You Do You Hun

Harnessing Fear: Steven Bartlett's Path to Success

October 23, 2023 Laura Burke
Harnessing Fear: Steven Bartlett's Path to Success
You Do You Hun
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You Do You Hun
Harnessing Fear: Steven Bartlett's Path to Success
Oct 23, 2023
Laura Burke

Ever feel like you're in a rut, unable to break free? This might just be the result of limiting beliefs, societal expectations, and self-doubt. 

This episode explores how these invisible chains hold us back,  drawing on the intriguing analogy of an elephant and an ant to highlight the power of perception. 

From attending a Women in Business event recently I share Steven Bartlett’s insights for anyone feeling stuck. Discover how to break free from constraining beliefs and realize your true potential.

Facebook: Search 'You Do You Hun community' 

As always THANK YOU for listening to the pod, if you have a minute to rate/review/share I would really appreciate it!

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ever feel like you're in a rut, unable to break free? This might just be the result of limiting beliefs, societal expectations, and self-doubt. 

This episode explores how these invisible chains hold us back,  drawing on the intriguing analogy of an elephant and an ant to highlight the power of perception. 

From attending a Women in Business event recently I share Steven Bartlett’s insights for anyone feeling stuck. Discover how to break free from constraining beliefs and realize your true potential.

Facebook: Search 'You Do You Hun community' 

As always THANK YOU for listening to the pod, if you have a minute to rate/review/share I would really appreciate it!

Speaker 0:

Hello, hello and welcome to the UDU Hum podcast, a place to provide you with motivation, direction and for me to be your very own cheerleader If you are looking to move from where you are now to where you need to be. Keep listening, because I am going to share with you the tips and tricks that I have learned along the way from my 10 years experience in mental health. This podcast is sponsored by my god damn self, so if you are looking for home sense and affordable fragrances, look for Splendid Bliss on Facebook or Instagram. But for now, let's begin. So I decided that it was time to go to an event, to be inspired, to meet different people in the industry, to learn, to reflect, to grow, and I would probably even, a few weeks ago, said, well, that's not relevant or that's not as important, and you know, just focus on the work, work, work. But actually, in order to get work, I do need to take a step back. Sometimes, I do need to think about where I want things to go, and during that event, there was a keynote speaker, the famous Stephen Bartler.

Speaker 0:

If you don't know much about him, he is an individual that started his own company. He is an entrepreneur, he is a massive podcast called Diary of a CEO. He has been on Dragon's Den as one of the business leaders there and he does a lot of public speaking as well. He's got his own brands, he's got multiple businesses now, so he's pretty much smashing the shit out of life. Basically, this guy. He's doing so well and he's still very, very young. I'm actually not sure how old he is. I actually would like to see that for myself. How old is Stephen Bartler, for instance? So he is. How old is he? He was born in no way. He was born in 1992, so he's my age, so he is 31,. Wow, wow, wow. He is 31 years old and he's achieved so much in life already. He's obviously an investor and he's done so much and he's very what's the word engaging on LinkedIn. If you're on LinkedIn, he's a really good person to listen to anyway.

Speaker 0:

So he was at the Women in Business event and it was very interesting listening to him speak about his career and where he got to and what were the key things to do in your business and when you've got an idea, where to go with it, and he basically said if there's huge disruption huge disruption in a market there's huge opportunity. So if something comes in and causes massive disruption, then it's a huge opportunity for you to partake in. So, as we know, we are hearing a lot about AI at the moment and how AI so artificial intelligence can really help. A lot of us might have been on chat EP and might have asked them to make you social media posts or support in a different area, or it might be you've got a new business post via AI, whatever it might be, and it does seem to be that it is taking over a little bit and people are using AI for a multitude of things really to support, and AI is something that I can actually use in this podcast, and he was actually talking about how he uses AI for his podcast. So, say, if a guest speaker speaks about something that resonates with him or he thinks will be good as a tagline or will be good in a video, he'll tap something next to him and then that will go to a system and what that will do from whatever that individual said, that will create posts, that will create captions all of a click of a finger, which does sound absolutely incredible, because for me, I'm probably better at the talking than I am the marketing, so that's definitely something to look into. So if you've got a particular niche or business idea or your business, know already, do have a look at AI and if there's anything that can be developed within your space or within your field, and not to be scared by it. He was saying you know anything we don't know. Let's learn.

