Veils to the Soul

10. Giving, Receiving, and the Divine Economy

Oliver Baum and Nicholas Rosseinsky Season 1 Episode 10

Previous Work: 'Sacred'/'Deep'/... Economy
A lot of great work identifies alternatives to current economic theory/practice, as 'Sacred', 'Deep' etc. [As well as Butterworth, authors that Nicholas appreciates but 'spaced' in the Episode include Eisenstein and McKibben.] We use 'Divine Economy' here to point to something distinct, and far more radical.

Ideas: 'The Perfect Good'
Nicholas re-purposes the term 'perfect good' ('good' in the sense of 'goods and services'), here to describe something that can be shared with others and kept at the same time. ('Non-rivalrous' is the actual econ-term.) Ideas are 'perfect' in this sense. A super-important nuance for Divine Economy is the difference between solely-imaginative ideas ('a pink elephant'), and capital-I Ideas as existences-in-the-Mind-of-the-Ground* (e.g., Souls' very existence is as Ideas of this kind!)

The Matter with Matter
An Idea can be given from one Mind to all other Minds and still exist equally in all of them. A cup made-of-matter can't be shared in this way! ('Mind' here is closer to 'Cosmic Consciousness' than 'the space in the head where thoughts appear'!) Matter derives from Split Will* and is an obstacle to Divine Economy. So, the realization of Divine Economy in our sub-reality depends on disinvestment from Split Will. But Divine Economy itself continually exists in real-Reality (and always has!).

The Heart of Divine Economy:
Imagine GoB metaphorically as a Circle, full of Light. Now imagine the GoB-Circle Creates a dozen empty circles 'around Itself'. Then picture GoB sharing that Light - as a perfect good! -  with-and-into the dozen. If that Light is 'everything' (in some sense!), there's now more-Everything!

But there's more! (Always, it turns out!) Now envision the dozen inside the Original Circle (because GoB Creates in a non-separate way). Not only is there more-Everything, but GoB HerSelf Is more-Everything, after sharing. (Before, She was 1-Everything. Now, She's 13!) And it goes on (and on): each small circle actually 'contains' (non-separatively) all the others, so ...

The Heart: ideas can be given from one mind to all minds; and, if Minds are non-separate, one act of giving increases Reality* infinitely in each Mind. (This takes a little reflection to see!)

Giving, Receiving, & Divine Economy
In the foundations of real-Reality, Reality itself is maintained (in an eternally-expanding way!) by the Ground giving All-to-All, and by Souls receiving and then re-sharing All, Everywhere! All problems with human finances/economics/ money, are to do with our distancing ourselves from real-Reality, and nomos-of-Its-oikos! ('Economics' is direction/stewardship of the household, in Greek.)

Veils and the Gap
In a Veils-enacted gap between real-Reality/Divine-economy and alleged-Reality/human-economy, we discuss many things, ranging from payment-and-exchange in therapy-and-healing, to the price-of-a-ticket to this sub-Reality, to lack, abundance, and the Law of Attraction, to economic growth, to what 'should' the arrow of human economy be ... and MORE!

*For more on Ground, Split Will etc., please visit E1 or E18.

Thanks for listening!

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For Oliver's Psycho-Spiritual work with Individuals, Couples and Groups, please visit
For Nicholas' In-Person work, please visit
For Nicholas' Scientific work, please visit

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