You First- A Journey to Self

Going ALL in on love: Letting go, moving forward and thriving in the dating scene

December 11, 2023 Maria Fuentes
Going ALL in on love: Letting go, moving forward and thriving in the dating scene
You First- A Journey to Self
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You First- A Journey to Self
Going ALL in on love: Letting go, moving forward and thriving in the dating scene
Dec 11, 2023
Maria Fuentes

Committing fully to love involves shedding old habits, beliefs, and narratives that no longer serve us. It requires staying open despite heartbreak, pain, or past relationships ending. Going all in means accepting the possibility of failure but having the self-assurance that you'll emerge stronger. It's about letting go of anything that doesn't align with your values and being comfortable in your own company.

In this week's episode, we dive into the thrilling world of dating and relationships.

From navigating the complexities of modern dating to embracing vulnerability, we uncover strategies to empower your journey. Discover how to shed past baggage, embrace new connections, and step confidently into the dating scene.

So you don't have to live a life of regret and what if's...

Tap into your POWER- Dating Masterclass is here! 

4 videos crafted for effortless replay in your dating journey

What you’ll learn:

  • Removing what’s keeping you stuck! (No more need, scarcity, or staying trapped in the past.)
  • Unleash your desires for the life & man you want. (Get clear and concise on what YOU truly want)
  • Say NO to what doesn't align. (Weaving out what’s not for you + protecting your energy)
  • Maintain high standards and expectations. (Be the one or the one that got away!)

Price- $111
SPECIAL OFFER- Use code- selfmastery for $47
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Show Notes Transcript

Committing fully to love involves shedding old habits, beliefs, and narratives that no longer serve us. It requires staying open despite heartbreak, pain, or past relationships ending. Going all in means accepting the possibility of failure but having the self-assurance that you'll emerge stronger. It's about letting go of anything that doesn't align with your values and being comfortable in your own company.

In this week's episode, we dive into the thrilling world of dating and relationships.

From navigating the complexities of modern dating to embracing vulnerability, we uncover strategies to empower your journey. Discover how to shed past baggage, embrace new connections, and step confidently into the dating scene.

So you don't have to live a life of regret and what if's...

Tap into your POWER- Dating Masterclass is here! 

4 videos crafted for effortless replay in your dating journey

What you’ll learn:

  • Removing what’s keeping you stuck! (No more need, scarcity, or staying trapped in the past.)
  • Unleash your desires for the life & man you want. (Get clear and concise on what YOU truly want)
  • Say NO to what doesn't align. (Weaving out what’s not for you + protecting your energy)
  • Maintain high standards and expectations. (Be the one or the one that got away!)

Price- $111
SPECIAL OFFER- Use code- selfmastery for $47
Click link below-

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Unlock your true potential with our FREE Rediscover Worksheet tool! This simple tool will guide your self-discovery journey, helping you uncover your authentic self and regain personal power. Download now and start your transformation today!-

Need extra support from Maria? Join MUSE Energy, her exclusive women 's-only channel on Instagram, for more insights and inspiration! -

For personalized 1:1 coaching, visit Maria’s website at or email her at for guidance.-

