

Jaime O'Connor

Jaime is a Leadership & Purpose Alchemist, helping epic and driven humans step into their greatest power and purpose by finding flow, defining success on their terms, and becoming self-authored in their life.

She built 4 successful businesses and navigated millions in revenue from the hustle and grind before finding real flow.

Everything changed when she became a mom...

The desire to be fully engaged in this new phase of life led her to reevaluate what success meant, which lead to unlocking deeply intuitive gifts (that all humans process), and intentionally co-creating the life she had always envisioned.

As a coach and mentor, she leads with intuitive clarity and strategic business sense that rapidly transforms her clients' lives. She has powerfully combined her nearly 20 years of personal growth work and education with over 17 years in building businesses to serve others through 1:1 coaching, masterminds, and retreats.