You First- A Journey to Self

Launching into 2024- Embody these 5 steps for a powerful start!

January 01, 2024 Maria Fuentes
Launching into 2024- Embody these 5 steps for a powerful start!
You First- A Journey to Self
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You First- A Journey to Self
Launching into 2024- Embody these 5 steps for a powerful start!
Jan 01, 2024
Maria Fuentes

On this week's episode I am sharing the top 5 things that shifted my 2023.  They have nothing to do with goal setting or strict rules! It's a feeling, an energy you tap into which allows you to become the person you were always meant to be! the last few years have taught me that in order to become the person I was meant to be I had to dismantle the one I had become and get back to my true authentic self. Become clear on who I am and what I truly desire which has helped me develop magnetizing confidence and also allowed me to attract everything I've desired. I created the a program that always you to become your own source of inspiration so you can make 2024 YOUR year! 


The program that empowers you to take ownership of your life and become your own source of inspiration, and manifest the life they truly desire. Through self-discovery, releasing limitations, rewiring patterns, and mastering manifestation, you’ll unlock your inner potential and step into a life of purpose, abundance, and fulfillment.

This program was perfectly curated for the woman that is ready to become her own source of inspiration and take her power back. 

You will learn how to:

  • To get back to your true authentic self 
  • Break up with your limiting beliefs and everything that holds you back! 
  • Recognize, interrupt and rewire patterns that keep you stuck. 
  • Create a clear vision for what YOU truly desire and start co creating. 
  • Use the energy of transformation to become a powerful magnet to everything you want. 

You’ll get:

  • Video Modules 
  • Lifetime access to the evolving course 
  • Tools- such as EFT (emotional freedom technique)
  • Resources- (Guided journal prompts and workbook)

Because it’s time to unleash the MUSE within you! 

Normally $555 on sale for $222 till Jan 11th!

Use code- NEWYEAR click link below to start!

(Extra BONUS if you sign up using this link DM me the word PODCAST and I will have a mini coaching session with you via Voxer) Those spots will be limited so make sure to sign up soon! The sale ends Jan 11th! 

If you enjoyed this episode Hit the subscribe button for updates, and if you love this podcast, please leave a review. Your feedback helps other women like you discover and benefit from it.

Unlock your true potential with our FREE Rediscover Worksheet tool! This simple tool will guide your self-discovery journey, helping you uncover your authentic self and regain personal power. Download now and start your transformation today!-

Need extra support from Maria? Join MUSE Energy, her exclusive women 's-only channel on Instagram, for more insights and inspiration! -

For personalized 1:1 coaching, visit Maria’s website at or email her at for guidance.-

Follow Maria on Instagram-

Show Notes Transcript

On this week's episode I am sharing the top 5 things that shifted my 2023.  They have nothing to do with goal setting or strict rules! It's a feeling, an energy you tap into which allows you to become the person you were always meant to be! the last few years have taught me that in order to become the person I was meant to be I had to dismantle the one I had become and get back to my true authentic self. Become clear on who I am and what I truly desire which has helped me develop magnetizing confidence and also allowed me to attract everything I've desired. I created the a program that always you to become your own source of inspiration so you can make 2024 YOUR year! 


The program that empowers you to take ownership of your life and become your own source of inspiration, and manifest the life they truly desire. Through self-discovery, releasing limitations, rewiring patterns, and mastering manifestation, you’ll unlock your inner potential and step into a life of purpose, abundance, and fulfillment.

This program was perfectly curated for the woman that is ready to become her own source of inspiration and take her power back. 

You will learn how to:

  • To get back to your true authentic self 
  • Break up with your limiting beliefs and everything that holds you back! 
  • Recognize, interrupt and rewire patterns that keep you stuck. 
  • Create a clear vision for what YOU truly desire and start co creating. 
  • Use the energy of transformation to become a powerful magnet to everything you want. 

