The Remedy Revolution Podcast

Remedy Revolution Goes to the Movies

Erin Paige

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It is with a very heavy heart that I share the news of Dr. Jim Meehan's passing. When we last spoke, he had been complaining of difficulty speaking due to a tumor on his tongue. Though we had scheduled to record a monthly interview, he requested we postpone for a few months while he healed. I was later informed that it was, in fact, cancer. My experience of Dr. Jim led me to believe his indomitable warrior spirit would certainly prevail so it came as quite a shock to hear of his passing. Knowing Jim though, he is on to bigger and better things with his Creator. Those wishing to support Dr. Jim's family can still place orders, as mentioned in the episode. Additionally, there is a link at to a direct donation website. The Remedy Revolution podcast wishes to thank the Meehan family for sharing their beloved patriarch and I am forever indebted to Dr. Jim for his unwavering mentorship. Keep up the good fight, warrior. You are greatly missed.

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