Veils to the Soul

16. Science - Two Uses for a Material Universe!

Oliver Baum and Nicholas Rosseinsky Season 1 Episode 16

This Universe can be a place for hiding out from GoB*. (Repeatedly, in successive Universe-incarnations/cycles.) Or, it can be a place for the kindest, most joy-full, re-awakening to GoB-relationship!

Equivalently, there are two major versions of science, describing and enacting these 'two uses for a material Universe'!

Mainstream Science is a Veil!
Mainstream science is a huge (and ungrounded!) obstacle to Birthing Spirit in the Modern World. Why? It claims everything can be explained in terms of matter-energy (plus spacetime). And then defines those constructs (without grounds!) to exclude GoB, Spirit, etc

A New Science: One Mainstream-Alternative
We discuss one of many mainstream-alternatives, which preserves the rigorous, experiment-based precision of institutional science. How can science both change (to this 'alternative') and stay the same (keep precision, etc.)? Mainly: do the experiments it currently rejects.  Then, integrate the results - with rigor and precision ...!

A New Science, Part 1: 'One Experiment' to Change the World
The single most important experiment for the 21st-century (and beyond) isn't in particle- or astro-physics. It's in the science of conscious experience. By comparing a detailed computer-simulation of a matter-only brain with actual brain-data we can see if conscious experience sends information 'back' into the brain. (Matter-brain activity is based on things like red- & green-wavelength light. Consciousness includes redness & greenness.  Red/redness are distinct information classes.)

The One Experiment can crack open the tragically-mistaken foundations of mainstream science, by demonstrating a supra-material information-stream coupling with the brain. This doesn't 'disprove science': it creates a new, bigger, one!

A New Science, Part 2: The Riemann Hypothesis & the Awakening of Matter
To get to an Intelligent science (!!!), we must also set matter in a psychospiritual context, and analyze the matter-field's basic problem: how can its random-&-mechanical (quantum-theoretic!) activity to return to 'Life'?

We discuss a remarkable hypothesis: the putative truth of the Riemann Hypothesis proves this return will happen in finite time (despite appearances!). And an even more remarkable idea: people who truly 'grok' this, can communicate it to matter, and thus actively catalyze return!

But Isn't 'Quantum Spirituality' the New Science?!
Personal appeals to 'quantum spirituality' are unproblematic. But in the collective interfacing of science & spirituality, they're generally a disaster! They try to explain real-Reality* in terms of a feature within the AS/IF*-Dream!

Science, Spirituality ... and Magic!
One current spiritual theme is 'down-play science, to re-enchant Nature'. This is wrong. Science is needed for re-enchantment. And temporary squashing of magic by science was also needed - to get to the New Science, parts 1 & 2!

* For more on 'GoB' & other neologisms, please refer to E1 and/or E18.

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For Oliver's Psycho-Spiritual work with Individuals, Couples and Groups, please visit
For Nicholas' In-Person work, please visit
For Nicholas' Scientific work, please visit

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