Sales Hero Podcast

EP 20: Scaling Sales Teams with Chandler Bolt, CEO of Self-Publishing School

Joe Girard Episode 20

I got the pleasure of interviewing Chandler all about how he grew Self-Publishing School, increased the price of his offer, added a sales team, and exploded growth. If you want to skyrocket your success, this episode is for you.

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About Chandler Bolt:

Chandler Bolt is the CEO of Self-Publishing School,, and the author of 6 bestselling books including his most recent book titled “Published.”. Self Publishing School is an INC 5000 company the last 2 years in a row as one of the 5,000 fastest-growing private companies in the US. 

Chandler is also the host of the 7 Figure Principles Podcast and the Self Publishing School Podcast. Through his books, podcasts, YouTube channels, and Self-Publishing School, he’s helped thousands of people write their first book. 


About Self Publishing School:

Self-Publishing School is an online education company that teaches people how to write & publish a book in as little as 90 days. We transform the lives of purpose-driven individuals by helping them write and publish a book. Our mission is to help 100,000 people publish their book by 2029 thus impacting 120M+ people through "Leveraged Impact. (Chandler explains this in his TEDx talk here:

Joe Girard:   0:04
Hey, it's Joe Girard with Sales Hero Podcast where you're gonna learn some cool stuff about psychology influenced neuroscience, how to create repeatable best practices and systems and building your bulletproof mindset. Today I'm talking with Chandler Bolt from self publishing school. This is the one you do not want to miss. He is going to be talking about how he moved from selling completely online, adding sales teams and scaling that sales team to grow his business absolutely astronomically. So stay tuned, grab a piece of paper and start taking notes, because this one is going to below your mind. Let's get started. All right, What's going on, everybody? I am pumped to introduce you to Chandler Bolt. He is the CEO of self publishing school, self publishing dot com and the author of six best selling books, including his most recent book titles published. You Gotta Check That Out. Self Publishing School is an Inc 5000 company in the last two years in a row, as one of the 5000 fastest growing private companies in the U. S. Yeah, Baby. Chandler is also the host of the seven figure Principles podcast in the self publishing School podcasts Through his books, podcasts, YouTube channels and self publishing school, he's helped thousands of people write their first book. I love following what you're doing. I love what you've been up to, man. Just the jury that you've been on. And I know that right now, based on everything that's going on, is the exact perfect time to write a book. So welcome to the podcast,

Chandler Bolt:   1:33
Hey, Joe. Great to be here. Love what you're doing, love. I just love your style, man. And how you how you do, how personal you're how genuine, authentic yards. It's really good to be here,

Joe Girard:   1:47
Awesome man is excited to have you weigh. Haven't done too much. The podcast seven lasted a while and when you put you reached out, I'm like, Oh, man, let's kick this thing up a notch. So I'm pumped. So I want to start, you know, we're gonna keep it pretty casual. As you know, my style is not anything other than that. But I want to kind of start and say, you know, tell me about your journey with you know, What were you doing before you started doing all this stuff? What's the journey been like on Where you thinking of going with the stuff? And if you can Sprinkle in a little bit of sales juiciness in their love affair? Yeah, let's rock.

Chandler Bolt:   2:21
So I mean, I got my start with I mean, I was running businesses in high school and college and all that stuff and, you know, finally got tired of learning how to run a business from professors who would never in the business. That is too much for me. So I dropped out of school. But before I didn't really what gave me the confidence to dropout was I worked at a company called Student Painters. So if you've ever heard of college pro painters, college work, student painters, and so it's direct sales but mixed with entrepreneurship. So I think you know whether it's cut co. Whether it's ah, student painters. But there's a lot of internships or, you know, direct sales type roles like that. I think it's some of the best of the best things that you never do when you're first getting started. Now the big differences if you want to strictly do sales, I think cut Co. And there's some other companies as well are like we hire decent amount from, ah, family heritage or not, Family heritage. I'm South Southwestern Consulting or Southwestern books like shorted or book sales on day. That's that. They used a recruiting arm for their family heritage life, and so we hire from kind of all those places, But for me, it was student painters. And so the difference, though, is you've learned the entrepreneurship pizzas well, because you sell all the jobs and then you gotta paint all the