You’ll get:

  • Video Modules 
  • Lifetime access to the evolving course 
  • Tools- such as EFT (emotional freedom technique)
  • Resources- (Guided journal prompts and workbook)

Because it’s time to unleash the MUSE within you! 

Normally $555 on sale for $222 till Jan 11th!

Use code- NEWYEAR click link below to start!

(Extra BONUS if you sign up using this link DM me the word PODCAST and I will have a mini coaching session with you via Voxer) Those spots will be limited so make sure to sign up soon! The sale ends Jan 11th! 

If you enjoyed this episode Hit the subscribe button for updates, and if you love this podcast, please leave a review. Your feedback helps other women like you discover and benefit from it.

Unlock your true potential with our FREE Rediscover Worksheet tool! This simple tool will guide your self-discovery journey, helping you uncover your authentic self and regain personal power. Download now and start your transformation today!-

Need extra support from Maria? Join MUSE Energy, her exclusive women 's-only channel on Instagram, for more insights and inspiration! -

For personalized 1:1 coaching, visit Maria’s website at or email her at for guidance.-

Follow Maria on Instagram-

God has a huge plan for you. And when we set our sights to something super small, so think that you're only looking a mile ahead. But God for 20, 24, has he like. 50 miles ahead. You're just seeing the small picture, not the big picture. And so what creates expansion? Big shifts is usually when you're able to open up yourself to that first, for years, I struggled with toxic relationships and understanding my own emotions. I found myself repeating the same cycles with different people and living in victimhood. I am Maria, your host, and I specialize in self mastery coaching. I've spent the last few years working with various therapists in order to heal my own traumas and help others. This podcast is your dedicated resource for gaining emotional intelligence, nurturing self awareness, and cultivating healthy relationships. If you're prepared to master your emotions, improve your relationships, and create captivating self confidence, Then this podcast is for you. Thank you for listening and welcome to this week's episode. Hey guys, happy new year. And if you're listening to this, it's a Monday, it's January 1st and it's the beginning of a new year and nothing picks me happier. And I'm actually recording this on December 20th. But I'm already like projecting this like new brand new energy on here. And this is the vibe for the year, and this is going to be the energy you're going to be bringing in. And I'm going to give you five things that I implemented last year to give me these quantum leaps. These quantum changes in my life. These. Big massive shifts, and I'm going to keep doing Mays, but adding more to them and you guys will hear them all in 20, 24 as I grow and evolve myself. But let's get into this good stuff. I hope you guys all had a good holiday season and a great Christmas. But it's a new year and it's time for us to really hone in on ourselves and create long lasting change. I don't believe in new year's resolutions anymore. Even being like super. Strict with my goals. I am a completely different person. Now, like two years ago, I created a vision board and did all these things. And they were all about like materialistic things I wanted to either get or a certain amount of money I wanted to make in a year. And I felt like they were really con it was really constricting. My vision port felt really heavy when I would see it. I almost got stressed out, especially towards like, Middle to end of the year. I would get even more stressed out if I wasn't even close to my goals. And I remember even having this like fitness girl and all this stuff, like my body will never look like that fitness girl. And so. I want you to start getting curious to what your vision is for the next for 2024 or what year what's on your vision board or what's on your goals and leave room for magic leave room for expansion. Don't make them so constricting because God has a huge plan for you. And when we set our sights to something super small, so like, think that you're only looking like a mile ahead. But God for 20, 24, has he like. 50 miles ahead. You're just seeing like the small, the small picture, not the big picture. And so what creates expansion? Big shifts is usually when you're able to open up yourself to that first, that energetically you're able to. Open yourself up energetically, religiously, whether you're close to God or whatever it is that you believe in. For me, it has got a, my relationship with God has gotten so, so deep lately. And the closer I get to him, the more abundant I feel, the more expansive they feel and the more I see his vision. And I know that he talks through me. So that I can help you guys and create this amazing life for myself and create, I helped you guys create this amazing life for yourself. And before I do get started, I want to let you guys know that if you're listening to this, I'm also running. A special up until January 