The Real Ones Reserved Podcast


MDEE The Veteran Episode 32

Date: 20 January 2023

Name of Podcast: The Real Ones Reserved Podcast

Episode title and number: Age Vs Maturity (Episode 32).

 Summary of episode: On today’s show I discuss the importance of why age vs maturity needs to be talked about. All people don't mature the same way or don't  mature at all.

Research Article: 

Men mature at 43, women at 32: Study - Times of India. (2013, June 12). The Times of India.
Social Media:

Twitter: @TR1RPodcast and @mdeetheveteran




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Let's go so are y'all ready to have a good show today I got a great show lined up for you guys today welcome back to the show and it's definitely good to know that you all came back maybe this is your first episode maybe this is your 12th episode or maybe you listen to all the shows and the biggest thing is that you learn something and it made you better so the model that me and my tribe like to use is optimistic but realistic we're optimistic but realistic OK we love to think about things in a positive manner but it can't always end up the way we envision right so that's why I say we're optimistic but realistic meaning that anything is bound to happen can happen etcetera and lastly before we jump into today's show I just want to ask you guys to please hit that like subscribe button share with whoever you think might like the show or benefit from the show make sure that we continue to spread awareness about the show so let's get into the show let's get it popping I hear somebody pondering hmm MD what do you mean age versus maturity age versus maturity to me is we have to stop putting labels on people just because they're a certain age they're mature maturity level at times what I've discovered doesn't match up to the title now I know everyone else has different experiences and whatnot but I cannot identify many times in my life where a person that I valued or saw in some high capacity show that they are very mature in some cases that was shocking in other cases I'm like yeah I could see that I think that a good maturity level test is to see how people react when they are upset some people will get logical the mature people will get logical into problem solving mode and you know try to find a solution a person that's immature will only cry about the situation and have meltdowns and temper tantrums you know they won't come up with any solution just why am I so this age versus maturity thing is a real issue it's uh an issue I think that's been bypassed for a long time but it's something we definitely need to talk about like think about it how many times have you been out in public you see some people arguing you see them just acting a fool just acting as if no one else was out there watching them and just going at it you know it's like hey man sometimes your maturity needs to kick in and like assist you and get you out of some crazy situations you don't need to be in like example we all love R Kelly love all this music grew up to it and we all know what happened with him but something is wrong with his maturity level something is disconnected within him now like I say in the beginning of my show all the time I'm not a medical professional or anything of that nature I'm just stating my opinion on subjects you know and like I said R Kelly obviously his maturity level isn't what people thought it was you know who knew that this man was sleeping with all these young ladies and doing some pretty sick stuff behind closed doors you know his maturity level age versus maturity level blindsided all of us everybody got blindsided I don't care who you are you got blindsided by all this stuff with R Kelly that age versus maturity this man is pretty old now but his maturity level is that of maybe a 12 year old yeah I'll say that again his age is probably in his 50s now but his maturity level is probably at 12 years old and maybe some traumatic happened to him at that age maybe he got stuck in that mind frame we all never know we can only assume we can try but we don't know exactly how he was affected we all know his story you know he got molested and stuff like that but that didn't give him permission to do all the things that he did you know he could have took some ownership been mature about it said hey I got some demons this isn’t right to be feeling this type of way and you know do better that's how a person that's mature should think so just to provide a little more information in reference to maturity levels I read this article produced by Nickelodeon UK and they found that men fully mature at 43 opposed to women fully maturing at 32 sheesh as 11 years also this study conducted by Nickelodeon UK found that men were nearly twice as likely to describe themselves as immature I'm like what come on fellas come on man but overall I would say it takes the individual to want to become more mature you know to be aware of oneself like a bunch of situations in life made me mature made me straighten up made me take a second to you know look at things and be like well was I right was I wrong that comes with a level of maturity to show how immature you are all you have to do is don't take ownership of anything or your actions as shows truly how immature you are age versus maturity that's it takes for a person to already be mature some way some fashion to want to further mature themselves and let me be the first to say I'm not a finished product I have some material to do but it's that awareness of the need to mature that's called that's cold because you know people with the wrong maturity level will make you feel crazy they will make you crazy because they are interpreting things as a child level so it makes no sense to a logical brain you know it's like why are you thinking that way wrapping up today's show I'm so glad that you guys came and took the time and listen and learn something hopefully age versus maturity let me know what you guys think I hope you enjoyed the show today again make sure you like subscribe follow the show follow your boy indeed the veteran on all platforms streaming whatever gaming whatever you want to follow me I'll just go ahead and make sure you check out everything that I mentioned in the show notes as always it's your boy the veteran so who you think you better than