The Remedy Revolution Podcast
Welcome to The Remedy Revolution Podcast! This is the show dedicated to finding remedies for whatever needs healing within the self, within relationship, and within the world at-large. We take an in-depth look at often difficult topics about health, society, and matters of the heart and distill them down into meaningful, actionable steps.
As an author in the health and fitness world, mother of a child with PANS, homeopath working with autism and complex conditions and survivor of Lyme, Erin has dedicated her personal and professional life to finding answers to the complexities of these challenges. For more information, visit: http://theremedyrevolution.com
*The Remedy Revolution was previously published under the name The AutoCOMMUNITY Podcast. Some of these unedited episodes remain for your listening pleasure.
The Remedy Revolution Podcast
Latest Episodes
The Pain-Free Formula

Mainstreaming Homeopathy with ActivMend

Medical Freedom Means the Freedom to Choose

What Happens When You Read "Just the Inserts?" with Just the Inserts founder: Alexandra