Granules of Grief with Refiloe Artwork

Granules of Grief with Refiloe

Around 8 pm on May 23rd, 2019, my soul ruptured when my grandmother breathed her last in ICU at Queen’ Mamohato Hospital in Lesotho. It was a bludgeoning of the spirit unlike anything I had ever known, and even then, I had known pain. Before I turned sixteen, I had lost both my parents and other beloved members of my close-knit family. But, losing my last living guardian, my sounding board, my mentor, the “parent” I had had the longest, plunged me into a kind of death that ultimately compelled me to go on a journey to explore the depths of grief. Come with me on Granules of Grief with Refiloe as I explore grief with others worldwide who have, too, lost someone to whom they were deeply attached. Some are yet to claw their way back to some patched-up form of being in the world after their loss, while some have, somehow, found a version of living that is somewhat closer to the aliveness they had before their loss. All― hopefully―have something valuable for both those who have grieved in that way and those who have not. *Refiloe, and most of her guests, are not grief experts. Granules of Grief with Refiloe is neither a counseling platform nor a source of mental health advice. If you or anyone you know is struggling, please seek or direct them to mental health resources that are affordable and accessible to you where you are.

Granules of Grief with Refiloe