You First- A Journey to Self

Holding the energy of the things you desire most to prevent sabatoge

January 29, 2024 Maria Fuentes
Holding the energy of the things you desire most to prevent sabatoge
You First- A Journey to Self
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You First- A Journey to Self
Holding the energy of the things you desire most to prevent sabatoge
Jan 29, 2024
Maria Fuentes

Hi guys! 

In this week's episode, we are going to break down the difference between, wanting, needing, and desiring something. We will also talk about how to expand our energetic capacity to hold on to the things we want once we get it. I'll also share some ways that we prevent ourselves from receiving the things we want and how to prevent self-sabotage. 

Hope you guys enjoy this week's episode! I am grateful for each one of you! 

If you've been following my journey you know I started my self-help journey 5 years ago by going to therapy while I was very unhappy with everything in my life.

Since I wholeheartedly believe in the benefits of therapy I have partnered up with them to give my listeners 10% off their first month by using-

Remember Self-Mastery starts with the decision to take ownership of your life and I believe therapy is the BIGGEST step you can take towards achieving that.

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Show Notes Transcript

Hi guys! 

In this week's episode, we are going to break down the difference between, wanting, needing, and desiring something. We will also talk about how to expand our energetic capacity to hold on to the things we want once we get it. I'll also share some ways that we prevent ourselves from receiving the things we want and how to prevent self-sabotage. 

Hope you guys enjoy this week's episode! I am grateful for each one of you! 

If you've been following my journey you know I started my self-help journey 5 years ago by going to therapy while I was very unhappy with everything in my life.

Since I wholeheartedly believe in the benefits of therapy I have partnered up with them to give my listeners 10% off their first month by using-

Remember Self-Mastery starts with the decision to take ownership of your life and I believe therapy is the BIGGEST step you can take towards achieving that.

Connect with me on Instagram-

Ways to work with me-

If you enjoyed this episode Hit the subscribe button for updates, and if you love this podcast, please leave a review. Your feedback helps other women like you discover and benefit from it.

Unlock your true potential with our FREE Rediscover Worksheet tool! This simple tool will guide your self-discovery journey, helping you uncover your authentic self and regain personal power. Download now and start your transformation today!-

Need extra support from Maria? Join MUSE Energy, her exclusive women 's-only channel on Instagram, for more insights and inspiration! -

For personalized 1:1 coaching, visit Maria’s website at or email her at for guidance.-