11th, January 11th is actually a really special day for me. It was my first. Non-official date with TJ and it was it's 1, 1, 1, and I 11. One, one ones are always such a big side. And signal for me. So I'm so excited to run this special for you guys. Up until January 11th. And what it is is going to be my bigger own muse program. Which is a whole self-lead program that really helps you just get in touch with your true, authentic self. To break and release old patterns and old habits to gain confidence like real magnetizing confidence so that you can actually create the life that you desire. And you get really clear also on what it is that you desire. And this is my evergreen program that I've talked about on here. And what evergreen means is that I'm going to, you're going to have lifetime access to it, and I'm going to always continue to add modules to it. Right now I have resources and I have an EFT tapping video on there, but as it continues to grow and evolve, and as I continue to grow and evolve, I'm going to keep adding to it. So this is a program. That you will grow with a hundred percent and you will continue to grow with. And eventually I do want to community. I have women that can just support each other through it, but I am going to be running a special for, I believe 2 97. It's right now, the normal pricing is 5 55, but I'm going to run a special for 2 97. And if you're listening to this, it's going to be, the link is going to be in the podcast notes. And I will be able to give you the code in the podcast notes as well. So I truly believe it's going to be life-changing for you guys, if you are not sure where to even start. This is a great way to start, and I'm also available for one-on-one coaching and some intensive 90 minute coaching calls. That will set you up for the next three months, but. Let's let's dive in into this week's episode because these are five really important things. Like I said, at the beginning of the episode that I did at the beginning of the year, last year that I started implementing and I created more of it in 2023, and I'm going to continue to do the same stuff, but add more to it. And the first one. And if you followed me anywhere, don't roll your eyes because on Instagram, this is all I talk about. But showing up for yourself is a number one thing that I did. And I did it every single day. And it doesn't mean that I worked out every single day. Now I showed up for myself in the fact that I checked in with myself, working out as a good way for me to give myself a clean slate mentally. It's what feels good. It feels the most aligned when I move my body in the morning. I get endorphins. And then I get dopamine because I'm listening to podcasts. And like, I give myself these rush of feel, good hormones and things that set the tone for the day. So I know that's what works for me. For other people. It could be a walk, it could be reading the Bible. It could be journaling, it could be meditating, whatever that looks like for you. But I did this every single day and the days that I felt sick or I was on my period or whatever, I didn't go work out, but I did still show up for myself because I honored my body. I did my stretching. I checked in with myself, whether it was in the beginning of the day or at the end of the day, I journaled. So showing up for yourself, whatever that means to you. Start making that a daily practice, no one will ever show up for you the way that you can show up for you. And it's no one's responsibility to show up for you the way that you should show up for you. And the second thing that I did was I started compounding good feelings. And hear me out on this because a lot of you guys are probably not going to understand the concept. It's more of a feeling, and I want you to really check in with yourself and say, Okay. How can I tap into feeling good and how can I compound this? And so what I do, let's say I'll go on a walk and I feel like really, really good. I'll come back and I'll shower and I'll do my makeup, even if I'm just working from home that day. And now I do, I do my makeups and now I feel good for my walk. I feel good, physically. My hair's brushed. I don't look like a mess. I try to actually do that every single day, even though I work from home because I don't want to look and feel like a mess all day. And so now there's two things, right. Then I'll add like a little perfume and then I will. Right on my journal and I love writing and with my special pen that I absolutely love. And then I'll schedule myself a massage for the week and whatever it is. It doesn't, I don't want to make it about money and like things, because for me, a lot of, it's not, it's more like I'll do things that just feel good for me and I'll compound that, but I have also treated myself way more this year than I have allowed myself to in the past, I've spent more money, but I've also made so much more money. So compounding good feelings is you telling the universe, you telling God that you are so open for more than you are. That this feels good. You're up. You're telling money that you're ready to