Joe Girard:   3:39
houses. I just throw it away. Yeah, yeah, exactly. It's

Chandler Bolt:   3:43
not just selling and then delivering, you know, delivering a great product like a here. These amazing knives were here of these books, or here's whatever it's you got to come back and deliver. So that was a crash course and really was the Navy Seals kind of Ah, crash course on the the Navy Seals equivalent of hell week. It was that, but for business, but for seven months love it, I mean, and it was just sitting through the ringer. So when we started our sales organization, it's not publishing school, you know, we've always been really, really good at marketing and so everything we did in the early days that we had no sales. We sold strictly via marketing Webinars, you know, marketing all that stuff. But then eventually we said, Hey, we wanna going to go live it more upmarket And to get students better results they need to have like we had a coaching product and we had a non coaching product and the coaching product was kicking the poo out of everything else from a results perspectives. It's like art cool. We're not going to sell anything that doesn't have baked in accountability and support with our team. So we're gonna raise prices and an increase like that. Kind of the level of support that we're giving people so naturally that, you know, high, higher A S V o r. There's, like, a 1,000,000,000 different ways t say that same acronym, but a oh, vsv, whatever you wanna call it. I'm so I mean, that weren't in the sales team. So one of the first things for me was was very intentional about I wanted to hire a rap. Well, I mean, I started with two reps, but then as we scaled our team, I was very in tune drawn a rep from each direct sales company that I confined because then you're tapping into a talent vein. All right. So, like hired one from student painters. Heard one from College Pro hired one from Southwestern Books. Hired Jim Sales. Like different, different Stuff like that Still don't have are cut co person.

Joe Girard:   5:38
So if you're listening right, so let's rock and roll, baby. I mean, that is

Chandler Bolt:   5:43
like That's been the elusive one that I've been really trying.  I've had one or two that were really good. That made it to find around interviews, but just work out that they didn't make it or whatever. But yes, that's that led to a screening, the sales team and kind of a long winded way to answer of what we're doing right now with scaling self publishing school.

Joe Girard:   6:02
I love amount. Now what? Why did you get into self all this missile? What was the impetus? I know What My goodness, what is the impetus behind? Why the hell do you started, man? That's what I want to know. I want your vocabulary. That's good

Chandler Bolt:   6:21
of you writing books over there. What's going on

Joe Girard:   6:24
public? It's called the impetus. Yeah,

Chandler Bolt:   6:29
I mean for me, I I wrote and published a couple of books and they did pretty well. And then people started asking about Hey, how are you doing this and mean Miles where I dropped out of school and I was working on the business. That was just totally failing. But people kept asking about books, and one of those things were, you know, people could only smack in the face so many times for you turn out of look, yeah, you turn and look And there's a whole heap of people there. And so for me it started is me just getting on the phone with people for an hour for free, just to be a nice person to be like, Oh, hey, here's everything you need to do Good luck. Hope you're booked as well and again just to be a nice person. And then finally, you do it so many times and people keep asking about it. You're like, Hold up. I should be charging for this less. Let's start. So we started what ultimately became best selling book system and or it was called bestselling book system and what ultimately became self publishing school and we had our first cohort of about 44 students. I think it was. And then they were successful. And that was so That was when the light bulb turned on for me. I said, Okay, cool. This is not just me anymore. Like I can help other people and she have a similar result. And so then that was when my belief really sparked up. And I mean, as you know, and anyone listening this its ways yourself some if you believe in it. And so once, You know, once once I believe in the product. And then it was It was game on.

Joe Girard:   7:52
Yeah. So what? When, Um, as you're going through this when was kind of the how long into the journey did you realize you want to go higher ticket with your offer?