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I desired. And I didn't realize I was doing this, but I desired. To be loved differently and to be in a beautiful relationship for so long, for so many years. But I had to work on myself. I had to be with people that weren't, who I really wanted all these things I had to go through. All these emotions For years, I struggled with toxic relationships and understanding my own emotions. I found myself repeating the same cycles with different people and living in victimhood. I am Maria, your host, and I specialize in self mastery coaching. I've spent the last few years working with various therapists in order to heal my own traumas and help others. This podcast is your dedicated resource for gaining emotional intelligence, nurturing self awareness, and cultivating healthy relationships. If you're prepared to master your emotions, improve your relationships, and create captivating self confidence, Then this podcast is for you. Thank you for listening and welcome to this week's episode. Quick message before we get into this week's episode. When I started therapy four years ago, I felt completely lost. I didn't know where to find a therapist or even what I needed at the time. I wish I would have known about the sponsor of today's episode, BetterHelp, when I started my journey. They help match you with the best therapist based on your specific wants and needs. They have a database of over 31, 000 therapists and they even offer therapy in various ways via phone, messaging, or video so you can fit it into your schedule. Since I wholeheartedly believe in the benefits of therapy, I've partnered up with them to give my listeners 10 percent off their first month. By using the link betterhelp. com forward slash self mastery with Maria. The link is also in the description. Remember self mastery starts with the decision to take ownership of your life. And I believe therapy is the biggest step you can take towards achieving that. Now let's dive into this week's episode. Hello, you beautiful souls. Welcome to this week's episode. I am back in my closet because I just decided that this is just where I'm going to record from now on. I feel so cozy in here. I've talked about it before and so calm and as a creative person and a person that has a lot of things that she wants to share and talk about. I need to like set the tone, set the energy, make things feel right for me in order to come and speak to you guys for a long period of time. And so the closet it is for now, because even my room just feels like a little too big, a little too broad. I can't think that straight and that kind of isn't topic with what I'm going to talk to you guys about. And to be honest, I've kind of questioned if it's time for me to talk about energetics. More. I know I've probably touched on it on a few of these episodes, but. I really want to go in deep about energetics. And what that means and how to hold the energy of things that we want. And also how to release the energies that we don't want. But that might be a whole other episode. So for this week's episode, I want to dive into it. And the reason that I've kind of held off on talking about energetics is because I don't feel like a lot of people are open to listening and hearing about energetics because. On social media and it's become so mainstream that people say, you know, the words like manifests and I desire and the things I want are. Oh, you have to do a scripted and you just have to think it and believe in it. And it comes. And energy is that it's unexplained. It's having faith that something will happen. And it allowing it and surrendering it to happen. But where I want to go in deeper is what gets us there. Right? So in order to surrender and actually get to that point in life and have the things that we want, and maybe, you know, understand where these like Instagram influencers are even talking about manifesting what you want. You have to be able to hold the energy for it. And like I said early also released energies that don't know no longer serve you so that you don't stay stuck in patterns is stuck in the same place. But first we have to start holding the energy for what it is that we want. And I realized in working with a client recently, I helped her. I created a little plan just for her to really be intentional about what all means to her and what she wants. And as I was doing the plan. And creating these questions and being so intentional. A lot of the work I do with my clients is a lot about energetics and understanding your energy and your emotions. And as I did that, I was like, you know what? I need to go on a podcast episode and talk about this because. It's going to be my mission in life to help you understand emotions and energetics and everything about it, because they're all interlinked. And if we can hold the energetic capacity to what it is that we want. We won't ever allow ourselves to get it. And I also listen to my business mentor, talk about this in business, how it translates into business, but she also talked about how it translates into in relationships. And the way that she said it all clicked for me even more to be able to come and articulate it for you guys. So. And I'm rambling. Let's get into this week's episode. So let's start off with. What happens when we desire something I want to. Differentiate the difference between wanting something, needing something and desiring something. This is something I had to become really clear on in my own life. In order to know what was truly aligned. If I need something. That energy's not it. I can need something outside of me and it worked because if I push that energy of, I need something to work, I need to get that job. I need to get that relationship. I need my friend to call me back. I am energetically pushing it away as I'm needing it. I am repelling it. I'm actually doing the opposite of what I truly want, which is to have it because I feel like