Veils to the Soul

5. Primal Wound - Early Life & Early Universe!

Oliver Baum and Nicholas Rosseinsky Season 1 Episode 5

Primal Wound - Definition
The Primal Wound is essentially early-life trauma that severs the connection to 'Self' - who we are in real-Reality*! In later life, as well as self-alienation, we can feel disconnected and act disconnected from other humans, from Nature, and from the Ground-of-Being itself.

The Glitch/Wound Controversy
The Primal-Wound hypothesis has started to become culturally-acceptable, even conventional. (E.g.: anti-Trump explanations of his behavior in terms of his father-Wound!)

This Episode asserts that placing all the ills-of-the-world at the feet of the Primal Wound has gone a therapy-session-or-ten too far. An alternative is that the Cosmic Glitch* is causally-prior to, and causally more-significant than, the Primal Wound. 

The Wholeness/Oneness Distinction
'Wholeness' can point to inner coherence of a given Being, and 'Oneness' can label non-separation of All Beings. Then Primal Wound is the fundamental disruption of wholeness, and Glitch is the fundamental disruption of Oneness.

A Wound-Free World = Heaven-on-Earth?!
In the extreme version of current cultural-momentum about Wound-as-source-of-all-ills, a Wound-free world would be Heaven, Nirvana etc. We strongly dissent from this view! And see it as a dangerous avoidance of deeper enquiry!

Primal Wound: Distinct from Glitch, Not Disconnected from Glitch!
t's important to see Glitch and Wound as two distinct things,. But it's also helpful to see them as two ends of one piece of string: the Glitch starts a connected-process that 'ends' in the Wound.

Primal Wound and Earth-Relationship
The entire matter-Universe is the  body of a child - the child of Divine Masculine and Feminine essences, whose relationship is 'infected' with Glitch.  The Primal Wound/Glitch model draws attention to this child's consciousness - what we call the Fallen Universal Soul. And so to the need for the Total Awakening of the Universe, including the Awakening or Enlightenment of Matter (a frankly astonishing implication of the Veils framework!).

Both Up-and-Down, as a Comprehensive Approach to Undoing Glitch
In a 'three-world' model, 'Heaven' is Above, 'Earth' is the Middle, and 'Underworld' is Below. (In this model, Below is the domain of the Fallen Universal Soul.) Various extant, traditional, approaches in human spirituality (e.g. non-dualisms, shamanic practices) tend to approach either the Above or the Below. But a comprehensive approach to the Glitch (the causal root of separation and suffering) must go Up and Down. This is - essentially - the Veils, Total Awakening, approach.

The Glitch/Wound Framework in the Modern, Scientific, Material World
The Glitch/Wound-framework applied to the material Universe leads to the mind-bending, tradition-shattering, identification of the Fallen Universal Soul, and the 'new tradition' of Total Awakening. The same framework also offers a startling new frame for matter (as congealed energy from the AS/IF*), thus leading to a novel, pristine integration with modern science!

* For more on real-Reality, Glitch, AS/IF, etc.: see E1, E18, or almost any other Episode ... (although we review Glitch from c. 18:50 on, in this Episode!)

Thanks for listening!

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For Oliver's Psycho-Spiritual work with Individuals, Couples and Groups, please visit
For Nicholas' In-Person work, please visit
For Nicholas' Scientific work, please visit

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