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attention is the cheapest thing a man can give you. The cheapest. But we trade love, admiration and respect for attention all the time. We think attention is what's going to make us feel good. because we don't truly, at our core believe that we're worthy of these other things. Hey guys. Welcome to this week's episode. I am in heaven right now. I love. Talking to you guys and sitting here and recording specially when I don't record myself on camera. I remember the first few times that I recorded a podcast, I refuse to get on camera because it was just like another added stress and anxiety of having the camera in front of me. And every once in a while, I just don't feel like it. I don't feel like doing my makeup. I don't want to care about how I look when I'm speaking or have an extra set of eyes, even though it's just a camera on there. And right now I'm just in an oversized hoodie in my boyfriend's oversized hoodie sitting here recording this. And this is something that has come full circle for me just as recently. And it's not that I haven't embraced it and done it already. This is something that's been an action for me for a few months now. Probably a little like a year almost. But when I come talk to you guys about things. I usually have to live it and experience first before I could wrap my head around it in order to articulate what it is that I'm trying to say. Whether it's been a few weeks or a few months or a few years. Sometimes it does take me a few years. It takes me a while sometimes to wrap my head around it and articulate it for you guys. Based on my experience, it's just how I process things. So if you can relate. That's just what happens. So whatever you hear me talk about. Anything on Instagram or anything here. I've already been there and I've processed it and I'm just now able to articulate it to you guys. Anyways. Done rambling. I, I don't know what I'm naming this episode yet. But it is going to be in the theme of going all in, in love. Something has come to my awareness recently and talking to girlfriends and potential clients and people that I speak to is that. Love is one of those things that really scar us. Or it can really scar us. We get to choose. But before I go into the choosing part, let's talk about why it scars us. Not only do we grow up and we usually don't obtain the love that we want from either mom or dad or both. And so we search for that in our romantic adult lives, but then we find people that mirror the same love that we did not get and resemble the same love that we did not get as children. So, if you are attracting, let's say an avoidant boyfriend or your boyfriends have all been avoided in some way, shape or form the person that you love, that caregiver whose love you want it the most. Was avoidant in some way. And so you're going to continue that cycle of finding the same person. So what happens is that we get hurt in these relationships. And then breakups happen or cheating happens or that person leaves us, or we choose to leave because the relationship got toxic or whatever it is. But when we leave. We carry this whole pain. Of not only that relationship, but. Compound hurt from our childhood into adulthood. It's almost like we're validating the fact that we're unlovable. By choosing these partners. And choosing is probably going to be a word you're going to get sick of me saying in this whole episode five. We chose these people we can choose who raises us how we were loved or not loved, but we get to choose how we live. Our lives. I get told all the time. Oh, Maria. You're you're so lucky you don't have kids or you're so lucky you get to travel. I am lucky and I'm blessed. God has blessed me. But I've made choices. I chose not to have kids. And that was a hard choice to make. We all make choices. I chose to be married and get a divorce. I chose to be in a relationship and breakup. I chose to do things that weren't right. I chose, I choose. I choose you. Choose. We all choose. We all make choices as adults and. What happens when we feel that hurt when we feel that pain, when we feel that now we're validated in our lack of worthiness and our lack of being lovable and our lack of all these things and all these stories we've created because of the way we were raised and not loved properly. We will guard ourselves and we do it in so many different ways. And it's crazy to see people getting stuck in these patterns in these cycles, because. If you gave yourself a bird's eye view, why do you think it's so easy? Actually, let me just, let me just give you this example. Why do you think it's so easy to criticize? And understand what somebody else should do and their relationship, or how to fix somebody else's life, because we're not emotionally connected to those people. We're not living their lives. We might love them. We might be emotionally connected, but not in the extent that we are with ourselves. We have blind spots because emotions. Create those blind spots for us emotions are the reason. We don't see those blind spots. And so we will continue on the same cycles and making the same choices and being a victim of our choices and not feeling fulfilled and not feeling happy, not feeling connection, not feeling intimacy because when we're. At the brain when we're at the point of making a choice, that is scary because it's unknown. Because we've never been there because we've never been loved like that because we've never been with that type of person. Because, because, because, because we choose to stay safe, to stay garden, to stay in this very. Uh, restrictive way of living that doesn't allow us to open ourselves up to love, compassion, intimacy, connection. All the things we all really crave, like. There's not one person that I speak to that at their core. Doesn't want that. You know, men will spend their whole lives chasing money and all these things. But at the end of the day, they're going home to nothing, to nobody at home. They will feel that. We all chase something. We all want something, but at the end of the day, we don't feel that love and that connection, we feel empty inside. And so. This, this episode is going to be