play with it. You're telling money that you're not boring with it. That you're not going to hold onto it. And choke hold the money because you're afraid that it's going to leave. And so make a list of all the things that feel good. Like I actually have a list on my phone of all the things that feel good to me. And when I forget, because life gets busy and things happen. And I have, my to-do lists are so long. Sometimes I go back to what feels good. Right? I'll send that message. Like another examples that you could send a message to somebody that you love. And now you're feeling good. Makes them feel good. And now you're compounding so much more. I open up the bottle of wine that you've been waiting to, like, you know, open. Go and put on that dress that you've been waiting for a special occasion for like went on a date night, feel good, wear lingerie for your man, just because, you know, Do something spicy in the better. That's because like, feel good. Don't wait for a certain thing. We, as humans feel like we need this reward system that you have to like almost push yourself to the edge or work so hard. And then you can reward yourself or at the end of the day, you can reward yourself for whatever. But the thing is when you feel good, good things happen. You're in that good energy zone. So compound the good feelings. Number three don't entertain people who are not an energetic match to who you want to become. So simple, but yet we do it all the time. We do it because we're bored because we don't think we're actually worthy of the person we want to become, or the relationship we want to attract or the friends we want to attract. And so we allow these lingers around us, these energetic little vampire soul sucking people around us. And we can. Differentiate the people that actually genuinely care for us and the people that are just trying to suck our good energy, because I promise you the moment you start evolving, growing. People will be like little leeches and we'll try to. Be with you and be around you and really just be in your energy zone. But if they're not aligned to who you truly are and want to be. It's your job, your responsibility to say no. No, thank you. And it doesn't make you a bad person. It doesn't make you a bad friend. If your friends can love you through all the seasons of life. Then they're not really your friends, because at that point it's conditional and friendship should be unconditional. Of course. Unconditional until certain limits and respect and all that, but they should allow you to grow and evolve and there's times and seasons where you're going to be closer to your friends and there's time and there's seasons where you're not. And that's okay. And so when you start saying no to things and no to people around you. Uh, like magic starts to happen. Like last year I remember. I was single for a little while. And I remember people, especially men that I knew, and it wasn't even people like I really dated or anything. It was like, I got invited to go do stuff and like travel and. Go places, but that person's energy didn't align with me. And an old version of me would have jumped on it because I would have been like, yeah, your distractions or a trip. Hell yeah. I'm there. Like I would have said yes. And I was like, no, like I'm just, I'm vibing by myself. This just feels good to me. I know that if I say no to those, because it doesn't feel aligned, like what's aligned will come from me and there's this like this trust and this know for me that. There was something better. And I'll never forget, like California just kept being like one thing that kept coming up for me, like I kept wanting to go to California. I had only been once before to San Francisco, Napa. But I wanted to do more. I want to do like the coast and all that. And I remember having a friend. That I went to high school with told me like, oh, let's go. Like, I know I'm going to take you there. I know we're going to experience that together. And I was like, I remember being like, no, we're not no. Thanks. And somebody else that I need in California is like, come here. Like one of my girlfriend that I met another friend that was like, come to LA. And I kept getting this pool and this pool to go to California. And I just knew it wasn't the right time. And, and I knew it wasn't like the right people and the right energy and just. I just didn't feel good, but I just kept getting this pull to go to California. And then lo and behold, in November for Thanksgiving, I go with my boyfriend and we have the most magical trip over lives. I could have not asked for a better trip. Like we even took some pictures together, a first like photo shoot that wasn't him photo shooting that wasn't him shooting us. And the whole energy of that trip was just so aligned. And I remember feeling so happy and being like, this is why I wasn't meant to. Go with anyone else or be with anyone else in California is because I was meant to be here with him. And when you say no to what doesn't align, what does align comes? And it feels so much better. Because what happens when we say yes