Speaker 0:

And he was talking a lot about leaning into fear, and this is something that I'm very passionate about, because if it wasn't for me leaning into my fear, I wouldn't have started this podcast. You know, I wouldn't have left my job to start a company, you know, but thank God I did so I could be more of my baby. Like nothing feels me with fear than going out every single day of the week and not being with him. You know I've got the freedom to choose when I'm away and to choose when I work on my business, which is just I'm so grateful for. So he did talk about fear a lot within his speech, and I get why because fear is the number one driver.

Speaker 0:

Fear is the number one thing that holds us back. It's the number one driver that stops us in our path. Okay, so number one thing that goes now I can't do that. Well, that's not for me or I'm not like them. Okay, you know, we put others on a pedestal while we're on the floor, you know, and we think we can't, we're not able, we're not capable and that's just utterly rubbish.

Speaker 0:

You know there are people that are just, you know, doing things because they want to be in that space. It's not because they even feel that confident. Do you think you know people that are public speakers? Do you think all of them are 100% confident? Absolutely not. You know, I've been public speaking for quite a while now and I would say I'm a lot more confident than other people. However, doesn't mean I don't get nervous, doesn't mean I don't get butterflies or feel a bit shaky before I go on stage. That's perfectly normal behaviour. Some people would think I can't believe you get nervous. You do this all the time, but of course I do because it's important to me. So we need to remember that it's okay to lean into fear and the reason why I wanted to talk about Stephen Bartlett today and the things he said, because he mentioned a few things within his talk that which I thought could really resonate with so many of us.

Speaker 0:

And it came to question time and Elaine did come forward and said that she's a Salomonah and she is using an app now to be able to allow their customers to book on to services. She's a franchise owner. And she just says like I feel like you know, I'm really good at business but in terms of technology it's not my strong point and I just feel like I'm winging it and I feel like I'm not really where I need to be. And do you know what Stephen said? Stephen was like I know so many business owners that are winging it. I know so many men that are winging it. A lot of people are just winging it. You know, and I think even even for me.

Speaker 0:

You know, when starting this podcast, I didn't know every element to start in a podcast. I still don't. You know there are many things I don't. I know the bare minimum. I know how to record it and get it out to you, but I don't really know the ins and outs of how to edit it. Hence why I don't, hence why you see all the mistakes. And I just thought do you know what? It just makes me a bit relatable. You know I'm not going to get everything perfect, but that's okay.

Speaker 0:

And you know, he kind of talked about the fact that not everyone's perfect, and I think the problem is in life, we assume that we see these people on stage, or we should. We see these people quite at higher ranks than us and we think, look at them, they've got it all together. That is absolutely not the case. Everyone is just trying to muddle their way through. Everyone is failing and failing again and again, and he spoke about his team and the fact that they try to fail. They will go above and beyond to try and fail, because the more fails that you have in life, the more you'll get to successes. The more fails you get, the more you're going to lead to growth, the more you're going to lead to where you need to be in life. So fail and keep failing and keep making mistakes, because that's when you're going to get your power.

Speaker 0:

Okay, which I thought was very, very interesting, and he spoke a lot about the fact that a lot of us feel stuck. And why do we feel stuck? Where does this come from? You know, is this expectations we've placed on ourselves? Is this what society has placed on us? But you know, whatever it is, we have this feeling that we can't push forward. And he says why is that? Why do we feel that way? Why do we feel that we aren't, we couldn't achieve? And a lot of the time it comes down to self-esteem and our self-belief.

Speaker 0:

But I'm sure a lot of you have heard about the elephant. Okay, you know the elephant that has been tied to a post. Okay, the elephant has been tied to a post from when he was very young. Okay, this young elephant, cute elephant. It's been tied to a post, okay, and that elephant has got bigger and has got even bigger and is then so tall and so overpowering he is now an absolute tank of an elephant, right, and yet he is still being tied to that same post. Okay, that's one post Versus one elephant. Okay, that elephant can absolutely Move and that post will come down.

