

Lee Pugsley

Lee is a legally blind actor, director, and writer residing in Los Angeles. He has directed a short film, as well as several stage productions, and worked at Southcoast Repertory Theatre and the Williamstown Theatre Festival. He is currently a member of the Blind Dance Company and has been part of Theatre By The Blind and Film By The Blind. He has performed at the Kennedy Center in Washington DC and in film and commercial projects. Lee has a bachelors degree in theatre and also works as an acting coach. He loves all types of storytelling and is a big movie buff, Broadway nerd, coffee lover, and Disney fan. He is excited to share and discuss his passion for cinema with all of you on this podcast.


Alex Howard

Alex had several internships, including Atmosphere Entertainment and Phoenix Pictures where he worked for producer Mike Medavoy. He was with Warner Brothers on long-term assignment at DC Comics. He participated in RespectAbility’s Summer 2020 Lab for Entertainment Professionals and was a RespectAbility Fellow in 2021. He was co-host of the podcast Not Quite Hollywood. 

In 2019, Alex was diagnosed as one of only 19 people in the world with a rare disorder called MePAN. A significant symptom of MePan is limited vision. Alex is proactive in using technology to overcome disabilities. He is a passionate advocate of audio description for all media, everywhere, because audio description makes movies and TV shows more accessible for people like him. Alex’s ultimate goal is to help those with any kind of disability enjoy films and television so that, hopefully, more people will be able to connect and share a love for entertainment.
