Redeemer West Side
Welcome to the podcast of Redeemer West Side. Our church is located on Manhattan's Upper West Side where we are living out the sacred call by Jesus to love our neighbors and heal our city.
133 episodes
Repentance and the Kingdom
Given by Rev. Bijan Mirtolooi. TODAY'S SCRIPTURE | Mark 1:14-20In his famous 95 Theses, Martin Luther remarked that the entirety of the Christian life is one of repentance. This is fitting, for when Jesus’ begins his public ...
Season 23
Episode 1

Bringing Friends to Jesus
Given by Rev. Bijan Mirtolooi. TODAY'S SCRIPTURE | Mark 2:1-12In Mark 2, we see someone whose life was radically and holistically healed by Jesus. But he would not have experienced healing from Jesus if it were not for his fr...
Season 22
Episode 9
Everyone Needed
Given by Rev. Bijan Mirtolooi. TODAY'S SCRIPTURE | Ephesians 2:19-22In his book, Side by Side, Ed Welch describes church as a place where every person is both needy and needed. Using the imagery of “temple” to describe the ch...
Season 22
Episode 8
One But Not the Same
Given by Rev. Bijan Mirtolooi. TODAY'S SCRIPTURE | Ephesians 2:11-18In these verses, Paul provides a theological foundation for the kind of reconciliation that we see depicted in Acts 10: The same gospel that reconciles peop...
Season 22
Episode 7
The Gospel at the Table
Given by Rev. Bijan Mirtolooi. TODAY'S SCRIPTURE | Acts 10Acts 10 records a kind of conversion story, but not in the way you expect. Peter, who was an apostle and the leader of the church, experiences a kind of conversion whe...
Season 22
Episode 6
Serving the Church
Given by Rev. Andrew Field.TODAY'S SCRIPTURE | Acts 6:1-7As we saw last week, the first Christians were committed to serving their city in word and deed ministry. In Acts 6, God invites his people to serve one another practically...
Season 22
Episode 5
Serve the City
Given by Rev. Bijan Mirtolooi. TODAY'S SCRIPTURE | Acts 3:1-16 While Peter and John were making their way to the temple to pray, they encountered a man with tremendous physical need. Instead of offering a smile and wal...
Season 22
Episode 4
Hope and Home
TODAY'S SCRIPTURE | Jeremiah 29:4-14 For the people of God, “exile” is their current but not their ultimate status. While they are to seek the shalom of their cities (be it Babylon or NYC), they must not forget that their “citizen...
Season 22
Episode 3
For the City
TODAY'S SCRIPTURE | Jeremiah 29:1-9 God tells his people in Babylon to seek the shalom of their city (29v7). One of our values at RWS is pursuing and promoting a flourishing city. This sermon explores not only what shalom is, but s...
Season 22
Episode 2
TODAY'S SCRIPTURE | Jeremiah 29:1-9 An “exile” is someone who’s been displaced from their homeland, having undergone an experience of disruption/disorientation. The theme of “exile” runs throughout the Bible. The apostle Peter desc...
Season 22
Episode 1
Voice in the Wilderness
TODAY'S SCRIPTURE | John 1:19-28 What does it mean to live in light of Christmas? Christians, like John the Baptist, are called to use their “voice” to proclaim the “Word”. Jesus must increase, we must decrease.
Season 21
Episode 5
Grace and Truth
TODAY'S SCRIPTURE | John 1:14-18 In our polarized and polarizing society, people who live with both grace and truth are rare and beautiful. As FD Bruner points out, at Christmas, we celebrate the incarnation of deep grace and...
Season 21
Episode 4
Word Made Flesh
TODAY'S SCRIPTURE | John 1:14 In Eugene Peterson’s The Message, he paraphrased this verse by saying, “The word became flesh and moved into the neighborhood.” The more the message of Christmas grabs our hearts and changes our ...
Season 21
Episode 3
Born of God
TODAY'S SCRIPTURE | John 1:6-13 The Advent season is a remarkable promise: Jesus was born of Mary so that all who receive him can be born of God—can become part of God’s family. This sermon can explore the reality of what the new ...
Season 21
Episode 2
God With Us
TODAY'S SCRIPTURE | John 1:1-5 Christ’s incarnation reminds us that what Jesus did for us what he now calls us — in his power — to do for others: move towards brokenness with good news of grace and healing. Jesus, the Word, didn’t ...
Season 21
Episode 1
Welcoming Church
TODAY'S SCRIPTURE | Acts 16:11-15; Romans 12:9-13 One of the signs that your heart has been opened to the gospel is that you open your life to others: your home, your possessions, your time, and so on. Being a hospitable chur...
Season 20
Episode 5
Generous Church
TODAY'S SCRIPTURE | Acts 4:32-37 God’s grace at work in the earliest church brought about a remarkable kind of generosity, in which the members of the church cared for each other in practical ways. When members of the church care f...
Season 20
Episode 4
The Church in Prayer
TODAY’S SCRIPTURE | Acts 4:23-31 One sign of life in a church is that they pray together. This sermon will explore what we can learn from the first Christians about how and why we must pray together as a church.
Season 20
Episode 3
TODAY’S SCRIPTURE | Acts 4:1-22 The revival that broke forth in the early church disrupted and angered the religious establishment. When the church was persecuted, they responded with humble, Christ-focused courage. This serm...
Season 20
Episode 2
Growing Church
TODAY’S SCRIPTURE | Acts 1:1-11 The book of Acts records the history of the first Christian church. Acts presents the people of God as a church alive for the glory of God and the good of their cities. The church in Acts wasn’t perf...
Season 20
Episode 1
TODAY’S SCRIPTURE | John 15:9-17 God gives his people commands because he longs for their joy. Every “law” from God is a manifestation of his love for his people and the world he made. Growing in maturity as a follower of Jesus me...
Season 19
Episode 3

TODAY’S SCRIPTURE | John 15:1-8 The heart of the Christian life is abiding in Jesus, living in union with him. This sermon explores what it means to abide in Jesus as well as what are some of the challenges to abiding in him....
Season 19
Episode 2
The First Disciples
TODAY’S SCRIPTURE | John 1:35-42When Jesus met his first disciples, he asked them: “What do you want?” By asking this simple yet revealing question, Jesus was surfacing the desires and longings of these would-be disciples. As we look at...
Season 19
Episode 1