geared more towards women, to be honest, because I can relate and I've been in the dating scene. I've had toxic behaviors. So you'll hear me talk about later in this episode. And that's where all this kind of came together for me the other day. Is you, if you treat people like an option, you will be treated like one, two. And so when we're afraid to go all in, we decide to keep our options open. In the dating world and the dating scene, we entertain people that we know are not for us, but we have this one big, but. But I'm bored, but they're attractive, but it feels good to give it to get attention, but this, but that we will find reasons why to keep those people around. And so when we meet somebody, that's just another option at that point. That person, that man, like I said, I'm speaking to women right now that man will feel that energy from you. They know that they're coming into your life as just an option. And guess what. If you make people feel like they're an option, they will treat you like an option. And so we're afraid to go on in, and I'm not saying do it right away. You know, you need to like vet the person first and make sure that they're worth your while. Ask the questions. See what they're about, see how they live their life, see their actions, see all these things, but. When you keep yourself energetically entertaining, things that are not for you because you're bored. You will attract more of the same thing. So many times women tell me. That man's wasting my time or I've been wasting my time. Why are you wasting your time? He's wasting your time because you've wasted your time. You've wasted your time, entertain people that don't matter. With people that don't energetically align with you and you just keep them around because, oh, well, you know, this one guy, like he takes me to dinner and this other one, well, he just buys me things. And well, you know, there's other guy like he just texts me sometimes randomly and it makes me feel good. It makes, gives me. Butterflies ladies. Just tell you right now, butterflies are not a good feeling. Like there's excitement. When I see my man, I feel excited. But that anxiousness of like, oh my gosh, I'm not enough, but he's validating me that for this one second, I might feel like I'm enough. That's unhealthy and toxic. So if a man is keeping your nervous system activated, that is not a healthy love. That's not a healthy connection. And that's something I had to learn with my boyfriend because it felt so calm and loving and peaceful to be around him. He even said to me, I felt like home to him. And that was such a beautiful way to articulate it because that's what it is. When you energetically match with the person, you're meant to be. That will feel that way. It will flow. And so in order to attract that you have to flow, you have to remove and break up. With the past, what the guy who slept with six months ago with a guy that you've been texting for six years or whatever, the one guy that, you know, you both break up and then you guys find each other. The one that is a time filler or the one that, the one that all of it break up with all of it. If you don't break up, with your past and that only the people that you're still staying in contact with also the people that you're still staying energetically in contact with. When we constantly think of past relationships. And you're thinking about them. You're living in the past and you're living in the past because it's familiar. And if you're listening to this and you're like, oh my gosh, I do this all the time. I know because I did. Too. So don't be harsh on yourself. But you cannot create a new life, a new beginning. A new romance and new love. If you're attached and you keep replaying stories of how you were hurt, what could have been done better and living in anger and resentment. I used to be the person that, especially when my ex-husband and I left each other, it got a little toxic, like during the divorce, because divorces are rough and divorces can bring out a lot of things. And I remember him telling me that I would never amount to anything. And the reason I'm sharing this story, I don't think I've ever shared it on here because I don't usually like air my dirty laundry, but has a purpose. And I think a lot of women need to hear this because. When he said that to me, he said I would never amount to anything because he thought that he made me who I was to up until that point. He met me when I was 23. So he, he thought that by 30 everything I had done in those seven years, Had. Him written all over it. Right. I had him to thank for. And so when he told me that anger, resentment, all these things bubbled up. And for months, not that long, because usually I learned my lessons pretty quickly, but for months, I was like, I will show him, I am going to create the life of my dreams and I am going to be so happy. I'm going to be a millionaire and he's gonna, he's gonna watch this all happen and he's gonna hate this. And he's gonna regret that. He ever said that to me. And one day I was like, Maria. How fulfilling would a life be that you'd create. Based on pain and hurt and anger. That can be a joyous, fulfilling life. I cannot truly feel happy. When I'm a millionaire and living this life because I want to stick it to my ex-husband. That's not a fun life, a joyous life to live. And so I stopped myself and I was like, well, this doesn't feel mine. So let me really. You know, let me break down and analyze why you said those things. Cause if I, if I'm able to, the way I process things too, is if I'm able to understand where that person was coming from. I can have more empathy and more compassion for them and see them as this whole like Hertz wounded child. And so. I realized that he said that to me because I was slipping out of his fingers. That was like one of the last things he had tried to get back with me after our divorce, he wanted. To reconcile. And what else could he say? What else could he do? He felt like he had lost me. And so he had to put me down in order for him to feel good about himself. He had to put me down in order for him to feel like he was on top. Like he wasn't losing something, but he did lose