Chandler Bolt:   8:02
It was probably two, maybe three years.

Joe Girard:   8:08
OK, so it was mainly online selling the marketing funnels, the sales funnels, and then you have people. You have more support team kind of selling of people who need help.

Chandler Bolt:   8:17
Yeah, and actually, we didn't even do much of that. We did launches on. We also did webinars, and we just we just always really been getting marketing on. And it was, you know, it was 1000 or $2000 price point or so I mean, I think we did. We did like 1.1 million the first year we did. I want to say 2.1 the second year and then maybe 2.8, the third. And I think it was right about somewhere in there. Uh, I said, Hey, I'm her first sales people. And then we did that and then that likes we just slowly started kind of fully changing the model.

Joe Girard:   8:53
Yeah. And now your model is primarily just all that right? 100%. Yeah,

Chandler Bolt:   8:58
I mean, we're still really good at marketing, and we get hundreds and hundreds of leads a day, and this, like, total first World problem on and a problem that every, uh every sales person would die for was like literally one of our problems is that we have too many leads.

Joe Girard:   9:16
And that's why I like when I get messages from you, it's always like I need salespeople. 

Chandler Bolt:   9:24
That's always That's what I go, Joe, Who do you know? We never salespeople so kind of the structure is We've got five wraps and four SD. Ours is the most we've ever had. Okay, um and I think we might be a little bit over balanced, like we could probably get. Go, go to six and three. But, I mean, we have with hundreds of leads a day. I mean, it's like So then. Then there's a couple of problems to solve, right? Like, how do you Okay, how do you make sure you have the best starting five possible up? Best five people in those seats. Then how do you make sure that you're utilizing their time in the best way possible? So we auto DQ about? Gosh, 20 to 40% of calls we get

Joe Girard:   10:04
Really? Now can you tell me about the product? Can you tell me about the process from like, are you driving toe webinar? You're driving cool traffic toe webinar. What's that look like? Are you doing APS at the front to qualify and then your d queuing? A lot of people there. Where does that all happen? I'm just really curious about your process. And who You know what your team is doing here

Chandler Bolt:   10:22
for sure So we, um So it's definitely heavy on Webinars Webinars. They're the center of our business. But I mean, man, we've got so many marketing assets. So there's quizzes. There's there's book outlined. Template Generator is a really good one recently, there's all kinds of stuff, man. And so really, Yeah, I mean, so we also own self publishing dot com?

Joe Girard:   10:48
Yeah, I love the way.

Chandler Bolt:   10:50
Have you know that's and then we also their review a bunch of other self publishing companies. So we give honest third party reviews. But then we show up when someone searches their company review. Yeah, and so then we're showing up in the top three and Google for their turn. And then it's a review. And it says, Hey, I'm curious about what company you want to pick, Um, or if you want. You know, click here to book a call with our team and let's talk through your options. It's like those air high intent like high, qualified people. And then on the flip side, you've got webinar watchers and and quiz takers. Or, like, you know, like if you search best self publishing companies, we have the snippet for that and then you can see the best. And then there's a quiz to figure out which one's the best company for you. Or, like book outline. Best book writing software. E think we also were the number one of the snippet spot for that, this quiz like Figure out, which the book Best book reading software. Or, like Take Your Author D and a quiz. And so it is a lot of top of funnel, assessing and qualifying. And then they jumped through hoops and then either, though end up in a webinar, though. End up purchasing a copy of my book published Free Plus Shipping Funnel, Um, or some other like lower ticket stuff. Or they'll go on a webinar and book a call sometimes. If it's a good enough lead source, either lead mechanism or lead source, we'll let him go straight to call, even after they. So basically, the process is they book a call through schedule. Once it's a two step process. They take a time and then fill out a on application. Now and then they press submit Now, unfortunately, I wish it's infuriating to me that schedule once won't have a dynamic thank you page I'm based on on on Option that they select because it's a little bit. And I don't like the process that

Joe Girard:   12:41
this is an auto redirect to standard page read.

