You First- A Journey to Self

Feeling heavy emotions? This episode is for you!

December 04, 2023 Maria Fuentes
Feeling heavy emotions? This episode is for you!
You First- A Journey to Self
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You First- A Journey to Self
Feeling heavy emotions? This episode is for you!
Dec 04, 2023
Maria Fuentes

The holiday season often stirs up both joy and profound emotions. I've crafted this episode to offer companionship and support, aiming to alleviate any sense of loneliness and assist with any heavy emotion you may be struggling with. I suggest tuning in when you have a moment of tranquility, allowing yourself to deeply connect with your feelings.

Also here is the Instagram live for a visual on the EFT tapping-

My programs and ways to work with me-

If you've been following my journey you know I started my self-help journey 4 years ago by going to therapy while I was very unhappy with everything in my life.

Since I wholeheartedly believe in the benefits of therapy I have partnered up with them to give my listeners 10% off their first month by using-

Remember Self-Mastery starts with the decision to take ownership of your life and I believe therapy is the BIGGEST step you can take towards achieving that.

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Unlock your true potential with our FREE Rediscover Worksheet tool! This simple tool will guide your self-discovery journey, helping you uncover your authentic self and regain personal power. Download now and start your transformation today!-

Need extra support from Maria? Join MUSE Energy, her exclusive women 's-only channel on Instagram, for more insights and inspiration! -

For personalized 1:1 coaching, visit Maria’s website at or email her at for guidance.-

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Show Notes Transcript

The holiday season often stirs up both joy and profound emotions. I've crafted this episode to offer companionship and support, aiming to alleviate any sense of loneliness and assist with any heavy emotion you may be struggling with. I suggest tuning in when you have a moment of tranquility, allowing yourself to deeply connect with your feelings.

Also here is the Instagram live for a visual on the EFT tapping-

My programs and ways to work with me-

If you've been following my journey you know I started my self-help journey 4 years ago by going to therapy while I was very unhappy with everything in my life.

Since I wholeheartedly believe in the benefits of therapy I have partnered up with them to give my listeners 10% off their first month by using-

Remember Self-Mastery starts with the decision to take ownership of your life and I believe therapy is the BIGGEST step you can take towards achieving that.

Connect with me on Instagram-

If you enjoyed this episode Hit the subscribe button for updates, and if you love this podcast, please leave a review. Your feedback helps other women like you discover and benefit from it.

Unlock your true potential with our FREE Rediscover Worksheet tool! This simple tool will guide your self-discovery journey, helping you uncover your authentic self and regain personal power. Download now and start your transformation today!-

Need extra support from Maria? Join MUSE Energy, her exclusive women 's-only channel on Instagram, for more insights and inspiration! -

For personalized 1:1 coaching, visit Maria’s website at or email her at for guidance.-

