Inside the Box

Living with Endo: Patient story - Frankie

Kat, Tash & Caitlin

In this patient story we are joined by Frankie who is living with Endo. Frankie shares a raw insight into her experience navigating everything from onset of symptoms through to diagnosis and her treatment journey. In this episode we cover:

  • Her first period through to onset of endo symptoms
  • Types of symptoms that led Frankie to seek help
  • Early (not so successful) experiences with navigating health professionals 
  • How she was diagnosed with Endometriosis and what first line treatment looked like
  • Frankie’s honest insight into living with endometriosis and its impact on mental and physical health
  • All the tools currently in Frankie’s treatment “tool belt” and what has been the most helpful for her symptoms

We finish with Frankie’s advice to anyone starting out on their endo journey. 

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