Whose Life is it Anyway? Podcast
Welcome to Whose Life Is It Anyway, clearly, it's an improv comedy podcast, but on this show...the points DO matter! This is a show where all the stories you’re about hear were completely made up on the spot, guided and prompted by real improv comedy games. How does it work? Well two players are tasked with having a podcast-like interview or conversation, making it all up as they go, but there’s a 3rd guest who can interrupt at any time and give them new rules or new direction for their conversation via a list of different improv games and guidelines. How do you win? Well, if a player breaks character or simply doesn’t follow the rules of the game they’re in at the time, the other person is awarded a point and at the end of a 20 minute time limit, the guest with the most points wins and becomes known to the world as a comedic genius!
Podcasting since 2022 • 34 episodes
Whose Life is it Anyway? Podcast
Latest Episodes
It's the SEASON 2 FINALE...GIMME A HELL YEAH!On the final episode of this season, a podcaster sits down with the lesser famous pro wrestling brother of Stone Cold Steve Austin. His name? Luke Warm Stan Austin. He's here to tell-all ...
Season 2
Episode 20

Honestly, Same SPECIAL - Scooby Dooby Whose Life
Zoinks! It's a crossover episode! An Honestly, Same SPECIAL! This week I'm joined by my other podcast co-hosts, Leah & Brittani, from "Honestly, Same" for some impro...
Season 2
Episode 19

JAWS Day Afternoon
What was it REALLY like the day of the infamous and very real JAWS attacked those casual beach-goers? Well, this week we hear the story of a heroic(?) lifeguard who was actually there and tried to save everyone from the shark attacks! Spoiler, ...
Season 2
Episode 18