Answer E: Edupreneurs Bridging Workforce & Education
How do we best prepare our new generation of students to succeed in the workforce? A) 4 year college programs? B) Hybrid learning? C) Career Technical Education with stackable certifications? D) Entering the workforce directly? For our students of today, it is clearly ANSWER E) ALL OF THE ABOVE. Edupreneurs (Educational Entrepreneurs) recognize the need to pivot our educational systems to meet the demands of Generation Z for relevant learning that meets their individual interests, learning styles and goals. Tune in and join the conversation about how to shift to get back to the roots of our country, helping our students gain the skills and tools they need to work hard and turn their dreams into career success. Tune in and join the conversation as I interview Edupreneurs who move past theory and discuss programs that are making an impact in their schools and communities to meet current student needs while filling workforce gaps.
Answer E: Edupreneurs Bridging Workforce & Education
"Answering Why" with Mark C. Perna
Kelli Gordon
Season 1
Episode 6
Mark C. Perna, author of the bestselling book "Answering Why? Unlocking Passion, Purpose and Performance in Younger Generations" tours the country speaking to edupreneurs about the ways we can shift education to meet the needs of Gen Z. Tune in to hear what he has to share to overcome barriers and reach our new generation to maximize their talents!