something. And, and so I was able to have more compassionate and more empathy after that. And I realized I have to let that go. I am. I would like sit there and meditate after my divorce and energetically with a cord, like watching a cord, being, coming from my heart to his heart. I would watch and try to meditate and visualize that cord being cut in half, because I knew that energetically, I didn't want the anger, the resentment, none of that, or the love, the compassion, like I want him to do well, but I also didn't need to be. Attached to the good times either. And that's a lot of the work that I want to do with my divorce women, women going through heartbreak is really detaching energetically from the past. And breaking up with the past for good, really opens up a whole new doorway. I truly don't believe that I would have met my boyfriend now or actually got into a relationship with him. Now, if I was still lingering with those feelings and those emotions from the past, and I had to do, when I went through a breakup last year and a half. It's something you have to continuously do. And so once you are able to open yourself up, let that, that the past be the past. And really opened up a new chapter for yourself. You start finding. People that align with that energy and it's energy that you've always wanted. It's not the energy of hate resentment anchor. Needing to feel validated, needing to stick it to somebody it's not that energy anymore. And so I think a lot of the times when we feel hurt, when we go through breakups, especially divorce, divorce can really leave a bad scar in our hearts. Is realizing after actually, let me tell you the story. After my divorce, I realized I was like, I know I want to get remarried. Like after I was able to really process that, I was like, I know I want to get remarried because it wasn't marriage. That was a problem. It was too. People that were living in their traumas, trying to make it work. They were the problem and they couldn't make it happen. They couldn't grow together. So they grew apart. So I knew that that wasn't the issue. And so if you're listening as you're going through a breakup, you're going through the divorce. Open yourself up to love. Of course, he'll take the time that you need, but don't take too much time. Sometimes we set these guidelines and these expectations. I did it at the beginning of this year. You can look through my podcast episodes where I was like, I'm going to be single and I'm going to focus on myself and I'm going to work on myself. And I had this whole thing at least a year minimum a year. And I realized that in relationships, I need a time to myself, of course, but in relationships is how we learn what parts of us still need healing? Or we can just shun them, avoid them and pretend that they're not there and tell ourselves these stories that we need to be single than we need to just take a break or that we need to date. That was another story I told myself, I was like, I need to date. I need to do these things. You will find. You will try it. You will try to try on other people's lives and find what works for you until you realize that it all starts and ends with you. And you have to do things that feel good in your heart. I'm in my thirties, I don't enjoy dating. I realized that I love being in relationships and I love being in relationships that feel good. Have they always felt good. No, they've had their moments, their trials and tribulations. The only healthy relationship I've been in is the one that I'm in now. And it's a constant. Knowing and working towards it. And so when we decide, okay, I'm going to open myself up to love again. I want you to ask yourself, what's the worst thing that could happen. Because I had to ask myself this, I had so much fear going into this relationship. Earlier this year, I was like, I don't know. I'm not. Oh, my gosh, going into relationship. My, my go-to cycle was always that I lost myself in relationship. So I was like, well, I don't want to lose myself. I have so much fear. And I had to realize that what is the worst that could happen? I lose myself again, we break up, he hurts me, cheats on me, leaves me this long distance thing. Doesn't work, whatever. What is the worst thing that could happen? I am heartbroken. Okay. I've been heartbroken before. I know what that feels like. I just went through it and I thrived and I got my act together and it taught me so much and it made me who I am, has helped me actually heal more people online. It's helped me create more stories has helped me connect with more women because of it. So. When we realized that we've been through it already, we don't want to go there again. And we don't want, you know, of course I don't want to ever break up with my boyfriend now. Like I want a future with him. I want a life with him, but I know that if shit hits the fan things go downhill. I will be okay because I've worked on myself to be okay. I know. And I love myself enough to be okay. I know that pain is only temporary and that things are all seasonal and things will always get better. And so when you ask yourself, do I want to continue on being guarded, closed off being toxic? And I want to talk about that a little bit too, because ladies, I know you're hearing this and. I was single in my earlier twenties. And that's mostly what I'm going to talk about now and the toxicity and the. What I see that's out there and I speak to my girlfriends that are single, and I see what's out in the dating world and it is very toxic, especially with dating apps. But. There's three different scenarios, and I hope that you can relate to one of them because if you can. I want you to see yourself in the scenario and realized, like I said earlier, it's harder for us, for us to give ourselves a bird's eye view of what's happening because we're emotionally connected to it. We don't see our blind spots. So I want to give you these three scenarios, which is what I see a lot. A repeated cycle and I see a lot with women. And if you relate to one a great and I hope that you can see your blind spots with them. So the first scenario is let's say you're single, you're independent. You entertain different men at once. You