

Nicholas Rosseinsky

Transformational Coach, Consciousness Scientist, Civilization Strategist.

After living what many might have considered 'the Dream' (at least back then!), in 2001 I hit a wall, and underwent what I now call a spiritual explosion. Pre-explosion, my lived reality seemed to be congruent with the theoretical physics I'd studied at Cambridge. And the personal prosperity I'd generated seemed well-justified by the modern economics which mirrors that physical theory. Post-explosion, I came to see that any real future for humanity demands a civilization founded on a new reality-theory, marrying modern science and non-dual spirituality in specific ways, and leading to radical innovations in our social and economic living-arrangements. (interpersonal work) (science, and the science/spirituality frontier)

Oliver Baum

Psycho-Spiritual Therapist and Systemic Facilitator. 

The call came at University in my early 20s' and given my less than committed attitude to study at the time, in the most unlikely and special of places. Sitting in St. Mary's library, a copy of the Tao Te Ching, a book on the Spanish Inquisition and something else (I’m guessing Kierkegaard) in front of me, I felt frustrated - at what I can’t remember, And then suddenly felt an incredible peace come over me. A clear sense that 'Unclouded God Consciousness' was what life was all about enveloped me, and for the first time in my life I felt a sense of true purpose.

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