The Groove Podcast Artwork Image

The Groove

Frae-Frae (LaFrae Sci)

Welcome to The Groove

Rooted in Blues Futurism and the Digital Diaspora, The Groove is a waking dreamscape at the intersection of reflection and resilience. 

Headphones are recommended, and sitting in a relaxed state in a place where you can close your eyes.

If you enjoy the experience, pay it forward and share it with a friend.

All music and sounds written, recorded, and produced by LaFrae Sci

In groove and gratitude

LaFrae Sci (aka Frae-Frae) is a composer, drummer, deep listener, educator, and imaginationist who explores the dynamics of sound, healing, experimentalism and intention in her compositions and sound design. Her work is rooted in the Black diaspora from the Spirituals through the Blues Future, and her career spans over 30 years and 40 countries. She embraces technology in her work and her electro-acoustic palette includes creative coding, field recordings, as well as analog and modular synthesizers.  LaFrae proudly serves as the Executive Director of Willie Mae Rock Camp (, and the founder of Willie Mae Future Sounds, a curriculum that uses the language of music to engage BIPOC girls and gender-expansive youth with STEM skills.  