Chandler Bolt:   12:43
Well, no, no, it goes your thank you page. That's not the issue. The issue is, if they select from one of the qualifying questions, was just like how much how much you're willing and able to invest in the success of your book. There's one that's like $0. I have no money to invest in self publishing. Score the success of my book at this time.

Joe Girard:   13:00

Chandler Bolt:   13:00
those folks get auto DQ'd auto disqualified, So basically what happens is on the back end, we've got, like, a bunch of stuff, kind of like duct taped together on. Basically, it'll get. If they select that, it'll get deleted off the sales reps calendar. It will get cancelled through schedule once, and then they'll get an email on a text that said, Hey, so you just tried to since submit an application. We've got a couple questions about your application, so we've cancelled it for now. Let's chat, and then we can talk about rescheduling so that kicks out to an SDR I'm so than the SDR can say, Hey, let's have a five minute conversation requalify If they do qualify, and then if they do, then they'll put him back on the calendar. If they don't send up a bunch of helpful for free, resource is or, you know low ticket Resource is that will help with them like that's the kind of the core thing. And then from SCR perspective, I mean, we've got a Julian leads coming in every single day. So it's that, you know we do. We're constantly trying to refine and improve that where it's how do we bubble up the best leads to the top. And that is, you know, we SQL  and MQL recent see lead source, all that stuff, and then we bucket those out and we'll have like 45 minute Webinar watchers or like one of our good buckets. Or if they got if they did the free plus shipping of my book published like that, those or something. So I mean, we practice what we preach like spokes to grow your business like yes, literally, exactly what we're doing. And so there's there's that And so then they SDR is called down a list that's in an ideal world, the hottest leads at the top and and the most recent leads at the top so that they have Ah, hopefully ah, high call higher called to connect ratio and so that they can They can connect. And then you set the sales reps.

Joe Girard:   14:59
I love it on your country. Thank you, Page. I'm just curious. What is the thank you page say

Chandler Bolt:   15:04
yes. So the thank you page There's a video and it's It's a video explanation of me setting expectations for the call. So it's like I think it's I think I asked him to do three things. It's Hey, number one. If you haven't watched the webinar, there's a link right below this. Watch the webinar before your call. Uh, what is it? Number two. Make sure this is in your calendar. It doesn't matter if this is a if you got a digital calendar. If you got a physical calendar, whatever, you gotta do

Joe Girard:   15:30
it on your hand like we get in your

Chandler Bolt:   15:32
calendar and show up because we're often were usually fully booked. So if you you committed to that time and we're gonna So it's a little bit of NLP, but it's like, you know, you committed to that time we committed to calling you at that time. So I just want to make sure that you know you're not taken a slot that someone else would have gladly taken. So make sure the show up.

Joe Girard:   15:53
I'm wondering about Cuba. No, I was

Chandler Bolt:   15:55
saying that I think there's a There's 1/3 thing. Um, I'm not remembering right now, but I know that below the video, it's like there's there's edifying things, like on entrepreneur dot com or business. Entire, there's a podcast episode. There's customer testimonials from all that stuff. Objection, specific, and so then that's that's there. And I want to say, like the third thing. Oh, I'm mission like, Hey, on this call, you're gonna have an opportunity to enroll in self publishing school if you decide to do so. Like if you decide on that call, I think I think I mentioned this. You'll save money on the cost of program, and then one thing that we also do is we send what we call a pre frame video, um, and this automatically happens, Um, and it comes from the rap and from there, email on its Hey, check this out before your call and there's a pink video, and then that's them introducing themselves. That's what was setting expectations for the call there. So they've already gotten to know each other a lot over the appointment call.

