Millionaire Sales Systems Podcast
The Millionaire Sales Systems Podcast helps women of color financial experts and service based businesses book out and hit 5-figure months, 6-figure months, and build 7-figure empires by mastering lead gen and sales calls to create repeatable (and simple) sales systems.I’m your host, Ro Shah. I was tired of seeing “finance bros” representing the financial industry with their outdated takes, and knew it needed to change. That’s why my mission is to show you simple strategies you can use as a WOC finance expert to expand your reach, change the status quo, and make real MONEY. My mission is to create more relief in the industrywith automated sales
Podcasting since 2022 • 57 episodes
Millionaire Sales Systems Podcast
Latest Episodes
Millionaire Series: Forcing your Million Dollar Vision with Sheneya Wilson
Millionaire Series: Journey to the Millionaire Status: Sheneya Wilson, aka The People CPAIn this special series Ro interviews Sheneya Wilson, aka The People CPA, about her journey to millionaire status in the business world. Sheneya sha...
Millionaire Series: Making Millions After Burning Out with Kirsten Roldan
Mentorship Series: Achieving Million Dollar Peace with Kirsten Roldan: Mastering Email Marketing and Team SystemsIn the Millionaire Mentor series, Ro introduces her past mentor and coach, Kirsten Roldan. Kirsten discusses her journey fr...
Millionaire Series: Celebrating your way to 1 Million with Dielle Charon
Mentorship Series: From Social Worker to Multi-Million Dollar CEO with Dielle CharonIn this episode, Roma introduces Dielle as part of her mentor series. Dielle shares her inspiring journey from being a social worker with substantial st...
53: Vulnerability Series Part 4: Glowing up is ugly
#glowingeffect #glowingup #glowingup #rebranding #glowupmoments Vulnerability in Entrepreneurship: Normalizing the StrugglesIn this final part of my vulnerability series, I open up about the not-so-glamor...
52: Vulnerability Series Part 3: Juggling your 9-5 and Business is nothing to be ashamed of
#quitting #startingabusiness #whentosell Balancing a Successful Business and a 9-to-5 Job | Vulnerability Share Series Part 3In Part 3 of my vulnerability share series, I discuss the challenges and mindset shifts required t...