I needed. That needy energy. We've all heard of like media energy and all this stuff. When we are in lack, when we are not filling our own cup, when we're not showing up for ourselves, all the things I preach all the time. We will be in that need. I need a man. I need to make a lot of money. I need to leave wherever I'm living. I need a new place. I need all. So you're going to be in need. Need we'll attract more need. There's a lot of people that I'm sure you can relate to, or maybe you're stuck there. I've been stuck there before. Where I'm like, well, if I just get. A new job. I'll be happier. That needy energy is not true because whatever I think is going to make me happier from the new job, I have to energetically match that right now. I have to be grateful for the job I have. I have to be grateful for my circumstances. If I think. Living in a new city is going to bring like this excitement and this magic to my life. What, what about living in? Let's say I want to live in Canada. I don't know why he picked Canada, but just roll with me. And I think, you know, Canada's going to have all four seasons and I'm going to feel snow and I'm going to see snow enough. I'm going to see those, the falls leave, leave falls. Oh, my gosh. What is English today? I'm going to see the fall. Leaves change colors. And all that's going to feel so magical and so great. But I live in Florida now, which I barely get any seasons. How can I tap into that energy? Before I'm even there because if I want it and then I need it to happen, it probably won't happen. And that's going to take me to the next one. So wanting something. We become very flighty with wanting things. Wanting is very leaky energy feeling, right? Wanting things. I can want a nice car. I can want a new bracelet. I can want. A better friend. I can want all, all these things I can want, want, want it's a grabby. So instead of needing where you're lacking, And your. You're like filling voids with the need energy. When you want, want, want, want one? You are grabbing you're grasping. You're like, instead of, so instead of like, so when you need something or pushing away, And this one you're just taking, taking, taking, and you're not really clear. And sometimes we want things to happen and then they happen. You're like, that's not even what I thought I truly wanted. Like, I thought it would feel different. You know, how many times have you done that? And you're like, oh, when this happens, I want this to happen. And then it happens and you're like, Wow. I really thought it would feel a lot more exciting, a little different, a lot more aligned, maybe better than you even thought that it would. Right. And it's because you want something. Nothing wrong with wanting something. We can want so many things, but where we put our energy is where things start to happen. So if you are in an, a need energy or an, I want one, one energy. You're not truly aligned to what your soul desires. And so that's one of the things, like I said earlier, I had to start working on what do I truly desire from a place of groundness of fulfilling my own cup of, yeah. I want a nice car, but I don't need it. And I don't really care for it. Is it truly aligned to where I'm going right now? Like where I'm at in life and where I want to go. The new car, nice car is not going to bring me any more happiness. How can I bring that to myself? And so when I'm in this space now, and I desire things. Guys it is magic. And I use the word magic all the time. But when you, when you believe in God and you have faith, you know, it's God induced. You know that you're in alignment. The God sees you that you're not in these two other energies that are against who you truly are and your soul. And so you start becoming a magnet. To everything. I desired. And I didn't realize I was doing this, but I desired. To be loved differently and to be in a beautiful relationship for so long, for so many years. But I had to work on myself. I had to like be with people that weren't, who I really wanted all these things I had to go through. All these emotions met my boyfriend at the beginning of last year, told him, Hey, you know, you're amazing. You're great. But I did promise myself that I needed to do this for myself. So I need to just be by myself, did that for a few months, came back to him. Luckily, he wasn't like, no, no. Thank you. And he opened and was receptive to me again. And I'm so thankful for that. But when I came back, I desired like truly to my soul. I desired him. I didn't know what that looked like, and it was scary. And this is where we're at. I'm going to talk about. Holding the energy of what we actually want and actually keeping it so that we don't self-sabotage and we don't eff it all up because that's, that's what happens when we can't hold what we really want energetically, because we're misaligned. So when I came back to him, I desired all these things and I knew in my soul that he had all those things already, but I also knew I had promised myself to be alone and to fill my cup and do all that because I had done the opposite for so many years and so long and other relationships that I knew that was like my missing piece. In this puzzle of life. Um, so. I desire that I get it. And I'm going to use my relationship probably as a big example here, because if you listen to me, You love emotions, you love relationships as women. We all want a loving, caring relationship. A devoted one, all these things. And I'm going to, I'm going to be really vulnerable and tell you like where self-sabotage has corrupted in this relationship and where I haven't been able to. Hold the energy for what I really want in certain moments. And I've been able to kind of like reel it back. So. You get the thing you want. Right. I got the man. There's amazing. He's great. I had to start looking at my patterns. So. In order to hold energetically. What you want, you need to feel safe. Safe enough to go there. If I wanted