Speaker 0:

But what has happened is that elephant has been programmed to recognize that they are stuck, that they can't move, that they are Tied to that post, that there is no way they can change. Okay, and that's what a lot of us do as humans. We feel we're stuck, but we're not. Times have changed, we can move. Okay, that the things set on us, the things placed on us, the events that happen, that doesn't mean that we're in that place. But the problem is we still believe we're back there. We still believe we're inexperienced or it's not going to work out, or we're not going to move forward, or we don't have the skills or the talent or the manpower or the girl power, or you know, we think we don't have it and yet we do. Yet, like an elephant, we can move.

Speaker 0:

Okay, I'll give you another example. Steven mentioned this one and I've not heard of this before. If you Google or go on YouTube and write in Ant Buyerow, a Video comes up, okay, and you see an ant on a piece of paper and what someone is doing is drawing around the ant. Okay, so the ant is trying to move and then, all of a sudden, somebody draws a circle and the ant believes it's trapped. Okay, not very nice on this poor round, but I hope they were nice to afterwards. So they create a circle around the ant. Okay, so remember, this is Buyerow. This hasn't added any different elements to the paper. The ant can move past that circle. It's just, it's just drawn on. It's not Added any dimensions or 3d. Or you know, the ant can move, but the ant doesn't believe it can.

Speaker 0:

The ant believes is now stuck, and this is very much like life. This is very much like us. We have this belief that we are stuck in the same place, whether that's in a relationship, whether that's in work, whether that's in your passion or your purpose, and we get so bogged down by it. But we're like that ant, we're stuck in the circle and what you do see is, when they then remove the circle, you know the ant moves. You'll see another one, a spider is exactly the same spider is moving around the paper. They'll make a little line. The spider will then go, turn left. They'll make a line there. The spider then go I can't go that way, I need to turn right and it will navigate around the lines until it's trapped, until it's boxed in.

Speaker 0:

Okay, so what that tells us is the fact that a lot of us, when we think we are stuck, when we're in a space of feeling that way that stops us in our tracks, that prevents us from moving forward, our perception is we can't carry on, or we can't move forward, or I'm now in a box, so guess what? You stay in that box. So I'm here to tell you that you can move through them lines, that you can move through that post. You know, I'm not gonna compare you to an elephant, but look, you're an absolute powerhouse. There's nothing you can't achieve, you know. Believe that you can do more. Believe that you can be better, believe you can be greater. Believe that you're not everything. You think you can be more than that and even more than that. It just comes down to some belief.

Speaker 0:

And another thing that Steven said which I found was really inspiring is that you know someone was saying and I probably can really resonate with this the fact that you know you want to do this, you want to do that, you want to do that, and I'm someone like that. I think I need to do it all at one time, at one stage. Okay, and he said that you should always have a some-day list doesn't mean that everything you think or if you want to do, you have to do right away, but you need to add it to your some-day list, okay. So my some-day list is I want to do a TED Talk, I want to be a speaker, the Excel Center, and I want to do a seminar in Vegas. I want to write a book, I want to go to I don't know Disneyland Paris with my family. There are many things that I want to do.

Speaker 0:

It doesn't all always have to be now, and I'll give an example. You know I went to the Excel Center. I've been looking into being a speaker at the corporate well-being event that they have next year and it's something I've been toying with for quite a while. But you know what? That is something I want to do, but not yet. Let's get my business where I want it to be first before I then go into that stage. Let's get a more established before I do that. So some days it's like don't jump the gun, you know that's okay, but still move forward.

Speaker 0:

Still things to things you need to do, but put that on a some-day list. It doesn't all need to happen all at once, because then we can just get into a bit of panic. Another thing he said send 30 emails, not three. You know, up your game if you're sending out a few emails, send out more than that. You know, get yourself out there, get yourself noticed. You know the only way you're going to make change or to get to where you need to be is to reach out and to do something different. And I really liked that, because so many of us we're sitting back and we're going out happen. You know, oh sorry, I'm sitting tuning the mic on, I'm getting excited, but we'll let that happen and you know we'll get to where we want to be. I'll put it out there to the universe and that's great, because you know I'm very big in manifesting. I'm very big in, you know, thinking about what you want, attracting it.

