The Real Ones Reserved Podcast


MDEE The Veteran Episode 35

Date:  6  February 2023

Name of Podcast: The Real Ones Reserved Podcast

Episode title and number: WHAT IS A MAN? (Episode 35).

Summary of episode: This episode Is about the different aspects of the man, The definition of what a male should be and so on.

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You're always good everybody it's your boy your host MDEE The Veteran and welcome back to the real ones reserved podcast or if it's your first time visiting us hey make sure you hit that like subscribe button and make sure you follow us all across social media I hope y'all had a enjoyable weekend hopefully you're ready for Monday you pumped up you're motivated hey in my opinion is supposed to be the day that you go to hardest on Monday then you kind of like cold stone out the week like on Friday you know you should be able to do a little bit of heavy lifting and from there that point on the rest of your day you should be able to coast because you did all the hard work the leg work earlier in the week again this is the real ones reserved podcast where we're optimistic but realistic again we're optimistic but realistic so we like talking factual stuff if that sounds like something you want to be a part of come on join the tribe hey we all about telling truth and seeking truth over here so with that being said let's get down to the show I hear somebody pondering MDEE what are you talking about when you mean or ask the question what is the man what is a man or a man in my opinion is someone who is strong who is intelligent who is resilient who is you know tough a man is a leader a man is handyman man is a father a man is a provider a man is a partner a man I could go on and on with the definition of a man in my opinion for others it may not be that long or definition but this is the weight uh that I carry when I say I'm a man a man is someone who you can look to or should be able to look to for strength you know when everyone else is freaking out about a situation within a family or on the job man is you know there and just trying to be the leader in this situation a man is supposed to bring calmness stability along with other things that you just can't get from a woman at times or gain certain lessons that you just couldn't from a woman for example like some women can ball you know can play hoops and throw a football but about 90% of women probably aren’t about to throw no football when they son or whatever so I'm talking about those types of things just teaching a young male how to be a man this you know and some people opinion oh I raised the perfect son I'm a single parent cool but you're probably one of the lucky ones because a lot of what needs to be taught needs to be taught by a man and as I stated in my show disclaimer like I'm no 100% professional with this stuff these are just my opinions and of course everybody got opinions like when I think of the male I think of they head you know how they have head of household or let's talk about genetics I mean we are built to be the more dominant species we're freaking way more muscular than women we're supposed to be protectors of women and children you know so I know somebody's wondering MD so why are you saying all of this I think it's just the male is isn't able to ever express themselves truth truthfully in the public eye no I'm not saying that we all need to go like Will Smith and be slapping people upside the head but that man was in an emotional situation everybody frowned upon him reacting and slapping the hell out of Chris Rock that was the talk for many weeks there was many discussions of how will should handle that with his wife should have did or what Chris Rock should have did everybody's always telling everybody what they should have did but in this case this man you know let his feelings get the best of him then everybody's making fun of it what the hell is that I think that men are put in an extremely difficult position right in many cases we're told to not show emotion to be the strength of the family be the strength of everyone but the minute we do get emotional people want to talk bad about us people want to say this person is out of control this man is not very good a person into these people I want to tell them like try walking in our shoes try being a man that's you know all about representing his family the right way representing himself the right way and you know just being a pillar in the community that's extremely hard and I know our women have their struggles which I can't speak on from a woman's perspective so I'm sharing what I feel a man should be you know people all people aren't taught the same things you know it probably was never addressed that a man should conduct himself in this manner or a woman should conduct yourself in this manner it's kind of a lot of stuff you got to learn on the fly and you know you learn it from going through traumatic experiences or you know you just pick them up as you go and again this is just my understanding of what a man should be you know and a lot of men today just seem like they don't get it you know so that's why I'm sharing you know my thoughts my views on what a man should be just so those who don't particularly know what a man should be can hear this and maybe become inspired to want to become a better man or a man. Wrapping up today's show I hope I gave y'all some great informative information inside the world of a man you know or what a man should be so I hope this helped you guys I hope this help our young men our women to understand some of the challenges that their men face and I hope you feel inspired and want to become a better person in spite of you know what challenges you may be facing at the moment don't let nothing weigh you down be optimistic but realistic be optimistic but realistic and uh again make sure you like share the show drop any comments drop any ratings all of that to help your boy to you know write higher so that's what we want to do we're trying to help more and more people by showing them that is possible to you know have difficulties challenges and still be able to make it out on top and as always it's your boy the veteran so who do you think you better than.