Veils to the Soul

4. Gender - Masculine, Feminine and Beyond

Oliver Baum and Nicholas Rosseinsky Season 1 Episode 4

A Tumultuous Romp through Gender in Spiritual Life, with Oliver Baum and Nicholas Rosseinsky

Starting in the 'Beyond'!
The crucial starting point for our tour: the Ground-of-Being* and the One-Being*(True Self, Buddha Nature, Christ Consciousness) are neither masculine nor feminine! This level of Reality is genderless, or as Oliver likes to call it, 'isogenous'.

Psychospiritual vs Psychological
We descend from genderless Ground/One, via three realms: the psychospiritual, the psychological, and the material.  We only get to 'bodies' - a primary component of current controversies - in the last of those!

We use (Nicholas' desecration of!) David Deida's extraordinary approach, to traverse the psychospiritual realm. There, 'masculine' has to do with space/stillness/non-movement, Truth, and Purpose; 'feminine' has to do with movement and Love. 

In more-familiar psychological accounts, the masculine is agentic, going out into the world to accomplish goals, and the feminine is receptive and nurturing.  Here the masculine seems closer to movement and the feminine to stillness: the opposite of the psychospiritual realm!

Why are things so confusing?! Because we're in a post-(Imagined!)-Fall* Universe, in which many (but not all!) things are arranged to obscure/obstruct the Journey Home! Masculine/feminine terrain can be a huge challenge ... But equally, a powerful resource!

Psychospiritual Possibilities: Divine/Non-Separate vs 'Nearly-Divine'!
In Universes without separation, every Being has complete masculine-&-feminine aspects: 'Divine' can be used to describe this configuration. But in ourUniverse, it seems there was a Glitch* early on in pre-Big-Bang dynamics, which (amongst other things) typically disrupts both a given Being's access to her/his own completeness, and the inter-Being relating of masculine and feminine aspects.

Gender Identity Controversies
ur frame allows an unconventionally-diverse spectrum of energetic configurations (including a beyond-gender aspect for every Being!). Unlike every other frame we know of, it also has a clear place for matter (aka 'bodies'!). So, we're able to offer some new (maybe even helpful!) views on current fierce debates.

The Battle of the Sexes, and the Glitch
The so-called 'Battle of the Sexes' is often attributed to society and its historic norms, and/or to childhood wounding. In the Veils approach, we don't deny or bypass the significance of these. But we do point to what seems to be a massively-neglected factor deeeeep in the Earthly battle - namely, the near-Cosmic Glitch.

Gender and the deVeiling/Awakening Process
We can look at the Battle of the Sexes as a potentially-endless conflict. We can also see the tremendous energies at play as an opportunity: to find the Glitch, inside our intimate relationships, and use that finding - with Love and Devotion - to de-animate It, on behalf of all Beings ... and so advance the Total-Awakening* of the Universe!

* For more on terms like 'Ground', 'One Being', 'Imagined Fall', 'Glitch' - keep listening! Or, check out Episode-1 (at/after 30 mins) or Episode-18 ...

Thanks for listening!

Find out more:
For Oliver's Psycho-Spiritual work with Individuals, Couples and Groups, please visit
For Nicholas' In-Person work, please visit
For Nicholas' Scientific work, please visit

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