Joe Girard:   16:55
I was just one of the thoughts I was talking to. Somebody about this the other day is, as I'm hearing you talk about if you're doing Q right at the red of the gates, Um, maybe have something on that thank you page and says, Hey, here's why you might not qualify for a call because now they looked right. If you say, hey, some people get rejected, so if you're gonna prove for this call good news, you're in a good spot, you may get elected, and so you're kind of primeing them psychologically. That is a big win when they get the call. And it's not that big of a soul crusher if they don't get it because already told why they wouldn't qualify.

Chandler Bolt:   17:26
Yeah, we went back and forth. It's like, how do you confuse the least amount of people and also piss off the least amount of

Joe Girard:   17:33
pizza as

Chandler Bolt:   17:34
a safety. I think we've been, like, kind of back and forth between like and so one of the things I'll say on the Webinar that kind of sets it up a little bit. But to be honest, I don't think we found the perfect solution to this specific problem is I'll just say, Hey, you know, we have about 3000 people every month apply to work with us. We only accept a handful of those people, roughly about 8% the acceptance rates for Harvard's about 5 to 6%. So you can. You could say that it's almost It's hard

Joe Girard:   18:01
to get into self publishing schools, which is I love that. See, I love that. You know, I wish

Chandler Bolt:   18:04
more people identify and there so and it's 100% true and like we we D Q and we send away a bunch of people. So we're trying to, and I think this is what will continue to evolve in ourselves. Process is having it more and more like a selection process remembers, and so we're as we just continue to tighten this up. It's becoming more and more like Okay, And that's in the expectation setting piece in the 1st 5 minutes of call for the rap is if you qualify toe work with us and if you're a fit, we'll talk about what that looks like. A really kind of like push vs pull a lot of selling and constitutive selling.

Joe Girard:   18:43
Yeah, I mean, I remember a few years ago you posted something on looking for sales people, and that was you had posted a video, and I know with your backdrop there talking about what you were looking forward, sales people, and you really set that tone of, like, you know what your expectations were for the quality and sort of the intention, the authenticity. And that's what I was really struck me as, like, This is No. This is something that not everybody is doing, and there's a lot of confusion and hiring salespeople, and there's a lot of God. There's a lot of weirdness in, and you probably have had some crazy application. Want to talk about maybe a couple of talk about some of the great people that you've been able to bring on, and maybe a couple of like war stories of like, Oh, my God, I can't believe that happened. Because this is, you know, I want to juxtapose those things, man. Yeah.

Chandler Bolt:   19:26
I mean, you know, my philosophy and I've said this for years is don't be a sales a weirdo. That's original. Quote to me. No, just

Joe Girard:   19:34
kidding. I copy that. I made a poster in that

Chandler Bolt:   19:40
man. Now I'm just messing. Yeah. I mean, I think we've learned a lot of hard lessons along the way and then also been very fortunate to heart great people. Man on me, we have a very rigorous sales, our interview process. I mean, it's just we send people through the wringer. And

Joe Girard:   20:00
can you describe that a bit? Yeah, of course. Given it don't give it any secrets, but just describe yeah, so

Chandler Bolt:   20:06
I've got. And what might be helpful for people as well as I've got two videos on my YouTube channel. Seven figure principles show one is how to hire your first sales person on the other One is a player hiring process. So, like those two will be super helpful. A long and short of it is. I mean, it's attitude, no hiring. So behavior based hiring. It's also so there's there's their screening interview. There's kind of more, Um, there's like your focus interview. There's a top creating interview and then, ah, lot of cases. We want to hear them take some calls, and so we'll send them some calls on here, how they take calls and like stuff like that. And so we just kind of send people through the wringer from that standpoint, So we make sure we really nailed the hiring process. Um, and then I would say one of the things we've learned and I think this can be a bit counterintuitive for some people is like I try not to hire from the Internet marketing industry. I try to hire outside of that all possible on. I think a lot of times the wraps that are like I'm amazing

Joe Girard:   21:13
closer and I was just gonna ask you about What do you think about all this? One called Closer High ticket Closer. I just call it the sales. I call it sales bro mentality. It's just always people that it's brutal, right?