have different guys, DM-ing you texting, you have options. You have variety. They all feel that energy, like I was saying earlier. So they will treat you that way. And worst of all, you will repel anything different. When you're entertaining, what's not for you. You're going to repel. What is for you? And so there's this like independent, well, I'm not going to settle down for any. Uh, any to have options and I'm going to do this and I'm going to do that. And I'm going to be on the dating app. I'm going to be on social media and I'm going to be talking to people. And then I'm going to meet a guy out in public and all these things. Guess what men feel that energy. And part of you you're keeping these options open because in the variety, because one, you're not really clear on what you want, because you are not clear on who you are yet. You're not clear on. You might think you want marriage, you think you want kids, but that's, if you sit with yourself enough, I would say that society has told you, you want those things, but if you get really clear on what it is or you want, it might look really different than this like cookie cutter, perfect house, white picket fence kids, and adoring husband and might look different. And so you keep these options and these variety open because you feel like somewhere along the line, someone's going to come. Help you understand what it is that you want. And the problem is that they won't, they're just gonna confuse the shit out of them, or you're going to have these like really drifty. Fast going energies around you. No, you're not, I don't know what to do with yourself, especially if you're sleeping with these men energetically, that's what you're going to be attracting more of. Or another scenario is you avoid men altogether. You try dating apps you once or twice, it didn't work out. So you gave up and then you have friends and people around you that perpetuate. This narrative for you. Of men's suck. You know, there's nothing good out there. Of course that will happen. No one likes me. I'm not pretty enough. All these things, because you tried a couple of times because you, you all. You know, I went on one date. I went on two dates and it just didn't work out. Well, would you quit on anything else? Because you tried it once or twice. No, you wouldn't. And so again, get clear and precise on what it is that you want. And ask yourself, why are you feeling? Fear is a rejection. You're feeling rejection most of the time. That's what it is when you put yourself out there and that's not your go-to, they'll say that's not something you normally do. And you actually go out there and you put yourself out there and then. You feel rejection from somebody, or this is not what you thought it would be. You don't want to feel rejected again because that's what you felt growing up. And if this is triggering you, I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry at the same time, because I think that triggers are good because that's just showing you where you still need some healing. And. If you have friends that perpetuate the same narrative that you're giving yourself, it's time to get new friends as well. Especially if the narrative is negative of like men's sock and there's no good men out there that is not true. That is not the truth. There's plenty of good men out there. You just have to be an energetic match for them. If you're not an energetic match for them, then you're not going to have the good men. Right. And how do you become an energetic match for anyone in your life is that you become the person you want to date. You become that person, but first you have to get really clear on who that person is. And now the third scenario. And this is the one that I can relate to the most because this is what I did in my earlier twenties. I had, uh, like on and off relationship for five years from high school into college. And he lied, cheated. Not that I ever caught him cheating, but I know he cheated one of those scenarios and my self esteem was down and I felt really badly about myself. So then. One day. I was like, well, why am I crying about the sky? That I feel like has been such a, you know, an a-hole. This whole time that I've been with him. He's not even that attractive. I'm the attractive one. I'm going to have the power. I'm going to have the control. I'm going to just use men. And that's what I ended up doing. I never allowed anyone to get close. And when I say I used men, I never used them for money or anything like that. That sounds a little bit. I used them to get the validation and the self forth that I needed. And I would do that by just having them fall for me, I felt like it was a big game. Like if you think love is a game and that feels good. And that thrill, that excitement, that dopamine hit, that you get of like meeting someone new and the excitement, and then they're wining and dining in. You're making them fall for you. And then the moment they get too close, you're like, Ooh, they're so needy. And you run away. That is toxic. And I'm calling myself out and calling you out and calling. Both of us out here that is toxic. If this is you, this is toxic. I did it. And I'm going to actually share a story with you guys. So you can see the level of toxicity that we all kind of get into sometimes. There was this one guy lived in Kansas city. He was a professional sports player. And I mean, the name itself, a player that's literally. Well, he was, and when we started hanging out, he lied to me within a few weeks. And I w my best friend played on the team with him, and that's how I met him. And I caught him in the lie because I was in the same place as him. And instead of respecting myself enough to just walk away and be like trash next. I did not do that. What I did instead I went on a date with the guy that he hated on the team. The most. To get a reaction and to get attention from him, which have worked, which brought us back together and to dating. And then I needed the control. Of course. So nine you had him in the Palm of my hands. I triggered his ego. So I knew I was like, okay, now I've caught him. Palm of my hands. I'm not going to sleep over. I don't want to be that close to