to love that's magical. Amazing. Caring puts me on a pedestal. I put him on a pedestal with Pratt. We're proud of each other, respect each other, all of the things that I've never had before. So a love that not only is truly amazing, but has never been modeled to me. I don't even remotely know what it looks like. Smells like. It's something totally. It's like wanting a mansion and you're like, well, I've seen a mansions, but I've never really been in one. And then you get thrown into a mansion and you're like, oh shit. Like I live in his big house now, what do I do? Why do you think so many people win the lottery? And fuck it all up and lose it all. They can hold the energy of that much money. They, they thought they liked it. They thought they wanted it. They thought they needed the money and then it wasn't truly aligned and they didn't have purpose. And it wasn't something that they truly desired and they had. Like a plan, a compass. A something purpose with it. So then they lose it all and fuck it all up. Same thing with love. Mostly we do this in love and so. I had to start recognizing my patterns when things got too good with TJ. I started to look for things that could be wrong, that I could be missing. Well, he's a little too good to be true. What am I missing? And then I would hold onto it while he did and said this thing one time. Hmm. Let me just hold on to that. And I had to interrupt myself. Thankfully I do enough work with other people and myself that I'm constantly, I mean, my brain can get exhausting because I'm constantly thinking and evolving and changing and how I thought yesterday is not how I think today and so on and so on. And so I had to start interrupting those patterns and asked myself what, wait a minute, am I making up these stories? To keep myself safe. Because this feels unsafe. To be honest, it felt super unsafe to walk into this relationship, knowing that it was different than everything else. He's consistent. He's loving. He has a plan. He knows where we're going. He knows what he wants out of life. All these things, this stability, this safety that I've been craving and desiring for so long is finally here. And I'm like, Hmm. My subconscious is like, well, well, well, How can we. Fuck this one up, you know, how can we self-sabotage how can we do all these things? And in this journey of the last like year of. As talking and dating and being together. I like I said, I realize the cycles. And where I would get stuck. I also, not only did I start looking for like, what was wrong or what could go wrong and what parts of him. I maybe be like I was missing or not seeing, because of course at the beginning of any relationship, everything is so beautiful. But we also had gotten into a lot of deep talks. I asked a lot of questions. I mean, you know, we both asked a lot of questions because we knew we didn't want the same as before. And so. When I caught myself, not only did I interrupt the pattern in those thought processes, I also asked myself. Oh, that's where I was earlier in the train of thought. I forgot where I was going. I asked myself what about this is actually true. When. We have men, they come into our lives that are everything we want, you know, there's so many times that you hear women be like, oh, he was a nice guy, but I just, oh, he was too nice. What that really means is that he was giving you everything you wanted. Emotionally safety, consistency, all the things, but you couldn't emotionally hold it. So you repelled it. You've pushed it away. Because you were still in want and need it's it wasn't aligned to your true desires because you still had some lessons to learn. Probably you still have to kiss some frogs since he got you to your prince. So we will, self-sabotage in so many ways, some of them is overthinking like I was doing and trying to find flaws another way. And I caught myself, like there was days I felt maybe like a disconnect. We were doing long distance and we're so good about connecting and talking and even voicing when we're not like, Hey, I'm extra needy today. I need you more. I need more attention. Whatever, but there was, there was a time earlier, especially where I felt a little bit of disconnect here and there. And I caught myself wanting to. And so let me, let me get down to, so I had to sit with it and be like, what am I feeling right now? His actions are still consistent. He's still texting me the same. Why am I, why am I feeling this way? Bring it back to me. I'm feeling I'm feeling a little unsafe somehow. There's something about. Maybe like the text was a little drier. He was a little shorter. He was a little busier today. So it's making me feel unsafe in some way, shape or form. But before I got there. My initial reaction was, well, let me be cold and like be like dismissive through text messages so that I can get the attention that I want. We will go. So many directions to get to feeling good. And if we're not used to feeling safe, feeling love, feeling validated, feeling cared for, and all we've ever had is drama and bullshit before we will find ways to create the drama. So I caught myself. I don't think I ever really acted on it, but I caught myself wanting to make him feel as unsafe as I felt. In order to get more attention. If you do this, like, I don't want you to feel super hard on yourself because we all do it. We all, to our core, just want to feel safe. And loved. And in relationships we are the most vulnerable or open. The most to being hurt, to being, you know, seen, to being all these parts of ourselves that we truly don't even, maybe even like about ourselves are very conscious of in ourselves. All of these things. So. I had to sit with them and be like, whoa. Okay. No, let me actually lean into this and let me actually, let me give him a little extra love today. He's probably busy. Let me change the narrative. Change the perspective. He's probably a little busy today and I'm going to tell him how proud I