
Gene Preuss

Gene Preuss teaches courses on the history of the United States, Texas, Mexican-Americas, Education, and the American West. He holds a PhD in History from Texas Tech University. His Master's and Bachelor's degrees are from Texas State University - San Marcos.

He is  active in several professional Texas historical associations, writes on public education history, is author of “To Get a Better School System”: One Hundred Years of School Reform in Texas. (Texas A&M University Press, 2009), and co-authored with former US Secretary of Education Lauro F. Cavazos, A Kineño’s Journey: On Family, Learning, and Public Service (Texas Tech University Press, 2016).

He is a board member of C 60, Inc., a 501(3)(c) a non-profit working to protect and preserve Houston’s historic LULAC Council #60 Clubhouse, which was named a National Treasure by the National Trust for Historic Preservation in 2018, and volunteers with the Houston League of Women Voters.