him. So he would do anything for me to sleep over. He would do anything. Then I said, let's have an open relationship. Like I don't want to be your girlfriend. You don't need to be my boyfriend. I'm going to go on dates. And so what I started doing is I would come over his house before my date. So he saw me all dressed up, but given the energy of like, Hmm, you want this, but you can't have this. All these effing games that I played, makes me sick to my stomach to think that I did this in my earlier twenties and that I didn't love myself, respect myself enough to. Not be around somebody that would treat me as an option. And instead I felt like I needed the control. So I St I treated him like an option instead. And then when he wanted to get to closing, he actually wanted something more serious. I was like, all right. I'm leaving. I'm going to move back to Miami. Ladies, if you related to any of these scenarios and my story. No, that we will go. On crazy journeys and journeys that don't make any sense to feel love and validation. We will manipulate. We will control. We would avoid, we will do all these things to keep ourselves safe, but at the same time to feel some love and some validation. And I'll leave it at this attention is the cheapest thing a man can give you. The cheapest. But we trade love, admiration and respect for attention all the time. We think attention is what's going to make us feel good. because we don't truly, at our core believe that we're worthy of these other things. So we'll trade attention. We'll entertain the guy that, you know, causes beautiful that tells us the sweet talks as a manipulates and controls us in some way. Because we don't feel truly worthy of the man. That's willing to go all in and actually. Make you his worlds. And for you to do that. Is important for you to actually go all in and a relationship's important. And that also means I thought I was going to leave it at that, but I have something else to say. It also means. When you get into a relationship when you find that person. I went through it with what TJ, when you find that person, guess what the lingers on your DMS, the person, the people that you kind of leave around, whatever, when you're single. Those all have to go home. You have to black them out of your life. Guess what? Those people respect you more for it. And if they don't, if their ego gets hurt, because I had a few that blocked me on Instagram, actually. And that's fine too, because I don't care. What my priority is now being in a relationship is my man. How I show up in the relationship, the energy that I bring into this relationship. I'm all in energy. Because that's what I expect from him. And that's what he's given me as well. And so guess what? No one else gets my attention. There's no Xs. I get my attention. There's boundaries. The worst set actually. I've talked about it on here before I stayed friends with my ex because of the child that he had and how close I am to them. And I'm still close to them, but I had to set some real big boundaries just as, as a recently because. My values, my priorities are different. And whoever can not understand or respect that or wants to get mad and block you or whatever that's on them. You don't need their attention because now you're creating this new life of somebody. And the reason we don't do that. Right. Because there was a moment where I was like, why haven't I done this before? And I'll be honest with you. I did it when I was married, of course, but I didn't do it in my last relationship. I left the lingers and the people I didn't ever cheat on him or anything like that, but I left my energy open and him, because I wanted. Options right. I realized, and this was one of those aha moments that I had recently. I wanted options my past relationship because I truly deep in my core knew that was that relationship. Wasn't it. That I knew that it would end. And so when we're in relationships, so we know are in it for us, we will also do that. We will keep options open because guess what, if we break up, then I have options and I feel less shitty about myself. I feel less unlovable or less unworthy because guess what I have, you know, well, whoever texting me and my DMS are sending me DMS. You have to go all in and be okay with the opposite that if it doesn't work out. And now you've ghosted everyone. If you're not willing to be okay with things not working out and you haven't no one. But yourself. But solitude, but your own company, but your own thoughts. Then you'll never really, truly give yourself to a relationship you'll never really truly give yourself to anyone. And you will always wonder the, what if you will always think that a relationship that's healthy is just for movies, that the people that you see on Instagram that are actually truly happy. That they're just faking it. That they're just doing it for Instagram, that they're just doing it for likes that they're just, you'll come up with all these stories and all these narratives and you'll judge other people because you've never really, truly gone all in on yourself. Or with anyone? And Mike drop. I will leave it. I will leave it there. And I hope you guys enjoy this episode. I am going to have a link to my dating masterclass. If you are listening to this and you want to be a part of this masterclass. This masterclass is something I created with my whole core. And it's to help single ladies get out of that need, that scarcity, that avoidance, all of those things get really clear and precise and to who it is you want, what you want. And then own your power. Have your standards higher, your expectations high and be super magnetic energetically for the match for the love of your life. So if you're listening to this have used the code self-mastery. You'll get it for$47. It's normally$111, but just for you guys for my listeners, because I love you guys, you got it for$47 and it also has, I have like dating templates. I have mantras for you to say to yourself, before you go on dates, I have text templates. I have journal prompts. I have tools that will help you as well. So I will leave it at that. I hope you guys have a beautiful day and I will talk to you guys next week.