You Do You Hun

Unmasking Emotions for a Fuller Life

November 06, 2023 Laura Burke Episode 61
Unmasking Emotions for a Fuller Life
You Do You Hun
More Info
You Do You Hun
Unmasking Emotions for a Fuller Life
Nov 06, 2023 Episode 61
Laura Burke

Are you merely existing or truly living? It's time to step back from the hustle and truly ask yourself, "How am I really doing?" As your personal cheerleader with a decade's worth of experience in mental health, I invite you to embark on a transformative journey to self-awareness and self-improvement. 

From handling anxiety and pain to managing relationship conflicts and lack of self-love, previous episodes have touched upon a range of issues. As you navigate your own journey, my catalogue of episodes might provide just the right kind of support for you.

Share your experience, help the podcast grow, and let's embark on this journey together. Remember, it's not just about listening, it's about taking action.

To connect:
Facebook: Search 'You Do You Hun community' 

As always THANK YOU for listening to the pod, if you have a minute to rate/review/share I would really appreciate it!

Show Notes Transcript

Are you merely existing or truly living? It's time to step back from the hustle and truly ask yourself, "How am I really doing?" As your personal cheerleader with a decade's worth of experience in mental health, I invite you to embark on a transformative journey to self-awareness and self-improvement. 

From handling anxiety and pain to managing relationship conflicts and lack of self-love, previous episodes have touched upon a range of issues. As you navigate your own journey, my catalogue of episodes might provide just the right kind of support for you.

Share your experience, help the podcast grow, and let's embark on this journey together. Remember, it's not just about listening, it's about taking action.

To connect:
Facebook: Search 'You Do You Hun community' 

As always THANK YOU for listening to the pod, if you have a minute to rate/review/share I would really appreciate it!

Speaker 1:

Hello, hello and welcome to the UDU Hum podcast, a place to provide you with motivation, direction and for me to be your very own cheerleader If you are looking to move from where you are now to where you need to be. Keep listening, because I am going to share with you the tips and tricks that I have learned along the way from my 10 years experience in mental health. This podcast is sponsored by my god damn self, so if you are looking for home sense and affordable fragrances, look for Splendid Bliss on Facebook or Instagram. But for now, let's begin. Hello, hello and welcome back to another episode of UDU Hum. I hope you are well. I hope you have had a fantastic week.

Speaker 1:

I am actually recording this on firework night. Happy firework night everyone. I hope you have had a good weekend. I hope you have been out enjoying the fireworks. We haven't, actually, we have been staying in. Anderson is Teething, plus a cold, so we haven't been doing too much on our front, but it's okay. However, this podcast might be a little bit disrupted because there is a lot of fireworks going on where I don't know if you can hear them. They aren't going on right now, but there are also a lot of dogs bless them that are really howling, poor dogs, and firework night must be so terrifying for them. So, yeah, I bet some of you listen to this, thinking, oh god, the fireworks go again and you really don't enjoy it, whereas some of you are like, yeah, bring on the fireworks. So yeah, let me know which one you are.

Speaker 1:

So this is going to be a bit of a short episode, really, because I think short and sweet sometimes is a bit of a winner. And obviously I've been doing this for over a year now. I've been speaking to you about a lot of different topics, a lot of different ways to better your mental health, and I want to know from you you know how's it going, how are you finding it and, more importantly, what I really want to do is do a bit of a check-in with you and see how you are. You know how are you really, because there are lots of us that are moving through life in a very superficial way and you know we live in our life day to day, but what we're doing is we're existing, we're not really embellishing what life has to offer. We're not really, I guess, getting the best from life that we would like, we're not treating ourselves correctly, and I believe that that needs to change. And the way it's going to change is by one, you acknowledging where you're at and then, two, choosing a different step.

Speaker 1:

So I want to come on here now and I want to ask you how are you really? How are you really doing? How is your mental health? What's going really well right now? What isn't going well? And I want you to answer them.

Speaker 1:

Questions for me, because that's when you're gonna know whether there needs to be any growth or whether there needs to be any change here. Because how are you gonna know to better yourself, how are you gonna know to make a change, if you don't really ask yourself these questions? Because a lot of us, we live in this bubble, we live in this path, we go along this trail. We don't even sit back and question how are we doing? How is this going? How am I feeling? Am I feeling really stressed? I don't know about you, but I do that quite often. I'm busy. I'm constantly working or with my son, or I'm doing something else. So I feel like I'm always hectic and when I'm doing one thing, I'm thinking about something else. So for me, I really need to just take a step back sometimes and to go how are things going? And I want you to do the same, because, in order to move forward, we do need to acknowledge and I think it's fantastic you listen to the pods, I think it's fantastic you listen to these episodes but what I want you to really do is action it.

Speaker 1:

So if you are in pain right now, go back to episode one. Listen to turn your pain into power. If you're feeling really anxious right now, go back and listen into my episodes on anxiety. If you're feeling really hurt, you're going through a relationship difficulty, maybe check out the eight steps to resolving conflict. What is it you need right now? Because perhaps one of these episodes can support you. You know it might be a need to give yourself some God damn love. Go back to my self love episode.

Speaker 1:

There are lots of episodes there specifically for you at different stages in your life. So utilize them, use them and if they help you, please share it, because you do not know how much that could help someone by you sharing what has helped you, what supported you or what might help somebody else. So sharing is caring, huns. So that's why I constantly tell you to share the podcast. You know it's great for more people to listen to it perfect.

Speaker 1:

But for me, the reason I'm doing this is to be of service, is to be of help. So the way you can help me do that is by sharing it. So you know, it could be as well that you're really experiencing stress because you're supporting somebody or there's someone around you that is really experiencing poor mental health themselves. You know, go back to episode 20, supporting others with their mental health. You know, there are lots of tips and tricks that I've learned along the way and throughout my life, but also from working in camps, from working at mind, from working in lots of different mental health services. You know, I've lived it, I've breathed it, but not only that. I've got the t-shirt for me personally. So there are lots of things that I have shared and want to continue to share.

Speaker 1:

But I need to know how it's going too. So check in with yourself, find out where you are, find out where you're going, okay, and then you're going to know where to go next. But also, let me know Let us all be reflective today Let me know how you're finding the pod, what has been your most favorite episodes. You know if something has really resonated with you and that's made a change. Let me know about it, cause maybe that's something I need to hammer home the point even more. So help yourself and let's help the pod too. That is all from me. Have a lovely week, look after yourselves and you'll hear from me soon. Bye. This podcast is sponsored by Laura Burke training the consultancy, that's right, my mental health training company. So if your company needs mental health, I say, or workshops around mental health, I'm your girl. I am here to provide tools and techniques to staff to help them improve their mental health. So if you'd like to find out more, go to wwwlauraberkcouk. Thank you.