Chandler Bolt:   21:25
It's brutal, it's cut through its boiler room mentality, and it's those people aren't gonna fit like they'll be out really quick because it's a constitutive sales process. And we care about the success of our students so

Joe Girard:   21:39
crazy when you care about them, they send you more customers. Yeah, it's crazy, right? Flywheel, right?

Chandler Bolt:   21:47
Yeah. So I think just the whole high ticket closer, like most of it's B s. And people say they're making a bunch of money. They're not. They people. It's a boiler room like churn and burn mentality. And you look under the hood and that you've got people promising like, Oh, you're gonna come here and make 200 grand your first year. It's like, Oh, no, not your average tenure of a rep is nine months because you're churning people out and they made money. Two months, really good money for two, like two of those nine months.

Joe Girard:   22:21
They just extrapolated that saying, one month that was good. Could have been five years of this, like knows nothing wave.

Chandler Bolt:   22:29
You get enamored by that, and that's certainly happen to me. Oh, multiple times. And then you just don't make that mistake again. And so I want people that are humble, hungry and smart, and that that are, you know, are not not in the Internet marketing industry, not they wouldn't call himself a high ticket closer than any of that crap. That, and often times like they were there in a high velocity, high volume, lower average order value. Because that's what we found. Two is is when someone is used to settling these huge deals. Then they just think it's below them to sell. You know, solid size deals like arts like four grand, five grand, six grand like there used to selling these, you know, crazy like 10 15 $20,000 packages, which sure and a lot of context like Cool. That's whatever the value is. But it's like he's propped up getting get rich quick, kind of like 10 K high ticket offer. Whatever. And it's just eso that those don't those people don't work well. But the people who are used to like maybe they would sold at a car dealership, maybe, like Jim Sales. Maybe it was they were in a high volume, low average order value that I like. Oh my gosh, what did I wake up every day and have calls on my calendar? Like

Joe Girard:   23:47
right thing. I work from home. I

Chandler Bolt:   23:53
like its average 4000 on deals like then, they really appreciate it. Where, I think, at least in my experience, if they're coming in another place on

Joe Girard:   24:02
your team, your team is doing well. You have a team that's pretty pretty structured and been there for a while with you. Write most of

Chandler Bolt:   24:08
them. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we have good,

Joe Girard:   24:09
which is which is not normal, right on the Internet side

Chandler Bolt:   24:14
on. And they're still like, every now and then. I see this happens is I think, um, people getting enamored by the shiny, like go over there to these, like people that everyone thinks you're like a big deal. And they're talking about saying it's usually the people that are like at a big level training sales. I could say multiple names, and I'm sure I

Joe Girard:   24:39
don't know his name. I don't have to say those names. Guys on They see

Chandler Bolt:   24:45
that and it's That's the sales road boiler room. Like go there.

Joe Girard:   24:50
Close Russian. I'm gonna kill it all, bro. Yes for

Chandler Bolt:   24:56
it. Look, those folks aren't gonna last. They're looking at the one year they're looking at the two year timeline. Oh, so I think the biggest mistake A lot of people in general make entrepreneurs make leaders make. And also salespeople like they look on too short of a horizon. And it's like the grass is always greener kind of free agent mentality, which I think really like sometimes we've lost some really talented people to that exact thing. It's like, Hey, look, the grass isn't greener.

