πŸ’› Cracked Open with Alanna Banks

Embarking on a Journey of Emotional Validation: You're Not Alone

β€’ Alanna Banks β€’ Season 2

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Have you ever felt like your feelings and experiences are dismissed or ignored? I'm kicking off the second season with a focus on something we all crave but rarely get enough of - VALIDATION.

As we move through this season, I'll be your guide, sharing my validation notes, little love notes reminding you that your emotions are valid, you matter, and you're not alone.

Each week, we'll explore how validation serves as a salve for self-doubt, insecurity, and isolation.

This season, we explore the importance of being seen, heard, and understood and how to navigate tricky emotional landscapes, testing situations, challenging relationships, and life's ups and downs. Feel free to connect with me on Instagram at @alannabankscoaching - let's embark on this validating journey together.

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Speaker 1:

Okay, cracked open season two. Here we come, and this season I really want to focus on you know what? I just really wanted to turn a new leaf and start from scratch, because there's a lot going on for me. During cracked open season one, you know, it started off with hypnotic meditations and then it moved into Some tarot forecasting, and then it moved into some interviews with Dr Nick Natali and and this is you know, I like to just put it out there because this is my life, this is what I do. I learn things and I put them out there and I try things and see how it goes, and you know, there's no shame in that.

Speaker 1:

But what I really want to focus on for this season is validation, and the reason why I'm focusing focusing on validation is because it's a really a Fundamental psychological need that all human beings share. It's the process of acknowledging and affirming your thoughts, your emotions and your experiences, and when we receive this validation from others, it helps us feel seen and heard and understood and it really confirms that our Experiences and our feelings are valid and that we matter and that we're not alone. So that will be the sort of like umbrella focus of this season and I'm going to be sharing Validation notes with you, okay, and these notes are going to basically be like love notes, and I recently launched a group program called the Ascension Circle and it's full of really amazing women who are doing amazing things, and the big message from our first call together was a relief that they're not alone in how they're feeling. That really struck a chord with me, because they they were feeling heard, they were feeling understood on this call and we meet bi-weekly on Tuesdays. If you want more information about that, you can send me a message on my Instagram at Alana Banks coaching.

Speaker 1:

So you know, validation is particularly important when we experience feelings of self-doubt, insecurity or isolation, which many of us feel right on a regular basis, and when someone validates us, it can reduce that negative emotion that we're experiencing and it can even promote Positive emotions and mental well-being. It helps build trust with others and allows us to create meaningful connections and, really, validation is a core component of my practice as a coach, a hypnotherapist, a palm reader, a tarot card reader. I really believe Validating your experiences is a crucial first step towards promoting emotional regulation, accepting yourself and, you know, having compassion for yourself, and then, on the flip side of that. It also helps me build trust with you. So this is why I want to move ahead and share these validation notes with you, because I really want to build that trust. I want you to feel seen, heard, understood, and I Think that we can all benefit from hearing some validation, hearing, hearing something that's going to make us feel good.

Speaker 1:

So, as I've said, validation plays a significant role in your life, especially in building trust, promoting feelings of self-worth and enhancing your mental well-being, and Its impact can be incredibly powerful and can help you navigate difficult emotions, difficult situations, difficult relationships, difficult seasons in your work, ever it may be, and it's going to allow you to navigate these more effectively. So I invite you in. I invite you to come back week after week and listen to these validation notes from me. You can find me on Instagram at Alayna Banks coaching. You can listen to this wherever you listen to your favorite podcast, and I hope you continue to tune in and thank you for being here. I really appreciate everybody who has been tuning in, people who have been listening to my hypnotic meditations. I love that and I would love to hear from you at any point. So please reach out, follow me on Instagram at Alayna Banks coaching and I'll see you in the next episode, or you'll hear from me in the next episode. You