Why Am I So Effing Stressed??!! Podcast Artwork Image

Why Am I So Effing Stressed??!!

Annemarie Bell

Are you tired of feeling stressed out all or most of the time? Do you feel you are constantly swirling around in a relentless vortex of worry, anxiety and exhaustion? Do you feel burned out and tired all the time, with no energy left or the desire to do the things you enjoy with the people you love? Do you often feel overcommitted and under supported? Does the phrase, "I don't have time for myself!" sound familiar? Are you concerned that your stress levels are impacting your physical, mental and/or spiritual health? If any of these questions resonate with you or someone you love, then I warmly welcome you to the "Why Am I So Effing Stressed??!!" podcast! My name is Annemarie Bell, aka, "AMB", and in 2013 I received a very unexpected breast cancer diagnosis. After having a double mastectomy, 8 chemo, and 35 radiation treatments, then reconstructive surgery, I found myself utterly depleted. It took about a year for me to finally feel like myself again. With no family history of breast cancer and a fairly healthy lifestyle, I had to take a giant step back and a very deep look in the mirror and figure out what happened. After much reflection and research, the answer became obvious. I had been living in a state of unmanaged, chronic stress for decades and it had wreaked havoc on my immune system. Over the past several years I have made gradual lifestyle changes that have had a significant and positive impact on my physical, mental and spiritual health. Today, I affectionately refer to myself as a "recovering" overachiever-perfectionist-workaholic and I am passionately committed to sharing my own journey with stress and anxiety by providing coaching, guidance, insights, anecdotal stories, information, and help on how people can more effectively manage their stress and lead happier, healthier and more relaxed lives. I am a certified stress management coach (Spencer Institute), have a certificate in Nutrition and Healthy Living from Cornell University, and am a Level II Reiki practitioner. Additionally, I have been in the field of Human Resources leadership for almost 4 decades, which has provided a wealth of experiences and learnings on work-related stress and related subject matter.