Follow Maria on Instagram-

Everyone loves the holiday season, but it I could also bring a lot of heavy emotions it could bring emotions about relationships that didn't work out or family members have passed away. Or things that maybe you haven't really resolved or gotten through yet. For years, I struggled with toxic relationships and understanding my own emotions. I found myself repeating the same cycles with different people and living in victimhood. I am Maria, your host, and I specialize in self-mastery coaching. I've spent the last few years working with various therapists in order to heal my own traumas and help others. This podcast is your dedicated resource for gaining emotional intelligence, nurturing self-awareness, and cultivating healthy relationships. If you're prepared to master your emotions, improve your relationships, and create captivating self-confidence. Then this podcast is for you. Thank you for listening and welcome to this week's episode. Hey guys, welcome to this week's episode. I am so excited about this episode because I'm going to do things a little bit differently. Last week. If you follow me on social media, I was like deadly sick for a few days. And especially one day I felt horrible and I had to fly out the next day. And. Everything really slows down for me. I think my mind just works differently when I'm not sick and it's nonstop and I can't really shut it down. I can't stop my thoughts. Or my creative juices from flowing. And so I'm always kind of in the state of doing and thinking, and when I'm sick, it forces me to just slow down and it forces me to really ground myself. And what I realized walking around through the airport and with the people closest to me is that there's almost like this heaviness. In the world right now. And not only with everything going on in the world and the wars and everything that makes people sick to their stomachs, but also around the holiday season. It's such a joyous time. Everyone loves the holiday season, but it I could also bring a lot of heavy emotions it could bring emotions about relationships that didn't work out or family members have passed away. Or things that maybe you haven't really resolved or gotten through yet. And actually today, as I'm recording this later on, I'm going to be doing an emotional freedom technique. Along with a meditation, that's going to be guided by grace pauser. She was on my podcast here a couple of weeks ago, and we decided that just, we both felt this energy and we really wanted to help people clear that out. And so I've wanted to make this episode as well, because if you follow me on social media, great, you'll be able to hopefully see the live. But if you don't. I really want you to be part of this emotional release of emotional baggage. And if this resonates with you, great. And if not, send it to somebody that you feel like might be struggling, because like I said, the holiday season can be really heavy for some people. And I remember last year. If you've been following me as well in my journey, I went through a breakup last November, and I moved to Orlando, Florida last November. And I remember having to start over and feeling this really heavy hearts and this, this pain in my body of here I go again, I'm starting over it. Wasn't what I thought it was. And all these heavy emotions that came up for me. And I don't want to celebrate the holidays. The holidays felt. So heavy and I actually purposely stayed home Thanksgiving and. On Christmas and new year's. I just decided to really just sit with myself and sit without uncomfortableness. Because it's easy to distract herself sometimes, especially with the holidays and the parties and alcohol and drinking and partying and going out. But if you're going through a breakup or if you're going through some heartbreak or if you're going, maybe your relationship is not so happy right now, but you're kind of sticking it through because it's the holidays and you don't want to be alone. And maybe, or maybe you're fighting with your family members or maybe lost your job or maybe. There's something really heavy going on in your life right now, for whatever reason, you're missing a family member that passed away. This is an episode for you. And I'm probably not going to make it very long because I want us to just sit with this and do some EFT tapping actually. Through this episode so that we can start releasing some of this emotional baggage. And I love to do this with you guys because. There's not a lot of time in my day. I know for sure. I have to purposely carve it out. To sit with myself to not really have distractions to journal, to do things that really make me feel whole and centered and grounded. And so if I can give you guys this for the next 10 to 15 minutes of, even if you're in the car or you're walking or you're at work or whatever, go to the bathroom, like it won't take that long, but I promise you it's going to make a big difference. Just having that awareness. The work I do. What I preach is having emotional awareness is great, but also being able to process those emotions, especially as women we're so interconnected with our emotions. Think of our emotions being like one big, long vine everything's interwoven and interconnected with each other. That is why. When we're in a fight with our partners, we will say something that came up five years ago or five months ago, because to us it's all the same. It's all relative. And it's all emotionally connected. But if we don't release those emotions, if we don't work through them and we don't process them, they come up in other ways. With our emotions as women, we have to learn to process them. We cannot avoid them. We cannot pretend that they're not there, especially something really heavy, especially shame and guilt. I've been doing a lot of studying on shame and guilt. Because as a self mastery coach that specializes in relationships, emotions, and confidence. I'm digging deep into what are the two emotions that really keep people stuck. And that is shame. And that is guilt. And a lot of us feel. Those two big, heavy emotions. During the holidays, you could feel guilty that maybe you're, you're not providing, or you're not doing enough rather than people, or maybe there's shame that our relationship ended because of you or their shame that. You're not where you want to be financially or they're shamed that you're going to a party and you're not married and you don't have kids. There's so much that comes up, but shame and guilt are the two heaviest emotions that we have. And I want to help us process this. So. Stay with me, just close your eyes if you're able to. And if you're not able to, I want you to just really sit with this and think about what emotion you're feeling right now, or what emotion has been kind of weighing heavy. On your head and your mind in your hearts, something that keeps coming up, you know, what loop racing stuck in? What questions are you still having? What emotions are you still feeling? What shame would guilt is still coming up for you in whatever way. And I want you to tap on your right hand on like the side of your Palm, kind of like where you were, karate, chop, something. I want you to tap on that pretty firmly. And I want you to state whatever emotion it is that you're feeling. If you're feeling stuck, if you're feeling angry, if you're feeling sad, if you're feeling. Emotional. If you can, even, maybe you can't even describe the emotion that you've just been feeling, but you just feel lost. Maybe you just don't you're not feeling it this year or whatever it is. I want you to state it. I want you to state it as you're tapping. I want you to state, I feel stuck. Um, feeling unhappy. I'm feeling sad. I want you to tap on that and then I want you to start tapping on the top of your head. And as you tap on the top of your head, I want you to say, I want to release this emotion because it just, it no longer serves me. It does not serve my higher