Veils to the Soul

7. Family and Conditioning

Oliver Baum and Nicholas Rosseinsky Season 1 Episode 7

Well, this one's definitely an Episode of two halves!

Part 1: Conditioning Occurring in the Family Setting
We revisit the two-fold model of Glitch/Wound*, or AS/IF*+incarnation. Death, Guilt, Shame etc. deeply originate in psychospiritual territory, 'pre-dating' birth (and typically continuing until and even after death!). Then, fear-of-death, and guilt-and-shame, are powerful conduits for rules-of-belonging, conditioning children to think, feel, and act in family-specific, limited modes.

Yes, But ,,, Is That All Bad?!
This Universe can be seen in two ways. It's a perfect place to hide out from GoB*, intentionally forever. Or, it's a perfect place to gradually recover the GoB relationship. Analogously, 'damaging' family conditioning that creates separative veils can be seen as a useful way to dim an otherwise-triggering Divine Light. Similarly, if attachment in early-life is 'too secure', there can be a comfort that obstructs a movement away from ultimately-false family beliefs (the ultimately most-significant of these being about matter and local-reality!).

Recurrence of Family Conditioning: 'Transcend and Return'
Even after a first-pass liberation from family conditioning, on the way to transcending local-reality and conventional-identity, there are certain return-to-incarnate-life paths that can involve the recurrence of those same familial energies and constraints. The Veils framework can be uniquely helpful in understanding and navigating this recurrence, via the idea that matter itself contains potent forms of imprisonment, and a pointer to the ARC* (and  'Troot' - the origin-point of the ARC) as the reality-aspect designed to help us navigate matter and its Enlightenment!

Part 2: Conditioning Inherent in the Construct/Conception of 'Family'
In a switch of view, really standing in and for One Cosmic Family, without division, the second half explores a somewhat contrary view: 'Yes, Family really is essentially an unhelpful and pointless societal construct!' (For example - according to this view: current conceptions of 'family' always take us away from that One Family, and try to keep us away from relationship with the Ground.)

Family as Structure for Free Play, vs Obstructive/Divisive Construct
The Knowledge/Mystery frontier is one of humankind's crucial (and unappreciated!) challenges: how do we put structure (e.g. 'knowledge') together with un-structure (aka 'Mystery') in a way that simply expands Goodness? This doesn't happen when 'structure' means 'conditioned bondage'! Similarly, current 'family' conceptions might mean bondage, but future versions may offer structures for free play!

Soul Family
Souls emphasize specific aspects in One Being; emphases on relatively-similar aspects create Soul families. In one view, resonance between Soul-family members can help propel Souls out of material identification and towards astral realms. On the other hand, Souls can linger in the family level, mis-identifying that as real-Reality, or Heaven - once again, highlighting the double-edged nature of Family!

*To hear more about Glitch/Wound, AS/IF, GoB, ARC etc, please visit E1 (after about 30mins), and E18. Or, distil your own picture as you go!

Thanks for listening!

Find out more:
For Oliver's Psycho-Spiritual work with Individuals, Couples and Groups, please visit
For Nicholas' In-Person work, please visit
For Nicholas' Scientific work, please visit

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