am of him, because you know what I am. I fucking love him. I love the way he shows up every day has work ethic. I'm going to tell him, babe, just thinking of you just want to let you know, I'm so proud of you. You worked so hard. The rest of the day, the attention that I got poured back into me was amazing. And so when we're able to interrupt us, instead of acting on feeling unsafe, we're able to hold and we're start expanding our capacity. To hold the love that we truly want. Or. Uh, like I said, I'm going to use love and my relationship as an example here, or the money we want or the job we want or whatever the car that we've always dreamed of, we have to start interrupting, have that self-awareness interrupted. And go the opposite that we've ever. Whatever we've done before, do the opposite. And so. Another reason we do this is because we don't feel worthy. Right? There's been times in this relationship as well, where it teaches over given me like more than any man has, like not only. With attention, love, but also gifts and things and trips. And I'm like, oh my gosh. Am I worthy of this? Like I almost feel like I know I need, I need to pay for something. I need to show him that I can provide for myself. And I've got me in that. I'm worthy so I can buy him something. We need to truly believe that we are worthy of receiving because of not again, we will push and self-sabotage. Men feel that energy. If they give to you because they're givers like they're givers, just as much as we are, but in a different way. They're givers with actions, with things with leading. With providing there they're givers that way. If we start giving that. I don't know about this. Um, I don't feel worthy or we're not open receptive, and we're not in that energy of like, oh my gosh, that felt so nice. Thank you so much. They will stop doing it. Just like you would write if you're like constantly giving him attention and he's kind of like repelling you or moving away or pushing you away. Energetically, you're going to be like, well, I'm going to stop giving him attention because neither party wants to feel unsafe or not appreciated or on valley or undervalued in the relationship. And I'm not gonna talk about money here because this isn't a podcast about money, but we do this with money as well. And I've noticed myself having the same patterns that I've had in love. In money, like. I would have money coming in and then I would be like, well, let me go spend it. Like, it doesn't feel safe sitting in my bank account, so I just need to go spend it. Because I just don't feel safe sitting there, you know, like there's things. If you start really catching your patterns, And so. I want you to get really clear on what it is that you want first. I mean, sorry. I want to get really clear on what it is or. Truly desire first. Do you desire a man that does X, Y, and Z, that is loving, that's caring. It provides. That is there for you that spiritual, that, whatever it is that you want, do you want a. Relationship with money that is expansive, that it's abundant, or do you feel okay having, just making a little bit more. I, I can truly tell you. That the purpose of holding the energy of things that you want is never to push it too far where you fuck it all up. There's I truly believe there's only so much we can handle emotionally. Energetically physically and every way. So if you never go to the gym, Physically, you shouldn't go run a marathon or try to do 3000 squats in one day. Same thing with emotions. If you've been avoiding your emotions forever, I wouldn't recommend going into a hypnotherapy session for your first time talking about your emotions. We can go zero to a hundred. The point of holding more is to do it. Progressively and. With time a lot, like within certain periods of time, again, coming from somebody that's been extreme in the past, the reason I've grown and evolved so fast in my life and especially the last few years is because. I've done this. I've like pushed myself so much. To the point where I fuck things up, right. I've like, I've gone too far. I've. I said to myself, you know, I'm going to quit my job, which I did two years ago to work on my Amazon business. Full-time I didn't feel safe. That was not expansive for me or it wasn't stretching me. It like stretched me and it broke me because at the same time, I decided to start really going deeper into my emotions, my past. And healing my child, my inner child. So I had two big stressors in my life where I felt unsafe in two big areas emotionally. And energetically and financially and all the ways. And I fuck things up. I, in my relationship that I was in, I started emotionally watt needing him. I started emotionally, depending on him, because at that point I felt so depleted. And so when I'm telling you this, I want you to ask yourself, what do you truly desire? And how can I start expanding my capacity to hold more? In a slow way. I work full-time I think I've talked about it, honestly. Reformed my daytime job is commercial insurance. I love my job. I makes me good money. It helps me feel safe and supported. And so I coach. Still on the side and eventually full time, I'll be able to do a both full-time. And one day, maybe I will just coach a hundred percent full-time but I know now. Because of trial and error. And bursting my own rubber band, a few times that I need to feel safe in order to achieve what I truly desire and my true, what I truly want. And find ways that you feel safe enough for you to hold. Energetically what you want or you desire because once it gets there, You're going to, you're going to reassess. So let's say that you've been working towards getting a license for something, and you're going to start a new career. Once you get there, right? There's a certain like goal. You're like, I'm going to make like a hundred grand a year. This is going to be a great. Career move. It's going to expand me. It's going to be amazing. There's not only