

Gene Preuss

Gene Preuss teaches courses on the history of the United States, Texas, Mexican-Americas, Education, and the American West. He holds a PhD in History from Texas Tech University. His Master's and Bachelor's degrees are from Texas State University - San Marcos.

He is  active in several professional Texas historical associations, writes on public education history, is author of “To Get a Better School System”: One Hundred Years of School Reform in Texas. (Texas A&M University Press, 2009), and co-authored with former US Secretary of Education Lauro F. Cavazos, A Kineño’s Journey: On Family, Learning, and Public Service (Texas Tech University Press, 2016).

He is a board member of C 60, Inc., a 501(3)(c) a non-profit working to protect and preserve Houston’s historic LULAC Council #60 Clubhouse, which was named a National Treasure by the National Trust for Historic Preservation in 2018, and volunteers with the Houston League of Women Voters.


Scott Sosebee

Scott Sosebee is a Professor of History at Stephen F. Austin State University and the Executive Director and Editor of the East Texas Historical Association. He teaches classes on the history of Texas and the American South. He has published /edited five books, and his latest titles are Henry C. "Hank" Smith and the Cross B: A Small Operation on the South Plains (Texas A&M Press), What Is It About Texas: Essays on the Lone Star State (Stephen F. Austin State University Press), and More Than Running Cattle: The Mallet Ranch of the South Plains (Texas Tech University Press). He and his wife Leslie live in Nacogodoches with four utterly spoiled Shetland Sheepdogs.