to the things that don't align, we're taking all these detours, we're taking the longer route to truly aligns and God's watching us and God's probably like, oh my gosh, like, Got it together, lady. Just get, say no to the things that don't align, you know, better at this point. So that the things that I'm here ready to give you do a line. And that was a long one, but that was just an ex one example of how, when you say know the things better, things are there for you. And I just want to, I wanted to share that story so you could see that there's evidence of it. All right. So now let's just jump to number four. Number four is take time to feel your emotions. I did this more than ever this year, because. I had a lot of knowledge. I've worked with a lot of therapists. I have a psych major I've. I research. I'm so passionate about this. This is like my whole life. This is what I love to do. And. I just don't think that I truly gave myself. The time to really feel my emotions, because even when I started my own. Journey five years ago. I remember judging my emotions a lot and so they would come up and I would judge them, or I was reactive to them. But this was a year where I was like, F it, if I feel sad, I'm just going to be a sad little girl. And I'm just going to space out. I'm going to watch a sad movie or listen to sad songs and cry. I might have to stay there, but I'm going to just be sad and allow myself to be sad. Oh, I'm angry. Okay. I'm going to experience anger. This is what it feels like. This is what it means. I'm not going to judge myself for being angry and just sitting with the emotions and in the past, have you listened to me? I used to numb my emotions with alcohol a lot too. So I've gone through this whole journey in. And this year, I was just like, you know what? Emotions are beautiful. And. I'm going to just keep leaning into them. And also the mentorship I've done. When I say I've done a lot of research and I've gained a lot of knowledge is because I connect with people of the caliber that I want to be the energy that I want to be. And so when they are able to describe that they feel the same emotions that I have, I'm able to recognize pieces of myself in them. And this is why I do my podcasts. So you can recognize pieces of yourself in me. And so. Take time to feel your emotions. And I know you might be like, well, I don't have time. I have kids. I have this, I have that. I understand, but we all have the same amount of time in 24 hours. And if you start looking at where you're wasting your time, like being on social media, Or watching TV or doing these things that don't serve you and they're just distractions to your emotions. I bet you you'll find five to 10 minutes of your day to journal, to just really sit with your emotion and ask yourself what it's there to teach you what lesson you're there to learn, and then be able to process the emotion instead of letting it get stuck. And it wreaking havoc in your life. And now. This is probably the best one out of all five. And that is for you to do the thing that you fear the most to take that massive leap in the direction of fear, throw yourself into it. Who the F care. So worst thing that could happen is that you fail and you failed before and you have been here. You're still here. You're surviving. You're listening to this podcast. That is the worst thing that could happen to you? A big shift that happened to me last year was I was so fearful to jump ships in my insurance job. And I was like, I'm not going to. I don't want to go to this other like new job because it's scary and I don't know much about it. And it was commercial insurance and I did it and I proved to myself that I can. Do whatever I want and that I can create. More money because I am able to just push through fear and it was scary because I was leaving something that was very stable and, you know, secure, I guess, in a way, just like we are afraid to like leave relationships because we're not sure if. The grass is going to be greener on the other side. I'm not going to say there's times that the grass is greener, right? Where you water it. Of course. But a lot of times too, the grass is greener and I promise you it's greener on the other side. So feel the fear and do it anyway. Push through it fears never going to go away. And this is something that I want us all to really sit here and understand. I want you to really just understand this concept. Because when I started thinking fear, when it would pop up, I befriended it. And now I could just see fear as this thing that tries to keep me protected. This tries to keep me in line that tries to keep me safe. But I don't allow it to overcome my life. And so when I feel fear to be vulnerable with my boyfriend, or I feel scared to take a leap in my business or to do something outside of my comfort zone or to promote something for you guys that I'm not sure if you guys are going to like. I say to fear. Okay. What's the worst that can happen. I've got this because whether I get rejected. Declined. Pushed away tone no to whatever I will survive. And I will take that