Speaker 0:

However, you do also need to make them practical steps into that space. You know, classic example if you're looking for a relationship but yet you know there's no space in your house or any relationship, maybe you're actually cutting yourself away from that or you're not giving yourself an opportunity to meet someone because your life isn't ready. There's no space for them. So, physically, make space for them. You know, sleep on one side of the bed. You know, have space in a drawer, like, let's start to think about what it'd be like to be in that relationship. And you'll see that a lot.

Speaker 0:

When it comes to manifesting, it's all about, you know, making space and and being practical about it as well, because we can't just think it through. You know, we can say we want this, we want that, but we need to be in that space and navigate towards that. So you know, for me, last year I went to an event with Tony Robbins online, and that was that that changed everything you know from. From that I set up this podcast, I started a business, you know, and I had a baby, you know, a baby that we'd wanted for so, so long, and I just think that there was a lot of things that I had to let go of. I had to let go of the business, the anger, especially after having a miscarriage. I had to let go and know that the good things are coming. And, you know, I had to be in a space of what I've got rather than what I've not, you know. So, essentially, it's all about you deciding what you want and absolutely going for it.

Speaker 0:

And you know, some people say to me what it's really hard to do. You know, I was speaking to someone yesterday actually, who called me for some advice and they said they're in a job that they're really not fulfilled in, they really don't like it. They work in insurance and the space they want to be in is mental health. So after finding out they don't have any experience other than their own personal experience, I said to them right, you know, the best way to do this is to go into volunteering. Let's find what space you want to be in first, because you could waste a lot of money, a lot of time and then realize, oh shit, you know, I actually don't want to work with adults, for instance, so volunteer and literally, you know, start to cancel out what it is and delete it. So, right, I don't want to work with old adults. Or I don't want to work in the community, I want to work in a hospital, you know, whatever it might be.

Speaker 0:

I also said to go in into coaching, have a look into coaching, find out if that's something she's passionate about. Um, this individual really wanted to support people, you know, and there's no better way than to do that, than to just start speaking. Start speaking to people around you, create community. There's so many things you can do. So you know there's no once there's can'ts. No, there's no one who can'ts. No, there's no can'ts. There's once. You know that's. Yeah, that's what I mean, because you're deciding there's not going to work out for you. So you're already saying I won't do it because you're thinking you can't do it. But that's not true. There's a real difference between can't and won't, and I'll leave that with you now.

Speaker 0:

So my question to you is what do you want in life? Where do you want to go? You know what makes you happy, what is your purpose. And if you're not sure, start exploring, because you know you have one life. It's good to live it. It's good to make the most of it. You want, I want you to be happy, I want you to be fulfilled and I want you to feel proud of yourself and I'm hoping a lot of you on this. Listening now and listening to podcast. Do feel that, because I want that for all of you. So that's all from me.

Speaker 0:

Everyone, you will hear from me next week. I've got some very, very interesting podcast episodes coming up. I'm getting a few different people on um. I will next. I don't think it'll be the next one, it'll be the week after. I depends how this works out. But I am getting um, a lovely midwife, uncle megan, who will be talking all about babies, antenatal, post natal, etc. It's going to be a really, really good episode. We're also going to hear from another individual about grief and eventually we're going to talk about men's mental health as well, and I've got just the person in mind for that. Um, no giving away there. So that's all from me.

Speaker 0:

Thank you for listening. As always, please do share if you listen. I've really appreciate it. We want to get the pod out there a bit more, and the only way we can do that is by your lovely help. So please help me do that. Um, have a lovely week and I'll speak to you soon. Bye, this podcast is sponsored by laura berg training the consultancy. That's right, my mental health training company. So if your company needs mental health first aid or workshops around mental health, I'm your girl. I am here to provide tools and techniques to staff to help them improve their mental health. So if you'd like to find out more, go to wwwlaurabergcouk. Thank you.

Overcoming Fear and Embracing Opportunities
Overcoming Limiting Beliefs and Taking Action