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Alyson Baker

Alyson is an internal medicine specialist in Victoriaville, Quebec. She went to medical school at McGill and then did her residency at the Université de Montréal. She has a particular interest in obstetrical medecine, which focuses on illnesses in the pregnant woman, and is involved in the GEMOQ (Groupe d’Étude en Médecine Obstétrical du Québec) as an administrator. 

She is currently living in Victoriaville with her partner, their huge dog ‘Buck’. She recently gave birth to twins.


Shalaka Shah

Shalaka got her Ph.D.  in child psychology at McGill University. Her thesis is on the influence of maternal prenatal stress, child genetics, and parenting on the development of attachment in children. 

She has completed her clinical residency in Victoria, B.C. She sees children and families in her clinical practice in Montreal. 

During the course of this podcast, she shares her journey in conceiving a child through IVF. She lives with her two cats, Tonks and Remus (as well as her husband).