Joe Girard:   25:24
It's just like anything. It's especially right now. We talk about what's happening around the world. People are, you know, we talked about before we jumped on here. The idea of pivoting, You know, if you're gonna go after something that's meaningful, that's valuable, that supports your values, your vision, your mission, it takes time on it takes commitment and it takes, you know, risk on both sides. And if you're thinking I'm just gonna keep changing and go and jump from job to job and be a high ticket closer, you're gonna be your get beaten up, eaten up and chewed up by the system, right? So maybe they may. I see this question here is, um, somebody like, let's say there's somebody listening. There should be one person listening. If the one person is listening and they're authentic, and they really want to do meaningful work. And they hear, you know, somebody like you and just what you're explaining their like, that really sounds good place, toe work. That sounds like a good sales thing. That somewhere I could hang my hat. I'm willing to do whatever it takes. I'll clean the virtual toilets. I don't care. You know, I'm gonna come and go work for somebody like Chandler. What would you say that? How should they approach that to kind of stand out to be able to, you know, differentiate themselves from everybody that's out there and what do they need to do to really, you know, make the most of that job and not drive you crazy? A big question.

Chandler Bolt:   26:38
So it's funny because I literally just did the timer recording. This releases video two days ago from on how little energy dream job and it's units. It's a lot of that. I mean, the good news is good. Fundamental good sales fundamentals are exactly what you're gonna do. Land the job? Yes, in the handwritten note, retract, you know, go around the gatekeeper, reach out directly, um, show experience and shows stats. I think when I'm interviewing people. They get so hung up on selling themselves, have a bad like and and not a good way. It's like they're selling the skill set and a lot of cases on like I wanted. Like, I want to get into the numbers really quickly and then zoom out and poke around with skill set. And until I understand the numbers, it's like, Okay, so it's like, Okay, what percent were you in the last and your last in the company? How many wraps were they? Where did you rank? Okay, the company before that. How many reps were they? What did you rank? How many calls were you doing today? What was your average sales value? What? We sure, like? I just want to rattle through all that stuff. And then that's gonna because past experience is the best indicator of future success. And so it's like for me, I want I want to see that very quickly. Uh, and it's like, Okay, cool. Where were you at on def. Your bottom quarter of the sales organization shoot. If you're anywhere but like top 10% we're not gonna talk. Probably ordered, like the conversation wearing quickly So, like your results speak for themselves. I don't like when people speak poorly about the previous organization. That's usually a sign that it was. It was them problem, not the organization problem. And so I'm going to be the person that they're speaking for. The about

Joe Girard:   28:21
the next one. Yeah. You, without

Chandler Bolt:   28:24
exception, that's been something. And then, to answer your second part of your question, how do you keep, um, how do you keep from driving me or the sales manager crazy is be a team player, man. It's like the people who come in like that, which we we've had. We've been fortunate, have some really good ones. It's just like I want to make the team win. I'm gonna be headed if but supportive. I'm gonna like I'm gonna challenge everyone to get better. And I'm gonna bring an energy and a level of excellence. And what we call best is the standard. It's one of our core values. It's like I'm gonna bring a standard, and I'm gonna be a standard setter standard razor and not someone you know, not someone who's entitled, not someone who's like like if your sales rep do not dog the SDR light. It's very easy to

Joe Girard:   29:20
be everything, man. It's

Chandler Bolt:   29:21
crappy, crappy sets. My, it's like I've seen that happen is just like you're an idiot.

Joe Girard:   29:28
Like, What are you doing? You're be

Chandler Bolt:   29:30
biting off the hand that's feeding you. And and it's like it's not healthy for the team, like so then never comes. Is weird like SDR versus Reps in like we're second class citizens and we're just like in the bow at the feet of the reps, which is totally not true. Like,

Joe Girard:   29:45
Will you build a business? Yeah, you built a business around all of the people and all of the service delivery, the support people, the i t team. Everybody's on the same team. There's a reason all these moving pieces were there and you sell is an organization If one doesn't work. Yes, and you don't have a job sales rap. Yeah, that's how this goes.

