

Jude: The Divorced Dadvocate

Dads experience divorce differently and it is my mission to help them create a healthy and less traumatic divorce and an amazing life for themselves and their children.

I am Jude Sandvall and I am a divorced, single father of 3 children. My divorce and the subsequent years are a case study in facing and overcoming the most difficult challenges in learning to thrive after divorce. I’ve been through it all including the court process, co-parenting, dating with kids and more!

As an Integrative Wellness & Life Transformation Coach and Integrative NLP Practitioner I use cutting-edge approaches to coaching dads. I will assist you in creating a crystal clear vision for your life after divorce, uncover any hidden challenges that may be sabotaging you, and leave you renewed, re-energized, and inspired. I achieve this through my customized 5-step process that I have utilized in my own life and successfully taught to other divorced dads.

Ralph: DSO (Dad Starting Over)

Hi there, I’m the DSO (Dad Starting Over). I’m the founder of and author of several books. My story is not an unusual one. For those who just stumbled upon this site by chance and have no connection to the subject matter… it may seem a bit “out there”. Trust me… it’s common. For the rest of us, you came here for a reason: You need to hit the restart button on life and redefine what it means to be a MAN in today’s world. You need a boost up over the wall and you’re scrambling for any little nugget of wisdom that will help you climb that extra inch.

Why a restart? Well, maybe life just kicked you in the teeth. If you’re like me and millions of other grown men all over the world… you were told “I want a divorce”, or worse… you discovered infidelity. Your entire worldview has changed. Your head is spinning. What you thought was innocent and comfortable is now twisted and scary. Welcome to the real world, my friend. I’ve been there and done that.