Veils to the Soul

8. Society and Conditioning

Oliver Baum and Nicholas Rosseinsky Season 1 Episode 8

This Episode is the second of three looking at Conditioning: we discuss the idea that Familial (E7), Societal (this Episode), and Cultural (E9) versions form a sort of interlinked trinity.

Family vs Society
Although there are some similarities, Society isn't quite the same as one big Family, in terms of conditioning.  For example, Society sets its own limits (e.g. laws), whereas Family norms can (usually!) only vary within a societally-acceptable envelope.

Conditioning: What is It Good For?
Liberation spiritualities and personal-growth modalities tend to be unanimous in decrying the limiting effects of conditioning. (And those effects certainly exist, and are usually associated with suffering.) But there's also a way in which conditioning is a repackaging of the effects of Split Will*, in a more tractable and ultimately constructive way.

Nevertheless, if all that Society does is suppress and look away from what's behind conditioning, we just live in a toxic smokescreen, without ever undoing its source.

Ultimately, after the Total Awakening* of our Universe, society - and everything else! - will be free of the bondage of conditioning, and of the illusion of separation. As an intermediate step towards that Awakening, human society must begin to look more deeply at what's going on, in terms of Split Will, and (e.g.) the repackaging of Its effects in/as matter. That looking must be done with Intelligence (synonymous with living from a Heart of Wholeness and Oneness).

Community vs Society
Community (like E7's One True Cosmic Family!) is imbued with the Light of Communion, notably Communion with GoB*. But conventional society more than lacks that Communion:  it actively suppresses it, via collective collusion in narcissism and fragmented scientific/spiritual reality-narratives (inherited from the cultural domain). To restore Communion, we need to strip out contradiction/conflict, while retaining distinct-and-differing perspectives.

What Can Be Done/Said?!
Both what we need to look at societally (e.g. Split Will) and the resources we need, to look constructively (e.g. Intelligence), seem to be deeply buried. And things that are supposed to help us (e.g. spiritual traditions) often move in multiple contradictory directions ... So what's to be done?

If we can find the quality of consciousness that can smile at 'life is suffering', we can share it with like-minded others (and so strengthen it in everyone), and take action to liberate it, universally. And we can find that consciousness: it's the ARC*, and it's already literally everywhere (in both real- and alleged-Reality). Importantly, we must draw on the ARC's guidance in liberation-orientated societal-relating, because otherwise our best intentions may backfire in their effects.

Community in a Time of Societal Polarization
Overall, we propose that community can be an antidote to fragmented society, especially in a context of increasing polarization. At the same time, we support the creativity, value, and beauty of non-conflicting differences in society - perhaps as exemplified by our conversations!

*For more on Total Awakening, Split Will, GoB, ARC etc., please refer to E1 (c. 30 mins) or E18.

Thanks for listening!

Find out more:
For Oliver's Psycho-Spiritual work with Individuals, Couples and Groups, please visit
For Nicholas' In-Person work, please visit
For Nicholas' Scientific work, please visit

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