going to be challenges getting there because that's how every growth opportunity is. Every time we expand to a new iteration of yourself, there's going to be growth and expansiveness, but then when you get there and you're making the a hundred thousand dollars a year, How can you hold that energy? Are you going to self sabotage or you're going to feel unworthy or are you going to feel like a total scam? Like you shouldn't be making this much money. You're not worthy of it. Have enough awareness to know when you start getting into those patterns, the self-sabotage will come in as like procrastination. As not doing what you say you want not do not actually going for what you say you want. Because at times I writer because of excuses or a lot of us, what we do is that we delay things. We say, oh, when I have this, then I'll do this energetically that doesn't work. And energetically and energetics everything's either in or out energetics doesn't know, stop and go. Energetics is like, Like the cars moving has no brakes. It's just going or it completely stopped. That's all there is. And in life, the beauty of it is being able to never really come to a complete stop. But allow yourself to go five miles an hour or a hundred miles an hour. If you need to, depending on your capacity and how much you're willing to grow and how much you've grown yourself, not the way that somebody else is doing it because they had success and they quit their jobs. And. Oh, that person, you know, got married within three months. That felt safe. That felt good to them. Doesn't mean it's going to feel good to you. So learning to energetically, hold that car that doesn't stop moving. Because stopping and going and saying. Okay, well, I want this, so I'm going to, I'm going to go five miles an hour because this feels safe. Oh. Oh. I hit a bump. Let me stop the car. I hit a bump. I stopped the car. This feels unsafe. This feels unsafe. I stopped the car. And, you know, what. I don't feel like driving again. I'm not going to even go five miles an hour until. I can feel safe again. And so once I feel safe, then I'll be able to drive the car again. And so we do that. We start saying, well, you know, once I can pay off my debt, I will. Get out, like move somewhere else. Once I save up$5,000, I'll feel safe enough. To find myself, whatever. Well, once I have six months of being completely single, having fun, mental start dating. Seriously. Guy's life does not work that way. And the reason I'm laughing is because I've done that so many times myself. We create rules and try to control every aspect of our lives. Because we feel unsafe. And any client conversation. I have conversations with girlfriends conversations with myself. This is my family members and TJ and whoever. We will make up things and control things because we want to create a false sense of safety within ourselves. Energetics. Does not work that way. Energetics is just to go or stop there's no, in between. And every time you stop. The flow of life. Every time we don't surrender every time we try to control whatever. Words you want to use because this is what we all do. You stop that flow from coming in, you delay the things that are meant for you. And so you start getting frustrated and you start coming, getting down on yourself, you started doing all these things. And so it's learning that beautiful balance. Like I said, of never stopping the car. You let the car go. As you, you are in that sense, you are in control. How fast or how slow you take the car. But you never stop. And so I'm going to actually keep rambling here for a little longer. Because we do this as women, we're emotional creatures. So now let's, let's flip back to the emotions because of, if emotions get stuck in our physical bodies. We cannot energetically receive what we want and we also will stop the flow of, of life itself. When we feel emotions, we should not act on them. Emotions are there to teach us and. They're there for a beautiful reasons, but they're not there to stop us from accomplishing and being who we want to be. To be honest with you in my life. I work. I'm just going to tell you guys what my day looks like. I wake up at six in the morning. Sometimes five 30 of them stay at my boyfriend's house in Wilmington because he wakes up that early and I can't ever go back to sleep. I go work out. I set the tone for my day. I come back. I do a little bit of makeup, a little bit of hair. I get to work start around eight 30 or so work for two, three hours. Go on a walk, move my body work for another few hours. Come back. Work till like 5, 5 30 and make a commercial insurance job, depending on how long, like what I need to do or not do. I'm pretty flexible. I set my own like time pretty much. And then around 5, 5 30, I take a break for like 30, 40 minutes. Go outside. I mentally switched to cultural and I'm either working on clients' profiles, having a client call recording a podcast, editing the podcast. Creating content for you guys on Instagram. Scheduling content doing something in my coaching business. And so there's times that I work till eight o'clock at night. And I will do this Monday through Friday. And Saturdays like today I'm recording as a Saturday. I will work. I don't know, four or five hours after I work out and I take care of myself and I do all these things. If I. Weighted or only did any of these things when I felt good. And a hundred percent myself and a hundred percent on point in my energy was great and everything was perfect. I wouldn't have a podcast. You guys would see me on social media, maybe three times a month. And I mean, I wouldn't even be able to make money in my commercial insurance don't ever make any sales. I wouldn't be able to make six figures. It would not be a six-figure job. And so. We have to condition ourselves to know that emotions are temporary. And like I said, you don't stop the car. And so when I'm not feeling a hundred percent, to be honest, I