

Christopher Rose

I am a Perinatal Anxiety and Perinatal OCD survivor who facilitates the PSI Dads Support group once a month and provides support to dads who connect via the Peer Mentor Program. Prior to becoming a volunteer with PSI, I was a new father struggling to support my wife's mental health and my own mental health. I was looking for ways to support my wife and connect with other parents due to the isolation barriers of the COVID pandemic. My wife found PSI support groups and began educating me on the different mental health challenges new parents can experience. My wife encouraged me to attend the dad's support group which were offered monthly. I felt i needed more support than a monthly dad's support group and was eager to support my wife who was struggling. Attending support groups helped me realize I too was struggling with my own mental health. I began attending the PSI Perinatal Parents support groups where I connected with other parents and began my journey to healing.