Chandler Bolt:   30:04
Yeah, you win as a team and you lose absent. So I think that's like Great comes in with the team first two mentality that their their growth oriented there coachable all day long,

Joe Girard:   30:17
like that is just a train is a dream. I love him and I used to tell people might like I had a team of 50 reps. And I say, You know, we put in two categories those who don't know how and those that don't want to. And if you don't know how will teach a man you don't want to, you want to get the fuck out? That's just it on. I just I'm like, I want to help you guys win. But not if you don't want to be here. And if you're gonna do all the stuff to make this really difficult, don't don't stay right. We don't like it. It's the worst. When you have a rep that you're just dragging through the mud, right, it's brutal

Chandler Bolt:   30:50
because you want them to succeed and

Joe Girard:   30:52
you want him personally and professionally, right? 100%. And your reputation, like from everything. I see what you do and the clients he have and where you're going with things you want. Wraps like that's your first thing that's happening, that you get a bad taste in your mouth. It's really hard to undo that man because your whole company becomes the sales of weird. All right? Yeah, yeah, I still your quote. So uh Let's, uh, we'll wrap this up here. I want maybe, um, let's let me think about a good question here. What? What what tips would you give? Sort of any kind of company, like there's a lot of people that are gonna listen that you are in a similar situation where they say I need to bring on some sales people. I don't know how this sounds great, but they've maybe been burned by bringing on sales people in the past. This whole bro mentality, it gets people a lot of high, high level promises and maybe spending too much money on rap's. How would you help somebody that wants to make that transition from online to start to bring on some sales, whether they do it themselves or they bring on a team? What would what should they think of first in order to get get through this big hurdle?

Chandler Bolt:   31:57
Yeah, I tell you the thing that I thought of what's who versus how it's how we tackle any problem and businesses who's done this before? Not how do we do this? And if we figure out the who, they know the how. I mean, it's guys like you, Joe, And, like, learned directly from people who have done it and then literally do exactly what they did, right? Not crazy concept, but that's what we're so immediately I was like, OK, cool. How'd Tony Robbins build a tip sales team? How did Dave Ramsey double sales team had a John C. Maxwell? Both the sales team, like at scale. What is this? Like what they call their sales reps. How did they comp their sales reps? Where do they recruit from? Like they have spent a lot of money and a lot of time figuring that out. I'm gonna go find exactly what they did. And then I'm gonna get on the phone with a bunch of people asking questions and stuff like that, and so learn from people who have done it. And I mean, obviously, this is something you do all day, every day. So if you know, I'd work with somebody like you and learned hard way are learned the easy way Now

Joe Girard:   32:59
I was like, It is the hard way. We like it like it's simple and easy work with Joe, and it'll be harder. Yeah, your life is worse. But you know what? I'll send an invoice so that you pay up front. All right, man. Well, you know anything else that you want to add to this? Because I think this is This was gold. Did you crushed it?

Chandler Bolt:   33:24
I appreciate it. Thanks for having me on. If you want to learn how to write a book, grab my book published. I'm check out. The resource is that we have over on the site, like, get our main pillar kind of how to write a book. Post that as the book outlined Template Generator. I mentioned free copy of the book Webinar. If you're someone that wants to use a book to stand out either in your sales role when your business, whatever. We're here to help and you get 10 resource is that will help with that.

Joe Girard:   33:52
And what I would say Anybody you know, if you're thinking about whether you're trying to sell whether you're trying to build an organization, go and check out all this stuff just, you know, like as a swipe file, to see somebody that's really kicking ass and doing things right. It really, really used to love the way that you're approaching all this stuff. I want to thank you for joining me today. We'll give you a big fist bump was homey, and I really love what you've been talking about. Thanks for joining us, and I know everybody got a ton of value. Thanks so much. Thank you. Thanks for checking out today's podcast. You know, whether you're just starting out or you have decades of experience, it's conversations exactly like these that can help you get an edge today. And in the long term, you can also find me on my blog's and Make sure you share this with your friends and colleagues as well. You know selling is heroic because nothing happens in a business unless people buy from you. This is why I want to help you just simplify, have fun and grow its not only talk about these ideas, but take action and do our best work together when you invest in yourself and just continuously learn how to sell the right way, you are a hero for your customers and for yourself. So join me next time for another episode of Sales Hero podcast