The Carmela Ciliberti Show
In her decades long career, Carmela worked in the private sector and struggled against unelected and unqualified bureaucrats. Using her legal training, regulatory background, and wisdom earned from working with bloated government agencies, Carmela breaks down Pennsylvania’s political issues making the case for limited government.
Podcasting since 2022 • 17 episodes
The Carmela Ciliberti Show
Latest Episodes
Cramming for the test! Who are you voting for this Tuesday, May 16th?
Season 2023
Episode 6

Politicians - Out of 330 Million Americans, this is the best we have?
Why you must start voting twice a year, every year. Plus, revealing party corruption - my experience as a non-establishment candidate and an ANNOUNCEMENT!Sources:The Political Animal
Season 2023
Episode 5

Brace for State Tax Increases
Politicians from both sides of the isle seek to confiscate your earnings in PA budget negotiations. Sources:Milton Friedman The Role of Government in a Free Societyhttps:/...
Season 2023
Episode 4