The Marketing for Health Coaches Podcast

#61: How To Sync Your Cycle for More Ease & Flow

Amy Lippmann Episode 61

If you have a menstrual cycle, you’re essentially a different person each week of the month.

By living and working in sync with each of these four phases, you can further balance your hormones and optimize the energy and resources provided in each phase.

In short, your hormones become your superpower, all month long.

This process is called Cycle Syncing.

When you use Cycle Syncing, not only can you get so much more done, but you can do it in a way that is sustainable, inspired, and creative. 

Links/Resources mentioned on the show:

Eila’s Free Cycle Syncing Bundle

Follow Eila on Instagram

Elia’s website

About Eila Rain
Eila is a certified Integrative Nutrition & Functional Health Practitioner with a passion for uncovering the root causes of chronic health issues.

Her journey began with my own health battles - anxiety, gut issues, painful cycles, skin problems, low thyroid function, and an unexpected autoimmune diagnosis. The list seemed endless, and conventional approaches left her with more questions than answers.

After investing countless hours and resources into her health, she discovered the key: hormone imbalances were just the beginning. Deeper investigation revealed H. pylori infection, parasites, mercury toxicity, and HPA axis exhaustion.

Her personal health maze not only led to her own healing but also ignited her mission to help others. Over the past five years, she’s guided countless women to regain their health and vitality using my unique approach to root cause healing.

Her method combines comprehensive lab work, functional nutrition, personalized protocols, and holistic care, all informed by her personal experience and professional training.

From thyroid dysfunction and hormone imbalances or even a vague diagnosis like IBS, she specializes in decoding the body's subtle signals that are often overlooked.