as a lesson and move on. Befriend fear think it, and don't let it run your life. Take that massive leap. Quit that job. Have that uncertainty. I had so many it's funny because last year was the best year of my life, but I had the most. Um, uncertain moments and times. Where I had no idea where my next step was going to be, because even in that commercial job that I took, I was there for three months kicked ass. And then the company shut down. And I went like a month without having a job. And I was like, what can I do? I'm fearful of is what can I do? And I decided I was like, you know, what, what can I do? I can control what I can control. I really don't care to go on indeed and look for a job. Maybe this is a sign. I just have to go full on in my coaching. And that's what I did for a month or so I went full on, created my programs, worked on my website, connected with more of you really like honed in my coaching so that when I did, I knew I was going to go back into my commercial insurance, because I truly actually enjoy it. And it makes me good stable money and allows me to create this passionately for you guys, the podcast. And I'm not dependent financially on it. And that's just how I operate better. I think a lot of people in this industry are not honest about that, that at the beginning of anybody's coaching career or showing up, it's scary because you're not going to make enough money to sustain yourself. And I don't ever want to create something for you guys out of scarcity and need for you to guys, to buy in order for me to pay my bills. So now I'm going on in tangent, but. I was so scared for like a millisecond. And then I was like, I'm just going to release it and let it be. And one of my best friends act that I also work with and we've worked together for years. He actually. Got me a few interviews because he found the jobs and he's like on top of stuff like that. And it was literally me trusting God, knowing that. Better was going to come. And he actually did help me. Zach helped me and actually the best, the person's best friend of the company that went down has his own insurance agency has been around forever. And he. Wanted us both so bad. And we got the jobs and I didn't even have, I didn't have to lift a finger. I didn't have to throw my resume anywhere. I didn't have to do anything. I trusted. And instead of obsessing and being like, oh my God, I need this to work. I need to find something else. I'm going to be. Devastated. If I don't, instead of like letting fear take over, I shifted my energy into creating what I love and what I'm passionate about, which is the coaching for you guys, which is creating my programs, which is creating these intensive coaching calls that I'm going to be doing for you guys next year. And so I was able to really just shift that energy and do the fearful thing and the scary thing, and that leads me to the right direction. Because taking those steps takes you to the right places. It takes you in the right direction. So. That is the five things I did last year. And I'm going to continue doing this year because I saw the massive shifts. I saw that when I pushed myself and I got out of my comfort zone that I succeeded. I saw that if I showed up for myself consistently, my confidence. Got better. I realized that when I compounded good feelings, more good feelings happen and the people around me felt it and I felt energetic and I walked into rooms and I was like a big light. To everyone in the world. I realized that when I didn't entertain people, it did not align with me. I got what did align. I made better friends. I found the love of my life. I found all these things and. I'm here to tell you that it's possible for you because I improve. Of that. I am giving you these examples, not so that you could be like, well, okay, great. You had a great year. No, that also came with a lot of uncomfortableness. Like I said a lot of fear, a lot of vulnerability, a lot of moments off. Oh, man, I am at a crossroads. I can either act like my old self, which is kind of comfortable and great and nice, but it's never really taken me to any great place. Or I can get uncomfortable and push through it. And be vulnerable and do the things that are going to align me to the bigger, better version of myself. So, if you listened to this podcast, I hope you got great nuggets out of this and that your 2024. Effing amazing. I'm sending you guys all good vibration. I'll get energy. So you have the best year ever. And then also I'm going to put links down below in the podcast notes of the program. I talked about earlier and also coaching plans and intensives that you can do with me. So we can create this magic together. My goal as a coach is to. Walk alongside you and then see you thrive and succeed and become the best version of yourself. And then help you in any way that I can, but also allow you to, just to spread your wings. And I mean, I hope that anyone ever coach becomes even better than me. And that's like my passion in life. So happy 20, 24 guys happy new year. I love you all. And I will talk to you guys next week.