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Common Sense Millionaire

We can look like we have money or we can actually have money. George wants you to have money, actually, he wants you to become a millionaire. The common-sense way. This podcast was created for the person who feels like they are in the midst of a financial whirlwind and can’t seem to design a path that works for them and get them the win that they want. They don’t see a path to millionaire status but they want to get there, it’s king overdue. George’s practical approach is no the get-rich-quick path, but rather the strategic approach to real life, daily habits, and a real plan that creates the win. He will give you the step-by-step play and be your family and business CFO. As the ultimate Chief Financial Officer, his simple tactics help you start leveraging your spending and taxes so that you can slide into that true wealth status.

Common Sense Millionaire

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