Giving Voice to Depression
Depression affects more than 375,000,000 worldwide. So, if you don't have it yourself, you know someone who does. Giving Voice to Depression was founded to start discussions that reduce stigma and promote understanding. We look at depression from many angles. Terry McGuire, a journalist with depression interviews a guest each week about their experience of depression. Some have episodes, others live with the mood disorder chronically. All share things that do and do not help their mental-health management. After the pre-produced/edited guest's story, Terry and cohost/licensed therapist Dr. Anita Sanz comment on the issues presented. The episodes are informative, hopeful and seldom depressing. It's time to shine some light on depression's darkness! Join us.
Giving Voice to Depression
Keep Searching for What Works for You
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Depression can make us want to give up.Trauma can add anger, shame, guilt and other strong emotions to the mix. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to healing and recovery.And the fact something(s) doesn't work is very different than believing nothing ever will.Renee's inspiring story is about never giving up on yourself or your recovery. When meds didn't work for her, she tried something else. Then something else. And something else. Until she eventually found therapies that allow her to feel "like a new person." You deserve the help you need, even when it's hard to find.https://recovery.com/
Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/GivingVoiceToDepression/
X (formerly Twitter): https://x.com/VoiceDepression
Dr. Anita Sanz's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-anita-sanz-746b8223/
Terry's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/givingvoicetodepression/