self. And then top of your eyebrows and say, I release this emotion because it no longer serves me. I recognize this emotion, but I also allow myself to release it. And then go to the side of your temples. Go to the side of your temples and keep releasing that emotion and keep saying. What it is, maybe you say, I feel sad. And I am choosing to release the sadness because it no longer serves my higher self. Then tap on your cheekbones and say the same thing. I release this emotion because it no longer serves me. I release this emotion because it no longer serves my highest self. And I do not want to keep getting stuck in this emotion. I am choosing to release. And break out of this cycle and out of this loop. And then tap on your chin. And say the same stuff. I release these emotions. I choose to not get stuck in this loop. This emotion was here to teach me something and I'm learning from it, but I am releasing it from my emotional body. And then tap on your collarbone. And say the same stuff. I am releasing this emotion because it no longer serves me. And then I want you to grab onto your wrist and say, I am proud of myself. I am proud of myself for recognizing this emotion for taking a moment in a second to myself. And not avoiding my emotion, not numbing my emotion. Not reacting to my emotion, but just letting my emotion be because my emotions are natural. And they're here to teach me. And I embrace them. And I want you to take two to three deep breaths with me. And now if that felt good to you and you still feel like that emotion is still lingering. Because for me, this takes two to three times of tapping for me to really release this emotion. I want you to pause this podcast. And I want you to redo the same little sequence we did. And you're going to tap on your karate chop. Top of your head, top of your eyebrows, cheekbones temples. Chin and collarbone. And then you're going to grab your wrist and think yourself. So repeat that sequence of that is something that you feel called to, and if. But if not, if you're ready to move on. Let's move on to now, we're going to repurpose that pain. And this is a lot of the work that I do. With myself. And this is how I get myself out of these emotional loops and these emotional cycles that we tend to get into, especially as women. So let's say that you, you feel sadness and sadness was something you were tapping through. Now. I want you to tap what it is that you want to feel. I personally am going to tap on things that I want to feel. I want to feel joy. I want to release fear. So I'm going to start with my karate chop and do the same sequence. And I'm going to say, I want to release fear of the unknown fear of the future. I want to feel joy. And I want to feel happy in all my relationships. And I'm going to tap on the top of my head. And I'm going to say I deserve and I feel worthy. Of these great emotions. Feeling happy and relationships is something I deserve. Top of my eyebrows. I truly believe that I deserve joy and everything that comes with it. I am choosing side of your temples. I am choosing to release. The cycle that I'm in of sadness. Because I am. Able to choose better thoughts and better emotions. And I've released those. So I am choosing joy. I am choosing happiness. I am choosing a healthy relationship with myself and others. Not tap your cheekbones. I know, I love myself enough to allow myself to get into a new reality. On your chin and this new reality. And the only thing that can exist in this new reality is joy. Happiness. Great relationships. Fear does not belong here. On your collarbone, tap your collar wrong. I can see fear. I can recognize fear, but I will not let fear take over me. Now, grab your wrist and tell yourself how proud of yourself you are. I am proud of myself for recognizing that there is fear of the future and that there's fear of the unknown, but I am choosing joy. I am choosing love. I am choosing expansion. I own choosing things that are going to shift me into a new reality. And I refuse to stay stuck. In this paradigm and this cycle. In this loop. And you can take some deep breaths. Now, if you would like, or you can move on to something else or you can tap through that sequence again. And now I want you to really check in somatically into your body and see how you feel. And. Realized, like when you open your eyes, you feel a little calmer. You feel a little. Less stressed, a little less anxious, a little less in your head about things. And that is because when we're tapping, we're tapping and we're hitting the Meridian points of our nervous system. So it's helping us release things. Just like acupuncture, what, but this is doing it without having to penetrate our skin. And so somatically, we start to feel better. And I want you to always have the self-awareness to know that when you tense up, when your shoulders hurt, I get sore my shoulders on my shoulder blades. I get really tense there. And that is usually your heart, heart chakra. And I don't know much about shock grows and stuff like that, but I know that it has to do with that area because one of my spiritual teachers taught me about that. And. I want you to check into where you feel tension in your body and really try to breathe in to that part of your body. And what I mean by breathing into that is. When you're breathing, focus on that body part. I remember when somebody said breathe into that body part. I had no idea what they meant, but that's what he mean is. Breathe. Deeply breathe. However you want to breathe, whatever feels good to you. Breathe with focus on that body part. So that you could start releasing some of that tension. Our bodies will be our first indicator of what it is that we're holding onto what we're not releasing, what we're staying stuck in. And when we start to learn to release that feeling and that emotion. And doing the tapping and the breath work, it really does help. And I also want to say before I end this episode is that you're not alone. So many of us. I have girlfriends. I have had family members, people I know that have felt alone this season and will feel alone. There's still Christmas to come. There's still new. Year's there's still all these heavy. Times that people can be mourning. Others. That could be sad. That could be heartbroken. That can be feeling a lot of heavy emotions. So you're not alone. I'm here for you. If you ever need me, if you need. To figure out how he can work with me. There is a link on my bio, on my Instagram. And I'm actually, I should probably put it on my podcast. That would be beneficial. I will also link it on here. So you have it. I want to help you in any way, shape or form that I can. And I will also link on here the life that I'm going to be doing here later, so that if you wanted to do a deeper meditation, Portion with grace because I'll be just doing the EFT emotional freedom technique. Part of it. So, if you wanted to get deeper meditation with her as well, you can do that. And I hope this episode was helpful and I hope it helps you release some emotional. Baggage that we might be holding on to. And like I said, it was going to be a different episode than our usual, but like I said also earlier, I feel like as a collective, a lot of people are feeling a lot of heavy emotions and that is my goal is to help you with your emotions and help you gain clarity and help you gain. Mastery over your emotions, not control. You can never control your emotions. Your emotions are natural. And are part of life and they're so beautiful. And also go have a good cry. Crying always helps me and I'll leave it on that note. I hope you guys have a beautiful week. And if you found this helpful, please send this to somebody that might need it, or they might find it helpful as well. And please leave a review. Those helped me as well, just to impact more people and touch more lives. So, thank you. Beautiful souls. Thank you for coming on here. And I will talk to you guys next week.