maybe have like one solid week, the whole month where I'm like, whoa, I am on fire. I am on top of stuff. Like my energy is amazing and it's great. Uh, other than that, because we're women. My energy flows, especially in about time in the month, that cycle. Guess what? During my cycle, I don't stop at all. I don't say, you know what? I'm on my cycle. I'm just not going to show up at all. No, I show up at an a different way. I don't let what I'm feeling emotionally or physically. Stop me. But you don't stop. And. There's been like these extremes of, well, we're either going to just tend to ourselves and not work. And you know what. We're just not going to make money or have ambition or have goals, or, you know, the other extreme is where people are like wake up at 5:00 AM, read three books by 7:00 AM and. Drink three protein shakes and burn yourself out. There's beautiful balance. I promise you there's a balance and that balance you are the only one that can create that balance. That works well for you. And so the week that I am on fire, which is usually after my period, and I'm about to start that week now. I do the most work. I set my, I set myself up for success. I do the things that I know are going to take a lot of mental capacity for me and I work on those things and I do those things. I have better workouts, harder workouts, more intense workouts. Sometimes I work out twice that week. Try two times a day that week. And then the week of my cycle. I will relax more. Most likely not work out are only going to walk. I create content that's more intuitive and that feels good for me. I get into my creative genius. I get into my zone of genius and I just create things and I feel, and I put that out there and that's, that's my feeler, right? That's my feeler stuff. And you have to figure out what works for you and what doesn't. And in my commercial job, I know what needs to get done. That's like on autopilot, I know what needs to get out of every single day and I'll take breaks the days that I need breaks or that I I'm overwhelmed the days are my mine's not that sharp. Even now, as I'm talking, I'm doing a gut detox. I just got out of my cycle. It's not that sharp. I honestly, it was like, oh my gosh, how am I going to sit down and record a podcast? And I was like, Maria, come on. You know exactly how you're going to do it because you don't stop the car from moving. We don't stop the car. I could not say. You know, I'm just not going to record today. No, I'm going to record and whether this is the most. Enlightening message that comes through for you guys or not. I said I was going to do something and I'm going to do it. You don't stop the flow. You don't say well, when I feel good, I'll record that episode or when I feel good up. I record that real. No, you do it. And the days that you feel a little less than you do a little lesson, but you still do it. You don't stop doing the things that are going to propel you and move you forward. You just do them at different capacities. And so the, that week where I'm killing it in life. That's where I expand myself a little more. I listened to more teachings. I pushed myself Mino TJ, and I might have more of an intense conversation about our future or more of like a creative, like what can we do? What can we envision? Right. We have to expand our capacity for things. And only you have the answers to what that looks like, but. Don't go the opposite way, where you expand too much, because then you're going to break it. Right. You're going to break. Uh, muscle or you're gonna break it. You're going to, if you go to the gym and you never go to the gym, you're going to be sore. You're going to break a muscle and then you're going to take longer to recover and go back. So don't push yourself to the point of breaking yourself or where it's too much. Know your limits. Be insightful. Be intuitive. And listen to yourself, know where your energy goes and where it flows and figure out what you truly desire. I'm going to bring it back to the beginning of this podcast, where I said, what you truly desires? Was it aligned to your soul? And when you act based on what's aligned to your soul, you will find your purpose. You'll find your voice. You'll find motivation, inspiration, even on the days that you don't feel like it. And that's all ended with that. I'll Mike drop right here. And I hope you guys have a beautiful week and thank you so much for listening. If you're new here. Welcome. And if you been listening to me for the last year, almost, it's going to be a year next week, where I've had this podcast. I am so, so grateful for you. Thank you so much. Please leave a review if you haven't yet. And please, please share this podcast with other people that you feel like might need it. Or that you want to share this with, because I love speaking to more of you and please contact DME on social media. I love having conversations with you guys answering any questions that you have. This is my true passions is my true purpose in life. And I am here. Not for money, obviously, because I still have my full-time job, but because I love it. And because it fuels me, you guys feel me. I feel myself sitting here. And letting you know what I've taken away from my own life experiences that at some point felt really dark. And I never knew. What there were four. And I remember feeling like, why would life do this to me? Why would God do this to me? And now I know he never did it for, he never did it to me. He did it for me. And thanks to him. I am. Who I am today. I've met this amazing man that's in my life and I am living in my purpose. I feel the most fulfilled that I've ever felt as a human being. And it's all because of the experiences that I had that felt so suffocating at some point. So if you're listening to this. You can create the life and curate and craft the life that you truly want. You just have to believe it and just don't stop moving that car. Talk to you guys next week.