The Real Ones Reserved Podcast


MDEE The Veteran Episode 38

Date: 2 MARCH 2023

Name of Podcast: The Real Ones Reserved Podcast

Episode title and number: TIME MANAGEMENT (Episode 38).

Summary of episode: This episode is about maximizing your time. Time management is a make or break type skill that can help you succeed or fail.  Do you all agree?

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Welcome back to your favorite show the real ones reserved podcast with your hopes MDEE The veteran while we talk about all things mental health and we talk about walking alongside one another and providing the best advice to one another we're optimistic but realistic over here hey before we get started today make sure you like share and subscribe to show at a greatly help your boy out you know as far as being discovered and the show being heard by many more people and that's what the goal is I'm actually recording this show a little a little bit later than what I normally like to I normally like to record in the mornings but hey we gotta chill afternoon here in Seguin TX approximately 554 and I'm ready to bring you all the great show again guys this is the real ones Sir podcast I want you guys to sit back take notes and I hope this material that I'm going to be bringing to y'all today gives you mental health a little bit of a break I noticed a lot of family and friends struggle with this topic so that's why I wanted to talk about it today with you guys so without any further ado let's get into it I hear somebody pondering MD why is time management important time management is extremely important because no man knows the time or the hour where their time is up so that's my method of thinking that's how I like to attack each day and knowing that hey this thing ain't for certain so it's kind of like a sinking ship you know you better do everything that you can before you hit the bottom you know so that's how I look at life that's while I try to arrange each day and just maximize my day you know what I'm saying and there are so many different avenues of staying organized you could take there's different templates in Microsoft Excel canvas whatever software you use you could easily just make yourself a schedule you know all your important events are most of these calendars have events you know on them already all you got to do is mark what other additional objectives or meetings or whatever else you have then from there you just Add all your times in to you know give you a sight of the big picture now I'm not proclaiming to be the most organized but my method will help you to stay on top of things for sure so in my room in my office I have two white boards no actually three where I track one while I write on one all my workouts everything on that one then my other one make like daily notes and I'll update those throughout the day and my other board contains like at least six or seven sections of my life broken down in the area so I don't feel overwhelmed so for example I'm looking back on my board now and I have it labeled activity so and their school I go to school full time there's the the podcast which we're doing right now I have notes to update my stocks you know stay active with the stock market and get more knowledgeable there that's important for me I have section labeled label because I'm working on my record label like I already have a record label but you know I need to fine tune some things and of course I do marketing so I put some notes in there for you know me to remember where I am as far as you know campaigns and ads and all kinds of stuff like that and of course there's giving you know when I'm a little better off I would like to give much more than what I'm giving uh whether that's financially spiritually emotionally whatever but yeah that's just an example of some of the things that I have personally and you know maybe you could copy a similar style like give it a try and I guarantee your life will get that much more better in organize you know especially with young people I spend a lot of time trying to you know teach Malcolm junior the same thing because I could tell like at times you know things become a little bit too much for him and you know he'll start leaving things around the house a little bit more or not picking up as much you know because excuse me I know he's overwhelmed so I'm gonna give you all three quick tips on how to stay good with your time management so y'all ready here we go number one prioritize what's the most important thing was when does it have to be done by that's how you plan out each day what needs to happen all this other little stuff could go to the wayside prioritize if if for the day you're supposed to be paying bills and whatever else prioritize paying the bills prioritize what's most important paying your bills paying your rent or freaking you know blowing it or you know but most of all prioritize #2 you want to schedule you want to schedule those times to those events don't leave it open don't say I'm going to get it I'm going to get there or do it by such as such time no you have to be specific so schedule time and stick to the time that you schedule use alarms if you have to I know I do people that are close to me and know me they see me with my Lords is going off all day and that's fine you know only time it becomes a little annoying is you know I'm in I'm in the studio or I'm in church or something like that and I forget but the last tip let me give you guys the last tip execution you have to execute meaning you have to complete the task that you set out to complete so you could do all this prioritizing you could do all of the scheduling but if you don't execute if you don't follow through you're not gonna do anything the biggest take away I want y'all to focus on is just keeping it simple time management isn't that hard think about all the things that need to get done prioritize them schedule them and execute them it's that easy don't get overwhelmed write it down if you have to and it you don't have to get you this big fancy logbook or whatever you just could get a sheet of loose leaf paper and just write down what you need to write down and excuse me make sure you do it every day wrapping up today so I hope you guys all learn something I hope y'all really enjoyed the show I try my best time management it's a killer so I hope that I gave you guys some tips in order to improve your life and help those around you to not have these same mental challenges because they stress and they don't have enough time so as always make sure y'all spread the word and it's your boy the veteran so who you think you're better than