Big Belly Breathing

9.1 Guided Visualization in Tahiti: Abundance Theme

May 27, 2024 Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely
9.1 Guided Visualization in Tahiti: Abundance Theme
Big Belly Breathing
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Big Belly Breathing
9.1 Guided Visualization in Tahiti: Abundance Theme
May 27, 2024
Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely

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This is a GUIDED VISUALIZATION focusing on the theme of Abundance, and set in Tahiti.

Kids are guided into a relaxing moment either in the classroom or at home, where they focus on their breathing while listening to an audio quiet time activity.

They embark on a voyage and discover some unique features of this location.

The Breathing Practice for this month is STAR breathing.

Intro/Outro music by Jef Shadoan

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Big Belly Breathing (BBB) is an audio program primarily for kids in English and French focusing on health and wellness, started by Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely.

As a teacher, a parent of bilingual kids & a yoga instructor/social emotional learner facilitator and holistic health & wellness coach, Vanessa wants to encourage children to thrive through establishing daily health habits.

Healthy Habits = Happy Kids

While listening, kids learn techniques to increase their creativity and attention spans. By practicing mindfulness, breathing, & gratitude kids experience mini-moments of deep rest that help them to reset, restore and recalibrate.

In today's busy world of multi-tasking, BBB is a place to help kids get centered, grounded and feel good. By practicing techniques learned here, kids develop their own self-care rituals, routines and habits.

These tools benefit their mind, body and heart health and set them up for greater joy in their present lives, and as adults.

So that kids aren't the only ones reaping these benefits, Vanessa has also included meditations specifically for older teens or adults!

Join her on IG @BigBellyBreathing , on YouTube for her BookNook stories or visit www.bigbellybreathing .com!

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This is a GUIDED VISUALIZATION focusing on the theme of Abundance, and set in Tahiti.

Kids are guided into a relaxing moment either in the classroom or at home, where they focus on their breathing while listening to an audio quiet time activity.

They embark on a voyage and discover some unique features of this location.

The Breathing Practice for this month is STAR breathing.

Intro/Outro music by Jef Shadoan

Support the Show.

Big Belly Breathing (BBB) is an audio program primarily for kids in English and French focusing on health and wellness, started by Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely.

As a teacher, a parent of bilingual kids & a yoga instructor/social emotional learner facilitator and holistic health & wellness coach, Vanessa wants to encourage children to thrive through establishing daily health habits.

Healthy Habits = Happy Kids

While listening, kids learn techniques to increase their creativity and attention spans. By practicing mindfulness, breathing, & gratitude kids experience mini-moments of deep rest that help them to reset, restore and recalibrate.

In today's busy world of multi-tasking, BBB is a place to help kids get centered, grounded and feel good. By practicing techniques learned here, kids develop their own self-care rituals, routines and habits.

These tools benefit their mind, body and heart health and set them up for greater joy in their present lives, and as adults.

So that kids aren't the only ones reaping these benefits, Vanessa has also included meditations specifically for older teens or adults!

Join her on IG @BigBellyBreathing , on YouTube for her BookNook stories or visit www.bigbellybreathing .com!

1- Guided Visualization in Tahiti: The Voyage to Abundance


Hello there! Bonjour and Welcome to Big Belly Breathing, Bienvenue to health!  

My name is Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely and I’m so enthused to lead you on this audio journey where we practice mindfulness and our breathing technique.

This month’s theme is Abundance and today we are going to practice a special kind of quiet time activity that is called a guided visualization.

Today, we are going on a magical journey to the beautiful islands of Tahiti, where we will discover the abundance of nature and the joy it brings. If you know you know, but the Tahiti Islands, also known as French Polynesia, are a collection of 118 islands and atolls located in the South Pacific Ocean. These islands are situated about halfway between California and Australia. The largest and most famous island is Tahiti, which is part of the Society Islands. 

Before we begin, let's practice a special breathing technique called Star Breathing. Imagine a big, bright star in front of you. Each point of the star represents a deep breath in and out.

