Veils to the Soul

18. Epilogue - A Rough Guide to the Terrain

Oliver Season 1 Episode 18

A (Very!) Rough Guide to the Cosmos! With Oliver Baum & Nicholas Rosseinsky

At least: this is how it currently seems to us! ...

Ground-of-Being, One-Being, Souls
Veils' tentative view begins at the most fundamental Reality-level. We see a Self-Sourcing Ground-of-Being, distinct from the True Self of Eastern non-dual traditions, but also very distinct from a punitive, patriarchal, anthropomorphic God.

The Ground is the deepest: there's nothing beyond. In Creation, the Ground replicates itself (in a non-separative way!), birthing the One-Being. The One (similar to True Self, Buddha Nature, Christ Consciousness, very loosely speaking!)  has all the functions/capacities of the Ground. But the One differs in an absolutely-vital way: the Ground is self-Creating, self-Sourcing; the One is Created by the Ground.

Souls are then created (again in a non-separating way), when the One focuses in on each of its infinite aspects (each focus birthing a specific Soul), and then on the infinity-upon-infinity-upon-infinity of aspect-combinations (more Souls!).

The Ocean of Form-based Universes
Everything so far happens in a Formless way, meaning, without sound, shapes, texture etc. (For a metaphorical sketch of Formlessness, imagine a psychic communication of pure meaning, without words or images!)

But real-Reality (aka the Cosmos) is more than just the Formless realm. Amongst other things, there’s a limitless Ocean, in which every drop is itself a Form-based Universe (i.e. – in some cases – a Universe somewhat like ours!).

Enlightenment, real-Reality
We use ‘Enlightenment’ to label the eternal condition of real-Reality – non-separate, Absolutely Loving, Intelligent etc. Clearly (to most of us!) our Universe isn't in that condition! (E.g.: everything seems to be separate!) In fact, our Universe as typically experienced is displaced from the Cosmos, in a specific sense.

'What Went Wrong?!'
We use ‘alleged-Reality’ to describe a Dream-of-Separation that our Universe (unlike almost all others) can support. This Dream – an apparent departure from real-Reality – occurs because one or more Souls try to make themselves self-Creating, which Souls' innate other-Created nature just makes impossible.

Cosmic Glitch, Primal Wound
Souls’ insistence on impossibility leads to Splitting of their Will from the Ground's Will (simply: for Souls to be Free, Loving, Creators!), and to the Great AS/IF (‘Alleged Separation’/’Imagined Fall’). All this is a sort of 'Cosmic Glitch’, pre-dating the Big Bang – but still pervading our Universe, enabling a so-called Primal Wound (and all wounds,  all suffering!).

The ARC, Veils, the Modern World
There's a solution to this Glitch, should it occur: the Agency-that-Restructures-Consciousness (‘ARC’).  Ultimately, this is what we call on, to drop Veils, and birth Spirit into a Modern World hell-bent on insisting on the primacy of matter!

Thanks for listening!

Find out more:
For Oliver's Psycho-Spiritual work with Individuals, Couples and Groups, please visit
For Nicholas' In-Person work, please visit
For Nicholas' Scientific work, please visit

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