

Kelly Moore

After 34 years of law enforcement service, Kelly Moore retired as a commander from the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office in 2018. In 1992, he was assigned as a detective, a member of the Gang Enforcement Team, a narcotics detective, an academy staff officer, and a Human Resources investigator for the Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Office. In 2009, Kelly served as the lieutenant and commander, where he responded to several large scale emergencies both natural and man-made, and served as the Incident Commander for the 2014 Isla Vista Mass Murders. 

After his retirement from the Sheriff’s Office, Kelly joined the Santa Barbara Unified School District as their first School Safety Coordinator and completely revamped their Comprehensive School Safety Plan and School Safety Program. In 2020, CrisisGo hired Kelly to assist with their school safety application development, and improve connection between schools and first responders.

Ethan Woodman

Ethan has been a Product Marketing Specialist for various companies over the last 4 years. After completing his Associates in Business from Manchester Community College, and Bachelor’s in Marketing from UNH Manchester in 2018, he went on to work for Johnson Controls in their security business. He eventually made his way into the K12 industry in a Product Marketing role where he now works for CrisisGo.