

Kelli Gordon

Four years ago, I thought I had the answers.  I was the site principal at a small high school I had helped design to fit the needs of students in my community, and I thought my future was mapped out for me.  When a historic wildfire burned down our school, community and homes, I had to start thinking differently.
I never fit into the classic student role, and I never related to the traditional career ladder concept.   My passion for non-traditional students like me, combined with our societal shifts post pandemic, drive me towards finding innovative solutions to bridge our educational systems with the shortages in the workforce, in ways that fit our new generation of learners and workers.  
The more I learn, the more questions I have.  I look forward to engaging with educators, students and business to dig into the barriers each group is facing and discover creative solutions together.
#edupreneur #alted #rural #careerteched