittest are the ones who plan ahead. Your future self, is depending on you. Your descendants are depending on you. Our future generations are depending on us. We treat the future like a garbage dump. We dump our debt. We dump our pollution. We dump our junk. We dump our responsibilities on the future as if it's a problem already solved by dumping it into the lives of our children when they become adults. It is the most psychopathically inconsiderate thing we can do to our children to give them that kind of a future when we could be giving them a better future. By making better choices for how we're going to use our time today.


Thanks for listening. Tune in next week for more lessons From The Vault.

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