Let's start. Breathe in deeply through your nose as you trace up to the first point of the star, and breathe out through your mouth as you trace down. Move to the next point, breathe in deeply, and breathe out slowly. Continue tracing the star, breathing in and out, feeling calm and relaxed with each breath. (Pause for 5 deep breaths.)

Now, close your eyes and imagine you're standing on a soft, sandy beach. This is not just any beach; it's Matira Beach on the island of Bora Bora in Tahiti. The sand is warm under your feet, and the gentle waves of the turquoise ocean lap at the shore. You can hear the distant call of tropical birds and the rustling of palm leaves in the breeze. The air is filled with the sweet fragrance of Tahitian flowers, like Tiare and Frangipani, mixed with the soothing scent of Monoi oil.

As you walk along the beach, you see a beautiful canoe waiting for you by the water’s edge. You step into the canoe, and it gently drifts away from the shore. The water is so clear that you can see colorful fish swimming below. Look around and see the vibrant coral reefs and the lush greenery of the island. As you paddle, you hear the soft splash of the paddle against the water and the distant sound of drums from a traditional Tahitian dance.

Your canoe glides smoothly across the water, taking you to a secret lagoon. This is the famous Blue Lagoon on Rangiroa. The water here is a deeper shade of blue, almost magical. As you step out of the canoe and into the lagoon, you feel the cool, refreshing water on your skin. In the distance, you see dolphins playfully jumping and spinning. The air is filled with the scent of the ocean and blooming tropical flowers.

You take a deep breath in, smelling the salty ocean air mixed with the floral notes of gardenia and hibiscus, and breathe out, feeling completely relaxed. You float on your back, looking up at the clear blue sky. Imagine the feeling of the water supporting you, and the warmth of the sun shining down. You are surrounded by the abundance of nature, feeling grateful for this moment. You can hear the gentle hum of bees and the soft rustle of leaves in the breeze.

After enjoying the lagoon, you notice a path leading into the forest. You follow the path and soon hear the sound of rushing water. As you walk closer, you discover the beautiful Faarumai Waterfalls. The water cascades down into a crystal-clear pool below. The air is cool and filled with the earthy scent of moss and ferns. You sit by the edge of the pool, dipping your feet into the cool water, feeling refreshed and at peace.

Now, find a comfortable spot by the waterfall. Sit down and close your eyes again. Think about all the wonderful things you have in your life – your family, your friends, your favorite activities. Feel the abundance of love and happiness surrounding you, just like the abundance of nature in Tahiti. Take a deep breath in, smelling the fresh, clean air, and breathe out, feeling grateful. Imagine sharing this abundance with everyone around you.

It’s time to leave the waterfall and make your way back to the canoe. As you paddle back to the beach, take one last look at the beautiful scenery of Tahiti. Feel the warmth of the sun, the gentle breeze, and the peace within you. Hear the rhythmic sound of the ocean waves and the distant singing of birds.

Your canoe arrives back at Matira Beach. Step out onto the sand, feeling grateful for this journey. Take a moment to thank Tahiti and its natural beauty for reminding you of the abundance in your life. When you're ready, slowly open your eyes and return to the room, bringing with you the peace and joy of this special place.


Remember, whenever you need to feel calm and grateful, you can return to this visualization and practice your Star Breathing. Thank you for joining me on this voyage to Tahiti.

How do your body, brain and heart feel now? When you engage in quiet time activities, and focus on your breathing, you’re nourishing your whole self. Listening to these meditations is a terrific routine to feel calm, as well as build your strength and let your creativity flow. Bravo.

You can do this type of activity on your own whenever you feel like you want to bring some peace into your brain, body and heart.

Always feel free to send me an email to let me know how this made you feel or if you have any questions or comments. 

Have a beautiful and healthy rest of your day. 

Take BIG Care, see  you soon and remember the BBB motto:

Breathe Move Eat Rest

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Thank you! Bye! Ciao!