The Marketing for Health Coaches Podcast

#69: Niches that Are Too Narrow, Too Broad, or Are Confusing to Potential Clients

Amy Lippmann Episode 69

You’ve heard the advice that you should have a niche, but I’ll be honest. Figuring out a niche that’s specific enough (but not TOO specific) is tricky.

During this episode you get to hear me coach two people in this community- and help them walk away with a clear, enticing niche. 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • An example of a niche that’s too narrow, and how to easily expand it to make it more compelling
  • An example of a niche that’s unclear and vague, and how to make it specific and compelling
  • Why some niches make it very challenging to get clients
  • How to avoid using jargon that makes it challenging to get clients
  • The downsides of using weight loss as a niche
  • How to craft a talk for your niche

Links/Resources mentioned on the show:

“5 Clients in 30 Days” Step-by-Step Action Plan

Done-for-You Wellness Talks