Growing Facts Podcast

8. What do we mean when we talk about "prenatal stress"? With Dr. Eszter Szekely

Growing Facts Podcast Season 1 Episode 8

For today’s episode, Shalaka will be interviewing Dr. Eszter Szekely. We’ll be aiming to answer the question: What do we mean when we talk about prenatal stress? We discuss what are the sources of prenatal stress, what are the impacts on the child and what we can do to mitigate the risk.

In the post-interview discussion (32:34), Alyson and Shalaka discuss how prenatal stress is a normal and inevitable part of pregnancy, focusing on the things that are in our control, and some of the gaps in medical prenatal care when it comes to maternal mental health.

Québec Alliance for Perinatal Mental Health

1. Glover V, Capron L. 2017: Prenatal parenting.
2. Van den Bergh BRH et al. 2020: Prenatal developmental origins of behavior and mental health: The influence of maternal stress in pregnancy.
3. Szekely E et al. 2021: Maternal Prenatal Mood, Pregnancy-Specific Worries, and Early Child Psychopathology: Findings From the DREAM BIG Consortium.
4. Huizink AC. et al. 2004:  Is pregnancy anxiety a distinctive syndrome?
5. Stoll K et al. 2018: A systematic review of nonpharmacological prenatal interventions for pregnancy-specific anxiety and fear of childbirth.
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Prenatal research from Shalaka’s lab and the DREAM BIG consortium:
Prenatal Stress and Child Development book (2021):

Logo design by Dale Byrns
Initial podcast consultation provided by Zoé Gagnon-Paquin
Sound production consultation by Fox Valley Audio

Photo by Janko Ferlič
Music by lemonmusicstudio

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