The Real Ones Reserved Podcast

Trusting Your Inner Voice: The Art of Self-Belief in a World of Noise

MDEE The Veteran Episode 50

Sometimes, the loudest voice in the room isn't the one we should be listening to—it's our own. That's the message I'm laying down in this heart-to-heart episode of the Real Ones Reserved podcast. I'm talking about that time when I had to stand my ground with my doctor, insisting that while his medical books told one story, my reality spoke another. It's a candid exploration of why we must not only hear but trust our inner voice, especially when it whispers truths others might not recognize.

This session is all about the power of self-trust and the resilience that comes from knowing your own narrative. I open up about the importance of maintaining mental autonomy amidst a cacophony of well-meaning but sometimes misguided voices. From personal encounters to broader societal pressures, I'm sharing how affirming "I'm good" with conviction is not just a statement of contentment, but a declaration of self-awareness. It's a reminder that, when it comes to your life, no one should be at the helm but you.

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Speaker 1:

Whoa? Nah, it's your boy, indeed a veteran, and welcome to the Real Ones Reserve podcast. But we talk about real things that need to be talked about. Disclaimer I'm not a licensed psychologist. Therapists, psychiatrists, counselors Are any type of behavioral health expert. These are only my thoughts and ideas, but, that being said, if you care to listen, do so with an open mind. Let's go. What is happening there?

Speaker 1:

Buddy, it's your boy, indeed a veteran, bk-a, profit MD, whatever you want to call me, man, I just want to bring you all a quick word today, man, and I want to say don't let anybody override you. You have to trust yourself, and what I mean by letting them override you Is don't let them project on you what they see, because their view of you Is not necessarily accurate or factual, or may even not hold any truth. I say that again it may not hold any truth to what they're saying. So if you allow people to speak negatively about you in your face, what are you doing? Why are you allowing that? For example, I'm a pretty quiet guy at times. I'm pretty outspoken. At times I'm pretty soft-spoken. I could be very motivational at times. Sometimes I don't want to say nothing, so that might throw people off, but I don't care. It's just the fact that people go to make assumptions Just because I might act a certain way or post something and they don't know exactly what's going on in my head. So you can't make assumptions and say, hey, bro, I see, something's wrong with you, ain't nothing wrong with me. I'm the type of person if something is wrong with me I know how to go forward. I know how to say hey, I need some help. I know how to go to sources of help. I know how to phone a friend. I know how to phone family members, my sisters, my brothers. I know how to phone my mom, my dad.

Speaker 1:

So for people to project and say things like you don't have a support system, it's kind of disrespectful. I know they're coming from love and concern, but you have to ask questions before you make powerful assumptions or powerful statements like hey, I know you're not doing good, where are you getting that from? Just because you're standard for me, doing good Might look a certain way. Me doing good is me saying I'm good, shaking my head north and south like we did in the military. I'm not hard to please, like my life is good. I'm thankful to God for that. So when people try to override how you feel. Maybe we need to get away from those people or maybe we need to silence those people, because no one wants to second-guess themselves, no one wants to feel like their opinion or their feelings don't matter Because you're not listening. People that want to project they. Oftentimes they don't listen.

Speaker 1:

That's just like I was talking to my doctor. I ain't saying no names. I was talking to him earlier and I'm like doc, I feel like abc and d and he goes back and he's like talking real fast. I'm like doc. You didn't hear me say abc and d Because he was so quick to want to give me an answer. He wasn't listening to me. I was telling him as the patient. I'm like hey, I'm the patient. You can't compare me with everybody else. I'm the patient.

Speaker 1:

Just because they allow a certain thing or don't say things. Maybe they less educated, but me, I have specific questions. So my doctor was saying oh, you shouldn't feel like this. According to your books, I shouldn't feel like that, but in real life I feel like this. So that's why it's important to not allow anybody to override how we're feeling.

Speaker 1:

Bro, it's like that's crazy to me. It's like trusting somebody with your life and you, you putting it out your own hands. Now I understand, like, if you don't feel safe, then go ahead, do that. But if you, if everything is clicking up here and you feel good about yourself, trust yourself, man, because ain't nobody perfect, bro, how can, how can somebody come tell you how to live your life? Hmm, it's impossible. It's impossible. I don't look at anybody like they perfect. I don't, nor should you, because the only person perfect being was jesus, and I'm sure, like you know, he was in the flesh. He had.

Speaker 1:

Anyways, I don't even want to make this about spirituality, oh, but, um, don't let nobody override you, man. And I just want to give you all that positive Bit of feedback, man, and I hope, if you Were one of those people that, oh, okay, yeah, yeah, don't trust people to just steer you. Every witching way, man, you ain't gonna be able to Stay and plant it on y'all too, and trust yourself. It's dangerous not to trust yourself and trust other people Because, as everybody says, you can't trust nobody. So why you're gonna put your trust in somebody over yourself, I don't know. But I hope y'all have a great rest of y'all day. Man, it's your boy, the veteran. Make sure you like, share and subscribe to Everything that I have going on my youtube, my tick tock, my facebook, every instagram, everything. Make sure y'all go follow your boy, md the veteran, and, uh, stay tuned for the next show man. Thank y'all for joining me here at the real ones reserve podcast and always as always, it's your boy the veteran, so who you think better than y'all? Be easy.